Lost 60, Gained 100 - Seeking Fat Acceptance / SJW Friends.

Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
Hello! I'm reintroducing myself after a long hiatus from this website. Years ago, I was very active here. I lost over 60lbs! However, due to depression and chronic illness, I left. My lifestyle changed in a negative way when I left, and I gained around 100lbs due to that and medication (Abilify and Cymbalta are notorious).

Now I've decided to come back. My main focus is health, with the secondary focus of weight reduction. :) My current weight is around 330lbs (I do not own a scale).

I'd like to add supportive and active new friends, hopefully who are similar to myself in size, goals, or interests!

I'm a queer AFAB gender non-binary person (female pronouns are fine with me). I love video games, especially Second Life. I enjoy anime, and I'm an artist. I'm also a huge supporter of fat acceptance and social justice. I suffer from PCOS and CEBV (Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus), as well as treatment-resistant major depression, and anxiety bordering on agoraphobia.

Note: I request that people who post any ED-triggering or offensive statuses or message board posts refrain from adding me. <3 I will try my very best to not post any triggering statuses either.

Thanks, and it's good to be back! <3


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Welcome back! I support you in the twin goals of body positivity and weight reduction.