Do guys use MFP to try and hit on women?
Bit random this I know but its something I've noticed. The auto messages that are posted, say for instance under your calorie allowance for the day, If its a guy no one gives a fk, a female "Oh wow amazing" "Great work" etc etc with a load of likes mostly from guys. Female loses 1lb same thing "Wow great work" etc, guy…
Anyone tried Feeder Training for a weak body part?
Seems to good to be true to be honest. Have you tried it?
Could the average joe pull this off in 8 weeks?
So I came across this article today. https://www.menshealth.com.au/james-stewart-home-and-away-weight-loss-transformation This is James Stewart an Australian soap star. I have the same sort of build as this guy a "dad bod" I am lighter at 78kg but higher BF at 18% and also younger at 37. I have just started cutting again…
Whats the effect of junk food on body fat even if you're in a deficit?
This was something I never considered. I'll admit I never ate 100% clean, probably about 70/30, However I did factor in them peanut butter cups, take aways, Pringles or whatever other junk I ate, I remained in a deficit and lost weight however my body fat remained high. Is it really important to eat 100% clean if you want…
Hitting each body part twice per week?
So we know hitting each body part twice per week is more beneficial than once per week. So say for instance triceps, say I hit them on Monday with tricep extensions which are an isolation exercise, I then did bench press on Thursday which although mainly targets chest is also a compound exercise and draws in the triceps…
Query about recomp?
Been doing a bit of reading about recomp, first rule seems to be slight surplus on training days, deficit on rest days. Now my issue is I do PPL 6 days per week. So how would I get around that? Just 1 day in a deficit seems pointless.
App for comparing photos?
I'm at the stage now where I'm not so worried by number on a scale but rather by progress photos, Is there a decent app for iPhone or Windows 10 that lets you compare side by side pics?
I'm struggling to gain any size?
Frustrated with this folks, I can't seem to gain any major size. I'm 173lbs, 6ft Tall. I do have a bit of belly fat and around my chest but the rest of me is small. I do have definition around arms, lats and all the rest but they are small and fine. I am increasing calories week by week slowly since I started my bulk in…
I don't look the weight I am?
Can anyone tell me why this would be as its something I've always had an issue with. I'm 6ft 173lbs. Having a conversation with a work colleague during the week and he said he weighed himself the previous night and he was 177lbs. Now the guy is roughly 5'5 or. He doesn't work out or anything and just looks average, I'd say…
I'm just getting fat again
Right folks need some advice here. Few years back went on a big cut. I tracked all my measurements in jefit and I'd forgot about them until today. It's been a year since I last logged so thought I'd compare and its not great. I have been lifting weights constantly during the past year so my numbers should be different…
Should I / Do You Pay attention to Fitbit Calories?
If I look at what I've done today. Goal: 1500 Food: 1687 Exercise: 1528 I am an active person, today I have clocked up 22,252 steps and burned 200 calories lifting weights but I am wondering how much attention I should pay to this? Should I just stick to my goal and ignore the rest? I mean going by the Exercise I've almost…
Scales have finally moved but its slowwww.
I originally lost 60lbs, I maintained that for over a year, at Christmas I gained 6lbs. People kept saying it was water weight, I'd loss it quickly. Just this week I have lost 1lb since, thats with religiously tracking everything and eating 1500 cals per day. I don't recall weightloss being this slow previously thats with…
Feeling cold all the time?
Winter has been a nightmare for me, I constantly seem to feel cold. I go to work with a body warmer, coat, jumper, t-shirt and thermal vest and I'm still cold. Even in Summer I never really be warm enough for a T-Shirt. My feet are the worst, they constantly feel like 2 blocks of ice. Does anyone else suffer this?
3 weeks into January and not 1 lb dropped?
I am wondering if anyone else is like this or am I an oddball. Before someone says I'm not tracking correctly I've been down this road before, lost 60lbs previously and kept it off so know how to track. This is more about my body not getting the memo of needing to drop weight. During my first weight loss I also started in…
I've come to the conclusion I can't have a treat or cheat meal?
I've been stuck in this cycle for ages now. Do great all week then undo all my hard work on the weekends. I have a cheat meal on a Saturday night but that triggers a binge that ends on Monday and the cycle continues. I guess I have an addictive personality. I do the same with beer, can't have 1 and be done I have to get…
Working out Bodyfat?
Need some advice here folks. I am trying to work of BF % rather that focusing on a number on the scales. Calipers I can't use, never have been sure how much damn fat to grab. But using things like US Navy Caluclators. I come in at around 13% BF. I'm 5'11 175lbs 11.5 Neck 28 waist 28 hips Comes in at 13% bf. Now the…
January blues when foods your usual go to?
Is it just me that hates January? After the big build-up of the holidays here we are at the other side, the weathers crap, its always dark and there is nothing to look forward to for months. I've felt a sort of sadness ever since the New Year, and my usual pick me up is food, and usually the unhealthier the better.…
Grr my weight keeps going up?
After some advice here as I'm feeling frustrated. On 22nd December I was 77.4kg. I moved very little over Xmas and New Years and ate quite a bit. On 2nd Jan I was 79.7kg. A gain of 5-6lbs. On 2nd it was back to work where I average 17000 steps per day, I was also back to the gym and lifting weights, I've lifted 4 times…
5lbs on over the holidays, How long will it take to lose?
On 22nd December I was 77.4kg, On Jan 2nd 79.7 a weight gain of 5lbs. Since then I have been in a deficit eating 1500 cals per day, I weighed myself this morning 5th Jan and I am still 79.7kg People say a lot of post-Christmas weight gain is fluid retention? Is this true? If so how long will it take to drop 5lbs again?
Start again now or in New Year?
After some advice folks, I've ate eat clean all year, I weigh and track everything to keep my weight under control. Like most folks I let myself go a bit over Christmas and kind of feel a bit guilty now. The house is still packed full of Christmas treats and I'm not back to work until 5th Jan but as I say I feel a bit…
How do I go about getting bigger?
After some advice here folks. I'm at the stage now where I can start to see my abs, I am in pretty good shape for 2 years lifting and considering I was 230lbs down to 170lbs at 6ft tall. However, although I am in fairly good shape I am small. Take my arms for example, I wear a small fitbit bit, I am on the 3rd hole, my 13…
I’m no longer motivated???
I started my weight loss journey Jan 16. I tracked everything religiously and ate clean, I lifted weights 4-5 times per week. My reward was a loss of around 60lbs. For the most part I’m still the same weight luckily but from the start of the summer I’ve really let slip. That initial enthusiasm I had has gone and just last…
I've fallen off the wagon bigtime??
This summer has really screwed me guys and I'm not sure how to get the motivation to get back on track. 18 months or so before July I counted every single thing that passed my lips, I lifted weights 5-6 times per week, was careful with my macros etc and I lost 60lbs or so. I guess I am lucky that over the entire summer…
Getting over a "cheat week"?
So I was on holidays last week. To say I cheated was an understatement. I ate everything in site, ate out most nights with some sort of fast food. Ice cream, chocolate you name it I ate it. I'm to scared to even look at the scales, my only saving grace was I did continue my weight lifting program during this week long…
Why am I gaining weight so quickly?
Need some advice here guys. 2 weeks ago I was 76.9KG today 78.9kg. The plan was to up calories slightly, I had always eaten in a slight deficit for this past year or so. Anyway my TDEE is almost 2500. I haven't even got close to hitting that yet, I'm floating around 2200 max by the time you factor in my weekend takeaway…
I've come to conclusion cutting is not the answer for me for skinny fat
This skinny fat dilemma has been a real PITA for me. I seem to be going around in circles getting nowhere only a smaller version of myself with the same composition. Every 6 months or so I check in here with the same issues. 230lbs to 170lbs, I then went to 160lbs a year later and it made no difference, I've been as low as…
The fear of getting fat again?
I'm sure a few have been through this on here and would like some advice. I've been fat all my life, even as a child, its only now at 35 I am thin after a big cut last year. The issue is in order to build any serious muscle I'm gonna have to eat more but I am scared $hitless of getting fat again and its preventing me. I…
My motivation is really starting to die.
Hi all I'm after some advice or even inspiration. I started my diet January 2016, today I hit a 420 day streak tracking. But my issue is my motivation is starting to die. I lost 30kg taking me to 77kg now and while it was a great result I guess but I'm not happy, The weight loss was easy to do and I've maintained for…
Maintaining weight but getting slimmer?
I've been maintaining for months at 77kg however I have noticed myself getting slimmer and others are commenting that I am getting too thin, I do work out 4-5 times per week so could this be body fat dropping? I have callipers but can't use them, its the only thing I can think off?
Why is my lower body so much stronger than upper?
My lower body is still progressing after 14 months of lifting while the upper body stalled 6 months ago. My lifts are all out of proportion. For example 1RM Lower Squat - 130KG Deadlift 120KG Upper BP 55kg OHP 40kg Anything to do with my legs is strong and getting stronger while the upper seems like a lost cause.