I'm gaining weight to quickly at 2000 kcals per day?
I'm 6ft, 175lbs. I went on a major cut last year, this year I have been gradually raising calories to build muscle. This week the goal 2000 kcals, now I'm fairly active and lift 4 times per week, 2000 should be the start of my maintenance, last week I was on 1800 and weighed 76.6kg, that's an average over the week, this…
Weighing chicken breast fillets?
I buy cheap frozen fillets, when frozen a fillet might weigh 300 grams, when thawed however it's down to 270 grams, which do I use? And well cooked that 300 gram fillet could be less than 200 it has so much water pumped into it.
Weighing home made burgers?
Curious about this. I was making home made Turkey burgers, so I get my little burger press, put it on the scales, add the mince meat and made it at 125g. I put it in the George Foreman but when it came out it weighed only 80g. So the question is what weight do I go by for tracking? The before weight or after weight?
8lbs on over Christmas?
So imagine that, I have managed to put on 8lbs in 2 weeks. Is that even possible or will most of that be water? I did so well Christmas day but the week between Christmas and New Years day I managed to graze on everything in site, no restraint was shown if I'm honest. Back on track today though so all is good.
2017 is all about getting body fat percentage down. Where do I start?
A lot will know my story of 2016, it was all about losing weight and I managed to drop 60lb which was more than I planned but i am happy with my weight of 76kg 183cm. What I'm not happy with is body fat percentage of 23%. My goal for 2017 is 10-15% body fat with a good percentage of lean mass. I lifted all year but being…
How do you guys cope over the holiday season?
The holiday season is almost upon us with Thanks Giving for you guys in the US & Canada and then Xmas. So my question is how do you guys cope? This will be my first holiday season since my weight loss. I'm wondering what I should expect? For me I have no problem saying no, I've had various parties through out the year…
Getting fed up with clean eating?
I started my weigh loss journey in December 2015. Since then I've ate clean 90% of the time and been rewarded with a 60 lb weight loss. I don't know if others are like this but I can eat pretty much anything whether I like it or not and well most of what I eat I'm not exactly fussed on and the novelty has really started to…
Anyone else feel cold all the time after weight loss?
I am really noticing this now as winter approaches. The average day time outside temp here is around 10c / 50f although in our old concrete work building with no heating its could be around 7c / 44f. I am freezing all the time. I stand with a fleece jacket on, jumper, t-shirt and thermal vest and I am still cold while some…
I'm still losing weight?
I decided to take your advice and stop dieting and try and build some muscle. My TDEE is around 2300 cals which I am eating close to but the weight is still dropping. I am trying to do it clean so as not to gain a lot of fat and keeping my macros around 35% Protein/Carbs and 30% fat but as I stay I am still dropping…
Back on the diet and the weights not shifting
A week ago today I decided to go back on the diet because although I am in a healthy BMI I am whats called skinny fat so the solution is to go right down to skeleton like, my arms and legs are there its just the belly. I was previously on my diet from Jan - June and lost 60lbs, I took the summer off and ate at maintenance.…
Gaining weight is harder than I thought, any tips?
I came off a big diet, got my weight down to where I wanted so I could build some muscle. I am 6ft 170lbs, I am eating around 2300 cals per day and my weight hasn't budged, I am finding it harder to eat much more to be honest, my protein intake is minimum 140g per day carbs also fairly high and I try to keep fats around…
Working out when you have a cold?
So cold and flu season is upon us again and like clockwork I have a cold. Yesterday it started off with a sore throat, I worked out anyway with no problem, today however its in full swing with running nose, sneezing cold shivers. I am wondering should I even attempt it tonight or leave it until the cold has gone, although…
Coconut oil?
I got a tub of this free once with my protein powder. I am unsure really what to do with it. I fried Spinach in it once and it was foul. I hear of people putting this in coffee??? What exactly do I do with coconut oil? Does it really help move fat?
Getting fed up with the "You've lost to much weight comments"
Does anyone else get this? Its all getting a bit sickening now. The problem is the folks saying it don't realise they are overweight.
Grr struggling with weekend binges?
After some advice here. During the week my diet and clean eating is perfect, I eat 1500 cals during the week and stick to this fine. Come the weekend I still clean eat in as much as I have my oats and salad, chicken turkey etc but I also have binges on junk. Take today, I ate a big bag of M&Ms, now the bag says 4 servings,…
To build muscle how much weight do I have to be lifting?
To be honest I am not sure where I am going wrong, yes I shouldn't compare myself to others but its so obvious that I am doing something wrong. How much weight do I have to be lifting to build muscle? As I have said before I started lifting in January and also my diet, lost 60lbs or so but being on a diet I only got so far…
Any have problems with insomnia and dieting?
I started my diet again this week and at the same time I have had insomnia. Last night for example, went to bed at 10pm fell asleep straight away but woke up at 10.30 pm and wasn't able to fall over until midnight, I then woke this morning at 4am and have been awake since. This has happened all week, I'm not sure why as I…
Low weight high rep is a killer?
So I decided to change my workout style, Previously I had been lifting to build strength with high weight low rep, well the strength came but the muscle didn't so decided to switch it up. Today Bench Press 12 rep x 5 sets Ez Bar Tricep Extensions 12 x 5 Dumbbell Hammer Curls 12 x 5 Firstly I almost had to half the weight I…
"You look great but wouldn't need to lose any more weight"
I've had this a lot recently from family. I was at a family wedding yesterday with relatives I've not seen in years and I got told this a couple of times. Now here is the problem, I lost 50lbs, it takes me to 176lbs at 6ft tall, I suppose I do look rather trim however I am still fat, My body fat percentage is at least 22%,…
Struggling with body fat percentage?
I lost 50lbs however I haven't really benefited as my body fat percentage is still high, 17-18% so I look not fat but skinny fat, all of the weight is around my belly chest, my arms for example are now so thin the veins are showing, same with legs, but as I say the belly and chest / man boobs make me still look fat. I work…
The weight is not going on?
I came off a big 50lbs cut last month. The goal was to go slightly above maintenance to build some muscle, well its not happening. I was on vacation last week and didn't track too well as I was eating so much junk that couldn't be tracked. I have beers, several McDonalds, cooked breakfasts, Chinese takeaways, you name it I…
End of cut now building muscle?
I'm at the end of a 6 month cut, I have been lifting during them 6 months but I lost a lot of muscle and strength so the plan now is to build some muscle but I want to get it right and not gain fat. So my plan is to up to maintenance from 1500 by increasing 100 cals per week until I reach maintenance which is supposedly…
So up,d my calories but weight is also going up
At the weekend I went back to maintaining which for me is 2100 calories. I had been on 1500 for 6 months. On Friday I was 79kg. This morning 81kg. I went up gradually and today am eating 1700 calories. Why is thus happening. And before some questions my tracking check my diary if you can I track everthing,you don't loss…
Weighing pasta/spaghetti?
Do you weigh before or after cooking? I ask because 100g of wholemeal pasta ends up almost 200g after boiling.
Struggling to come off diet?
Not something you usually hear, been on my diet since January, I've been trying to up cal's but it's a struggle, my desire for eating is not there. Today for example I completed my diary at 1200 cals, dinner was 2 piece's of Turkey bacon at 50 cal's. A complete turn around for a guy who lived on chocolate and anything deep…
Why am I still fat?
I'm not over weight because I am in a normal BMI however when I look in the mirror I see fat, double chin still there, man boobs still there, I'm 6ft 180 lbs. People keep telling me I can stop my diet anytime as I have lost 50lbs and I am starting to look under weight and it doesn't suit me but I don't see it, yes may be I…
How can some people eat so much junk and gain no weight?
How exactly does this work? I have lost quite a lot of weight in this past 6 months, over 3 stone. But even when at my fattest I never ate as much as 1 little skinny guy I work with. I am eating 1500 cals per day at the moment, this is one meal I count over 1000 cals roughly in 1 meal. For lunch he a burger and several…
Can never decide on a cheat meal I fancy??
Anyone else have this issue, Saturday I have my cheat meal, the issue is I can never think of anything I fancy. I live on brown rice, chicken, turkey, salad etc all week so I look forward to a change from the same old same old, but when it comes to it as I say I can never decided, last week I just gave up wrecking my head…
Goal achieved but do I keep cutting?
So my goal was 83kg / 183 lbs from 106kg / 233 lbs in January and today I hit my goal. I am now at a health BMI for the first time in my adult life. Now the issue I have is I'm not sure if 83kg was enough. I still have some flabby skin around my belly just hanging there. My plan was drop the flab and hit the weights, I…
Weighing potatoes?
Since I started my diet Potatoes are a rare sort of thing for me. When I do have them the way I used to weigh them was when the entire family was having them I'd lift out a couple of scoops of mashed potatoes out of the pot, put them on my scales and 2 scoops comes to around 130 grams depending on the variety of potato.…