2017 is all about getting body fat percentage down. Where do I start?

A lot will know my story of 2016, it was all about losing weight and I managed to drop 60lb which was more than I planned but i am happy with my weight of 76kg 183cm.

What I'm not happy with is body fat percentage of 23%. My goal for 2017 is 10-15% body fat with a good percentage of lean mass.

I lifted all year but being in a deficit gained no muscle. I'm currently doing the Fierce 5 routine 4-5 times per week. I never did any cardio last year but am thinking about adding some static bike HIIT 4 times per week.

Any other advice for maintaining my same weight but getting a lower BF percentage?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I will echo the advice to follow a program as written. Eat sensibly. No huge weekday deficit followed by weekend blowouts. Do cardio that you enjoy. Be patient.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Um you can't.. You'd have to gain a significant amount of muscle. You're looking to make a drop of over 10% in body fat. You'll still need to lose a significant amount of fat while lifting progressively at a mild deficit to give your body the ability to build muscle. Which is quiet possible for a newbie with extra stored energy. Same as everyone else. Patience. Just think though. Depending on your weight that could be 20lbs of fat to 40lbs in that extra 10%. Any added muscle will not be visible through that, so in the end you will still need to reduce your body fat.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Wasn't the issue from this year that you had a massive deficit while cutting, meaning you were losing any gains that way?
  • irishshorti
    irishshorti Posts: 3 Member
    I'll third (or fourth) that you should do your program as prescribed. Muscles are not "built" while you workout, but while you rest. Do your weightlifting 3x a week and take recovery seriously. If you want to supplement that with anything, use LISS -- Low Intensity Steady State -- on recovery days so they become "active recovery" day. On LISS days you don't want your heart rate to go above 60-70%. The goal is to get moving but without adding stress to your body. You really do want to let your muscles recover before weightlifting, otherwise they will not grow.
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    1. You want your weight to stay the same which means you need to "replace" fat with muscle
    2. You can't TURN fat to muscle; they're 2 completely different things
    3. You can't gain muscle without eating a surplus (more cals in than out) and you'll add a little fat along with the muscle.

    1. Start by cutting. Reduced calories, emphasis on cardio, get below your current/ideal weight.
    2. Then add that weight back through increased calories, reduced cardio, increased weight training.

    1. I suggested cutting first then gaining because vice versa is tough mentally. If you gain first then cut, you'll stray a lot farther than your target weight and it plays games with your head.
    2. This is going to take a while. Set realistic goals and time frames. i.e. cut for 8-12 weeks, gain for the same, repeat.
    3. When "bulking" keep in mind that LEAN weight is what you want. Don't use this as an excuse to eat whatever you want.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys, yes I am a bit keen with my training I guess, I just feel I should be doing more ya know.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Wasn't the issue from this year that you had a massive deficit while cutting, meaning you were losing any gains that way?

    Yeah went about it wrong, These newbie gains you have went lifting well I never had any because of my deficit and 12 months in now I think I can pretty much forget about them.