Any CCRGs?
I am leaving beautiful, but cramped and over priced San Diego for the chilly east coast in April of 2014. Baltimore, MD to be exact and I couldn't be happier. My sister and niece moved there about 6 weeks ago. I've been wanting out of So Cal for years, but didn't want to leave my family behind. So, I feel that them moving…
Frustrated with...EVERYTHING!!
To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes. I'm discouraged and feeling down about this choice. Almost to the point that…
How do you kick start the weight loss?!?!?!?
After a million and one attempts, I finally started my weight loss challenge. Again. I've been at it for about 2 weeks with having to take last weekend off for other things. I've been living at the gym outside of work. Cardio and I are quickly becoming BFFs. And in about 2 weeks I am going to start adding some weight…
Walker/Moderate hiker wanted.
Hey there! I live in the La Mesa area and I'd love to find someone fairly close by that would be willing to meet up for walking/moderate hiking (maybe more vigerous without my dog) at either Mission Trails or Lake Murray. If you're interested, let me know. You can also msg me.
"Clean Plate" Eater
I've started noticing that I am a "clean plate" kind of eater. I'm not married (yet), I live alone, and money can be tight at times for me and my boyfriend. So, when I order something and I have to spend money on it, I clean the plate, because I don't want to waste it and waste the money I spent on it. I know there are…
Advocare, anyone!?
A couple of my friends started selling Advocare (http://www.advocare.com/) and both have been trying to get me to start it. I'm not sure if they just think I'm easy sell and it's a ploy or if the stuff really does work. Either way, I haven't done it yet. Except a few of my other friends started using the cleanse and the…
Exercise Alternatives
Alright, as I'm sure there are already some posts about this, but I need some alternative exercise ideas. So, far I've been walking and hiking, I just started the Couch to 5k, also. However, I need some either free or inexpensive ideas to helping lose weight. I bought a jump rope and used it once. I guess I can start doing…
Attn: San Diego
I'm looking for someone in the San Diego area (I'm near SDSU) that is interested in getting together for hiking, walks, rollerskating, etc. Holding each other accountable for our progression. I just don't have anyone in my life that has the time to get together or it just isn't their "thing". Hiking with my dog is fun and…
Motivations or lack there of...
Alright, so I'm sure there are a million and one posts about getting the head back into the game. And I'm pretty sure I've even posted a few of those myself. But in all honestly, I don't have it in me. I'm sitting back and watching all these amazing people around shedding the lbs like water off a duck's back and then you…
Eating right on a TIGHT budget...
I need some idea on how to eat healthy on a budget. I live alone and don't need to prepare large helpings. But as we all know, shopping at specialty health food stores tend to drain the wallet. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
Addictied to Soda
Yes, it's a nasty habit and I get a lot grief for it from those that love me who beg for me to quit. But I have an addiction and I will admit to it. An addiction to soda. It's been my one and only downfall since I was a kid. It bubbles that come up and fiz under my nose make me feel funny and giddy. I will go into the…
Grocery Shopping
I'm curious as to what are on most the grocery list of people who are dieting. I am trying to avoid eating out as much and start cooking for myself, but where to start!?!?
Losing the flab under the arms...
I don't mean the flab directly under the arms, but the flab directly under the armpit, on the side of the chest. I'm looking for some sort of exercises that directly work on that area. If you know any, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks! :smile:
Over watering yourself.
I was told recently that if you drink TOO MUCH water, that you can drown. Has anyone else heard this before? If so, how is that possible?
Tummy flattening.
I had a game over the weekend and did rather well. However, after looking at lots of photos of myself and my team, I noticed that my legs and arms are all fairly small, but my when I gained all of my weight a few years ago, it all went into my belly and my face. How do I lose that belly fat? I do cardio. I skate hours upon…
Trouble starting when the double Ss are around.
I'm having a hard time getting started. I mean, I play a sport which makes me practice 3 times a week and then I add some personal, extra practice time in there about 2-3 more times a week. All for either 1.5-3 hours at a time and drinking excessive water during that time. I walk a lot, during lunch, after work with my…