Tummy flattening.

StVal Posts: 91
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I had a game over the weekend and did rather well. However, after looking at lots of photos of myself and my team, I noticed that my legs and arms are all fairly small, but my when I gained all of my weight a few years ago, it all went into my belly and my face. How do I lose that belly fat? I do cardio. I skate hours upon hours a week. I walk 2xs a day. I've cut out the fatty foods, soda, sodium, sugars, etc. What else can I do to get rid of it in a form of an exercise? I was told to lose the fat and then tone it up. But I'm having a hard time losing it. What has helped you?


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    Cardio and Time
  • bates
    bates Posts: 122
    Contrary to many beliefs, fat loss is not spot specific, when you loss weight. Granted when you gain weight you may notice it in some areas more so than others, but in general when you lose body fat its an overall loss not spot reduction specific.
  • Shakes
    Shakes Posts: 54
    I like crunches/ Obliques / and leg flutters:heart: When I used to teach, my students would go crazy cause I could always outdo them....not so much now. But they are still my favorite for seeing results
  • espritbonne
    espritbonne Posts: 12 Member
    An exercise routine on a DVD my daughter gave me for Mother's Day a few years ago. (which I promptly shoved into a drawer back then! :ohwell: ) Found it when we moved recently, and started watching it and doing the "beginner's easiest" routine at first, now I can follow the moves of the "beginner's more difficult" instructor instead. It really focuses on the belly fat area, and motions that "carve it out". At first that made me laugh, because with my 57-year old bellyfat, I thought "carving it out" would be something like me trying to remove plaque from my teeth with a toothpick, you know? ("good luck!") But for me anyway, this workout really works and is starting to produce very encouraging results. They call it "strengthening the powerhouse". It's helping my lower back feel better too, both during the workout, and then I guess because now I don't have such a big belly in front of me pulling on the vertabrae? Not sure. Anyway, I felt the "burn" in my bellyfat area after workouts, but in a really good way, knowing something was starting to happen. Now I'm wearing shorts and jeans I wasn't able to fit into since 1999. I'm also drinking lots of water, and walking 4 miles a day at least 3 days a week now, so the 'calories in /calories out' thing has definitely gotta be a factor. But in my family, and in my husband's, gut fat has been a killer. So this is pretty exciting watching my big belly bulge disolving. I called my daughter just now to see where she got the DVD but she can't remember, except that she ordered it online. It's by a company called "GAIAM" and is called "Pilates beginning mat workout" and the box is white with a navy and green stripe across the top. If they don't make it anymore maybe someone will have it on Craig's list or something? Good luck! Hope this works for you as it did for me, but if not, don't give up! I tried tons of stuff before I found this, and everyone's body chemistry responds to different things, so hang in there, you'll find the right thing for you if you keep searching.
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