looking for tri/weight training buddies
Hey All I have been around for awhile but the last 3 months of my life has been beyond crazy. I have lost 38 lbs and working to finish the last 12 or whatever. Trying to motivate and stick with a program. Anyone on mapmyfitness and here that want to support each other? Stats: 47 female Triathlete (missed my first one this…
Quitting smoking?
So m doing it again...quitting smoking and was wondering who else out there may want to support that? I quit in 2010 and started again in 2011-12. Have big tri goals this year and don't want smoking as part of it. Anyone need support during their non smoking quest as well?
does it exist?
I'm thinking it'd be great if there was a website/app/whatever that would tell me what to eat to fit into my macros :) Does one exist that I know not of????
joint supplements in my 40's?
Ok kids for the past couple of weeks my hips have been very stiff and I was thinking like my old dog I should maybe take some joint supplements. Any advice? I am just gearing up for tri training. :)
Macro Challenge
Well after gaining 10 lbs of lost weight back I started logging again and wow are my macros off. Yesterday was 42% fat/42% carb and 16 protein. Have to stop that!!! So starting today I am working harder at staying within my macros. 40 carb/30 fat/30 protein. Anyone who wants to join us please feel free. You will have to…
2 weeks smoke free and
I so want a cig....not going to have one but really two weeks cold turkey
Morning miracle?
Ok kids I'm a few and far between self help book person but got this the other day on kindle. I get some of it for sure. So who's a miracle morning person?
muscle weighs more than fat?
Ok does a lb of feathers weigh more than a pound of fat?
<<<<show us your four legged friend :)
I see a lot of boxer owners on here. But I love them all. My four legged friends are the coolest b/c then don't talk back. Show me your baby :)
so do you?
read others replys to forum posts prior to replying or after? I read the others after I reply....
friends that bail????
So I have a friend that lives out of state. We go through these periods of time where we text often throughout the day and joke around and just bs. We've been friends for over 22 years. Then all of a sudden the texts will just stop. The periods of time can last from a week to up to years. WTH? I take it like I did…
how do you get off sugar?
So I have realized that I'm a total sugar person. I don't really know when this happened but lately all I want is candy etc. So here it is. I need to get off sugar for a week or longer. How do I do it? Did you go cold turkey? What about natural sugars from fruit? Help me please. Please follow the rule if you don't have…
Nike fuel band, keep it or send it back?
So I ordered one and now that it's been sitting in the box in my dinning room for over a month I'm wondering if it's even worth keeping. I do a fair amount of cycling and I hear it's not very good at logging that. Give it to me straight guys. Should I wrap it up and stick it in the gift closet for Christmas or should I…
what's for dinner?
I'm at a loss and sick of cooking the same old stuff. Please let me know what you're fixing for din din and give me some fresh ideas please. Thanks B
staying positive on race week
Why is it I can finish my practices and feel great and the next day I'm thinking...what can I do to be faster? Should I go practice the hill? Should I go swim yet again? I need to focus on staying positive this week. I'm on track to shave 33 min from my last sprint tri last year. What do y'all do to keep yourself from…
Sweaty Bands? Who has them and what do you think?
I'm thinking about getting some of these. Who has them? Who likes them or doesn't? I just worry b/c headbands can give me a headache or slip off. Help if you have better ideas. :)
anyone starting an 8 week program today?
I'm starting an 8 week training program for my second tri. It will be sprint and I was curious if anyone else is looking to do one in late September like myself? I would love an online training partner to help me keep me going.
cauliflower mash recipe?
Looking for a good one... Do you have one that's not the consistency of baby food? Please and thank you.
fast chicken/white bean/spinach soup
ok you'll love this b/c it took like 15 min. :) Rotisserie chicken (boned and cut up how you like it in soup) 6 cups broth (use low sodium and chicken or veggie if you're skippin chicken) 1 sweet onion diced 1 leek sliced thin 2 slices bacon cut 1.5 cups sliced mushrooms 6 oz cups spinach 4 cloves garlic 1 t paprika 1t…
Nike+ Fuelband???
Who has it? What do you think? Who wants it?
How many friends do you have?
on here I mean. I have 80.
New Rules of Lifing for Women ???
Week 2 of stage 1 and I really don't think the crunches are enough. What do you think? I am doing them with 25lbs of weight. Do you get bored in stage 1? I know it's lame but I miss bicep/tricep stuff.... Do you ever scrape your legs during deadlift?
So when you know your friend is having a hard time do you A) pick up the phone and call them B) facebook them and tell them to call you?
Thanksgiving healthy sides?
Hey All I* thought I'd start this thread and we can see how many healthy sides we can come up with for Thanksgiving. I'm thinking some roasted cauliflower and maybe some roasted green beans with garlic/tomato (fresh) topping. What are some other ideas that y'all have planned?
do you do this too?
I often take care of the needs of my whole family before myself. Craziness. I need to stick with my workouts this week and the next two before my tri. I'm going to work very hard at letting my family take some responsibility and help around the house as I do. What do you suggest to encourage that? I know I'm not alone in…
If you want to turn me on
Do the dishes and clean my house... What turns you on?
don't know how to titile
Do you suffer from martyrdom? I think I may be afflicted. A couple of busy weeks and have missed a couple of workouts and all of a sudden I'm much more aware of how I put everyone first. I have spoken to my family and have reminded them that I will just do it, but need help putting my needs first. I need to work out, I…
Who drinks it? Who's tried it? What do y'all think????