Foods and Beverages That May Cause Depression.
Someone I know who was suffering from depression went to a psychiatrist because she was suffering from depression. The psychiatrist gave her different anti depressions which didn't work. He eventually told her to reduce her intake of sugar, wheat, caffeine and alcohol. My conclusion from this is that excess wheat, sugar,…
Dieting and Exercising
You need to follow a diet and exercise program that works for you and that you are happy with. Mental well being is very important. If you feel like a small piece of chocolate now and again, you should have it, if you feel like one glass of wine with your meal you should have it. It is all about moderation. Life is about…
A Healthy Diet
Breakfast: Big Bowl of oats with milk but no sugar. Snack: 1 fruit Lunch: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans ,eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + salad Snack: 1 fruit Supper: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans, eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + dark green vegetables Drink 2 litres of water a…
Breakfast: Big Bowl of oats with full cream milk but no sugar or Two boiled eggs, an orange and a glass of full cream milk Snack: 1 fruit Lunch: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans ,eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + salad with olive oil Snack: 1 fruit Supper: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black…
Meal Plan
Meal Plan: Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with salad or fruit Or 3 boiled eggs with salad or fruit Or 3 egg omelette with salad or fruit Or 1 cup of oats made with 2 cups of water and half a cup of skimmed milk poured over it with cinnamon. Lunch: soup and salad or a can of tuna and salad or 2 boiled eggs with salad or 1 cup…
Meal Plans
Healthy Meal Plan: Breakfast: Big Bowl of oats with milk but no sugar. Snack: 1 fruit Lunch: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans ,eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + salad Snack: 1 fruit Supper: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans, eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + dark green vegetables Drink…