Charity Runner Friends
Hey everyone, I have been very involved in Team In Training for the last 4 years and would really love to support and chat with others who run for charity fundraisers. So, who else is out there?? Can't wait to meet you.
Help with Garmin Forerunner 305 HRM
Hi! I use my Garmin all the time for running all the time and love it. Today, I finally used the HRM with it for the first time...but I was not running. I did a high intensity interval training program, Turbo Fire. I really wanted to know how many calories I burned but it does not seem to have calculated it! When I link…
Free Workout in Maryland every week
To all Maryland MFP Peeps! I host a free workout every Tuesday here in Columbia, MD! Join us and bring friends! We meet every Tuesday 7pm at The Sheraton Columbia Lakefront on Wincopin Circle across from the Mall. Sign in and say YogaRunner sent you! I look forward to meeting you!
What do you and your spouse/partner struggle with?
I am doing some research into how couples struggle with fitness in their lives together. What kinds of things do you struggle with when it comes to your relationship and fitness/nutrition?
Beachbody Ultimate Reset
I am keeping a video journal of my journey. If you are interested in checking it out, you can follow me on YouTube. My channel there is Coach Risa. I promise to share the good, the bad and the ugly :drinker:
Live in Maryland? Come to a free workout
If any of you live in Maryland, I host a free workout every Monday night at 7pm. Message me if you want info!
Shin Splints
I see a lot of questions about shin splints, especially from new runners. They plagued me when I first started running. So, I wrote an article about them and a way to solve them that worked for me. Feel free to check it out http://muffintopnomore.com/shin-splints-the-simple-solution/ Hope it helps someone.
If there were an app for marriage...
Ok, if there were an app available that could help your marriage, what would it do? (I ask this seriously but know that it will generate humorous things too).
Why do you run?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXqAWjJ_dE&feature=player_embedded It is more than a line on the road and we ARE more than just finishers. I hope this moves you the way it did me.
Fall 2011 Marathon Support Group
Hey everyone, I will be running the Baltimore Half Marathon in mid October and the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October. My motivation to run has always been my Mom and her battle with Multiple Myeloma. She was my honored team mate until July 2010 when she died from complications of her disease. She is with me every…
Me and Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and
The program ChaLEAN Extreme changed my life completely. I had the opportunity this weekend to get my photo taken with Chalene Johnson, the creator, and to hear her speak. She is so inspiring and motivating and full of energy and integrity. Just had to share
Self Tanning Lotions
I just bought Loreal's Sublime Bronze spray after reading a post on here where someone mentions that they love it. Here is hoping I don't end up looking like a striped Oompa Loompa! I'm so perfectly pale that any streak will really show up! Do any of you use this kind of stuff and how does it work for you? Do you put it on…
My LIVE workout with Tony Horton! (photos)
Hi Everyone! I had the pleasure of doing a live workout with Tony Horton, creator of P90X, this past weekend. The energy in the room was amazing, he is amazing and if you need motivation and support this is one of the ways to get it!! Here is a photo of me and two of my friends. I'm on the right. He also signed my copy of…
Fitness Site Scam! Watch Out!
Hi Everyone, I wanted to warn you of a scam that I fell for so that you don't. I was sent a friend request from someone I knew to a site called LiveHealthClub.com I accepted the friend request. This unfortunately allowed them to hack my gmail account. They then sent friend requests to all of my contacts. THEN, they sent…
Turbo Fire - Day 1 Nov 7 2010
Hi Everyone, I am starting a round of Turbo Fire today and would love others to join me, keep one another motivated and accountable. I know there is probably another thread on here of others doing Turbo Fire, but I thought I'd see if anyone is starting it now who would join me here. I hope to blast tons of fat! I had been…
Calling all Marylanders!
Do you Hate Cancer? Do you like Wine and Chocolate? Please join me, your fellow MFP pal, on Saturday July 17th from 6-9pm at Black Ankle Vineyards in Mt Airy Maryland for a fundraiser to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Let's put and end to blood cancer with wine and chocolate!!:drinker: There will be live music,…
Hate Cancer? Like Wine? (If you live in MD, please read!)
Do you want to put an end to cancer? Do you like wine? Do you know people who like wine? If you answer yes to any of these questions, contact me! I am giving away complementary tastings for two at Black Ankle Vineyards in Mt Airy, MD! :drinker: Get one tasting for two people for every $25 you donate to support my…
My transformation after 90 days of ChaLEAN Extreme and Shake
This journey has been great and I am so appreciative of the support I have received from everyone here on MFP! I look forward to continuing my goals! Next is aiming for washboard abs:blushing: Risa
Reducing Cholesterol
I am so excited. My husband had been taking Lipitor for several years due to his cholesterol problems. His doctor allowed him to take a break from the medication because he was having memory problems likely from the meds. His doc told him he had to lose weight and change his diet.Well, he didn't change his eating habits. A…
Another Ingredient in Shakeology - Yakon
Ok, here is more of what I have found in my research into the ingredients in Shakeology. This is no ordinary shake full of fillers and sugar and chemicals. Risa YACON Found in the Andes mountains in Peru, it is known for it's sweet, crisp root tubers (think carrot). The texture and flavor is like a cross between a…
One of the ingredients in Shakeology
Hi Everyone, I have been doing some research on the ingredients in the Shakeology shake I drink each day and would love to share it here and get feedback from others. There have been lots of questions recently about Shakeology and I think knowledge is power. This is no ordinary shake. :drinker: One of the ingredients is…
Sacha Inchi
Hi Everyone, I have been doing some research on the ingredients in the Shakeology shake I drink each day and would love to share it here and get feedback from others. I am just learning about this stuff myself. Hopefully, some of you may have more experience or knowledge than me and can lend additional insight into what I…
Took pants to the tailor
I took two pair of pants to the tailor today to have them made smaller!!! All the pants I own are falling off of me!:drinker:
Hello Everyone!
Hi! I'm fairly new to the site. Discovered the app when I got an ITouch for the holidays and have found MFP VERY helpful. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. Down three so far, then stalled. Learned I need to eat my exercise calories, so now I'm trying that. I'm into Bikram "hot" yoga and running. I'll be running my first full…