Don't laugh, but...
Since I finished C25k and started running 5k regularly I'm getting terribly chaffed nipples. I said don't laugh dammit! Any advice on this? The first thing that sprang to mind was a simple bandaid but, being a rather hirsute fellow, that poses certain other problems. Anyone know any solutions that don't involve adhesives?
Science behind 40/30/30?
40/30/30 is the oft recommended macro split, both here and elsewhere on these here intertubes. But can someone cite the science behind it? I find that 40/30/30 is perfect for me to meet the 1g protein per pound of lean mass, and 0.35g of fat per pound of mass. Is that the genesis of the advice? If so, can someone cite the…
Another question for the head shavers
Anyone use Headblade? Thoughts? Also, anyone specifically switch from a Mach 3 to a Headblade?
Do you stretch after cardio/lifting?
I've noticed at our small community gym I am the only person that ever stretches after a workout. Do you stretch after working out? Do you do it there and then at the gym? Or wait until you get home?
My C25k running 'cycle'
I'm on week 9, and since the first day with no walking interval, I seem to have followed the same cycle. Presented for your edification/amusement - Night before a run - "Oh God, running tomorrow. It's going to kill me. Maybe I should give up. I could get to work a little earlier that way. I've not told anyone I'm doing…
Appetite *boosters*?
Probably a strange question on a calorie counting site, but anyone have any tips to boost appetite? Besides exercise - I already work out six times a week, 3 cardio, 3 lifting. I'm fairly heavy on protein in the mornings, and sometimes I find that by midday I'm still not really that hungry for lunch. That then utterly…
Proponents of 5+ meals a day
Seems to be a lot of this today. This is a serious question - do you have jobs? I do not see how I could possibly have time to prepare and eat five or six meals a day. And that's with a really flexible job, working from home. I don't see how someone working a retail, service, or manual labor job could be expected to do it…
NSV - setting a good example
My daughter wanted to come to the gym with me this morning, but wasn't satisfied with taking toys to keep her entertained. Instead she wanted to go get some weights so she could workout too. Here she is looking adorable. Real proud daddy moment - In other NSV news, I dropped my body fat by nearly a full percentage point in…
I've been going about this all wrong!
So, I realized that I'm not really interested in reaching a particular weight, per se. Just in being the ideal weight for my height. But that's the same as saying the ideal height for my weight. I've bought a rack. My new goal is to be 6'4 by the summer. I have 6" to gain and looking for some support.
Here's some motivation for anyone that says they can't
If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, I suspect you may not be human. A couple helped their 12 year old grandson - who has a central nervous disorder which confines him to a wheel chair - take part in our local triathlon last year.…
Math nerds...
Hi, my name's Doug and I'm a math nerd. It's been..... 28 seconds since I last said something nerdy and math-y. Q. What do you get if you cross a sheep and an elephant? A. |sheep|.|elephant|.sinθ DAMN, off the wagon again.
NSV - into my skinny pants....
....and then back out of them. That's right, I need new skinnier skinny pants. Of course, skinny is a relative term, but as skinny as I've been in ten years!
Come clean
Who else gets to the checkout at the grocery store with a cart full of fresh veges, fish and meat with little or no processed foods and secretly hopes that the cashier will comment?
Turn of the century Austrian psychology
Apparently against the MFP ToS, who knew? :laugh: OK mods, I'll stop yanking your chain now. Just having my morning fun.
Hypertrophy or strength for weight loss?
Title Edit : Hypertrophy or strength for fat loss? I have been diligently mixing up lifting, cardio and calorie counting to lose weight. I've had some good results, as you can see from my ticker. But such is life, the more I learn, the more questions arise. Question of the day is - if my goal is to lose fat and minimize…
Gym withdrawal?
I've never been much of a gym person in the past, preferring to get my exercise from activities, but for the last two months I've been 'gyming' every weekday morning without fail. Today events conspired to deny me my gym visit. I now feel absolutely exhausted and just want to go back to bed. Is this how I used to feel all…
Why do doctors put so much focus on weight?
Edited to add : Since I first posted this, a very succinct, common sense answer has been given to the focus on weight versus fat loss. However, I still think the sentiment of the post is valid - shouldn't doctors be able to guide us in our weight loss a little more than simply saying 'lose weight'? Why not body fat?…
Last (or is it first?) notch on my belt!
Fellow baldies
How do you keep the sweat out of your eyes during cardio? Am I going to have to invest in an 80s-tastic sweat band?
I've now lost enough fat on my *kitten* that it's no longer comfortable to sit with my phone in my back pocket. Just thought I'd share.
Couch to 5k Week 5, Day 3
Tomorrow morning I'll be doing Week 5, Day 3 of C25k. First run with no walking intervals - 20 straight minutes. Something I wouldn't have blinked at age 18 in the best shape of my life, but at 34, overweight and out of shape, I see it looming up in front of me like a rock about flatten me. Can someone who's already…
When do recovery drinks become necessary?
As part of my weight-loss program, I am doing some moderate weights. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 2x12 sets, 60-75% max lift. All on a machine, fairly even across the body. The whole program takes about 30 minutes. To me a recovery drink would seem excessive, would you agree? If anything is needed, I'd imagine I could get sufficient…
Any experienced folks willing to review my plan?
So, I've been using the MFP 2 pounds per week goal, coupled with c25k and weight lifting for a couple of months now, and I've had some success. Prior to that I was just doing portion control, moderation and daily walking, and also had success. But I think to continue my success it's time to move on to something a little…
How do you get good food into picky children?
The only two lies I tell my daughter - Santa exists. There's only tomatoes in the spaghetti sauce daddy makes. Seriously, it's almost impossible to get her to eat veg. I don't want her to have a bad relationship with food, so I don't force her to eat. I have only one rule around food - you try it when it's put in front of…
Hard to eat *enough*?
Am I the only one who struggles to reach even a 1280 kCal net goal? I cut down to a very veg heavy, moderate meat, minimal processed food diet. I workout to the tune of about 300 extra calories a day, cardio MWF, weights TThSa, rest on Sunday. I am otherwise sedentary during the week (desk job). I have two light lunches a…
Conflicting diets - low oxalate and low cholesterol
Anyone else suffer kidney stones? I had two this year, and my urologist wants me to pursue a low oxalate diet. Unfortunately my cholesterol and blood pressure are up, so my primary wants me on a low cholesterol and salt diet. Problem is that this makes good healthy eating quite hard. Most of my favorite veggies are…
Getting back in shape
Hi All. I've been using MFP now for a month or so with good results. I figure it's probably time to become part of the community. I'm a 34 year old male trying to get back into shape after falling off the fitness wagon in a big way after the birth of my daughter six years ago. I reached 220 pounds in the summer 2012, and…