Activating lats
I'm back, and I have another probably stupid question. I'm trying to strengthen my lats to help with my swimming. I've always had a hard time activating my lats. I've now found that with wide grip lat pull downs, I can at least feel it in my right lat, but my left still seems to be lazy. I'm being careful to keep the…
Testing 1RM with Wendler 5/3/1
Since it's the end of the year, I'd like to test my 1RM. The question is whether I test 1RM next week, which would ordinarily be the heavy week of my cycle, or whether I take a deload week and then test 1RM the following week. Current training information - I am following the 4 day Wendler 5/3/1 triumvirate template. I…
Non-dairy, no caffeine recovery drink suggestions
Like many, my go-to recovery drink is chocolate milk. Unfortunately for my wife, dairy and caffeine are both migraine triggers. Any suggestions for recovery foods/drinks? Currently she'll have something like a ham sandwich for the protein/carb combo, but she doesn't have much appetite after working out so a drink would be…
Of dumbbells and muscle imbalances
So, I read that dumbbells are a great way to address muscle imbalances - just do a couple extra reps per set on your weaker side. But that doesn't seem to quite ring true when considered in conjunction with what we know about rep ranges. I mean, if I'm doing 8 reps on my right side, and 12 on my left, I'm surely working…
What you see in the mirror - from The Oatmeal
Running shoe advice
I suffer from knee pain when running, but a properly fit, good pair of running shoes eliminates it. However, I find I have to replace the shoes as early as 200 miles (about three to four months). The shoes rarely show serious wear at this point, however my knee starts twinging and that tells me it's time. I'm about to buy…
First tri done, now help me get faster
(originally posted over on Beginner Triathlete, posting here too to get broader array of responses) Hi all, On Saturday I did my first triathlon. Well, my first race of any kind, ever, actually. The Lake Saint Louis Olympic distance [race report available on BT]. To give a little context, two years ago I was a fat couch…
Two years from couch potato to olympic distance triathlete
I figure it's time I made one of these here success posts. This is long, but if you're looking for motivation, I think you'll find it here. In September 2012, after a number of incidents made me realize that I was on a very bad trajectory, I set out to turn my life around. At that time I was 220lb, I was 40+ percent body…
Body weight routine to see me through a two week vacation
I have a two week vacation coming up, and won't be able to lift. I'm currently doing the beginner variation of Wendler 5/3/1, having transitioned from Stronglifts. Can you recommend a good body weight routine to maintain strength during this time, keeping in mind I may have access to no equipment whatsoever - not even a…
Tracking open water swims
Any suggested products for tracking open water swims? Thus far I've considered - FINIS Hydro Tracker Swim GPS Waterproof GPS watches Waterproof cellphone case, coupled with Endomondo The cellphone case is obviously the cheapest option, but I'm a little wary to trusting such an expensive device to a glorified ziploc bag.…
I guess the New Year is over....
Edited for smaller image.
Training program with weightlifting
I'm looking for a six month, three day-a-week training program for my first triathlon in August. Three days-a-week because I also want to continue weight lifting on the alternate days. I'm starting from a position of ok fitness - I can run ten miles and swim one mile. My cycling is definitely a weak point, however, since…
Dropping 5x5 to 3x5 = free time at gym
I'm doing Stronglifts, and I've now deloaded twice on each exercise, so I've switched to 3x5 per the program. This has left me some time to spare at the gym. Again, for reference, my primary goal is strength:weight ratio. I could do with a little more mass eventually, but I don't want it to come without corresponding…
Hypertrophy rep range while at a deficit
First up - I know there can be no significant growth while eating consistently at a deficit. So don't worry - it's not that post again. What I am wondering is whether there are other, less visible benefits to working in the hypertrophy range while at a deficit. Is there anything else going on in the muscle at these rep…
Alternative to the official android app
Let's not beat around the bush. The android 5x5 app sucks balls. Especially when you are coming to it from the near-perfect iPhone app. Anyone have any good alternatives?
Doing the right thing by kids re: sports and exercise
Would be interested in hearing some different views on this. Not asking to be told what to do - I have what I think is a reasonable approach - just interested in some feedback. About 4 weeks ago my 7 yo daughter asked to start the couch to 5k program. She said she eventually wanted to start running with me. We did the…
Suggestion - cardio support
Have you guys considered bringing a seasoned runner/triathlete into the fold to round out the advice given? Someone like Carsonruns springs to mind as a runner. Though a triathlete would hit a wider range, of course.
Advice on possible program switch - SL to Wendler?
Hey guys. I've been following StrongLifts for 11 weeks now, and have made some great gains. I've enjoyed the program overall, but the squat volume is getting a bit too much for me. Since I now run close to 20 miles a week, squatting 3 times a week is getting too much. It's starting to play havoc with my hips. And before…
Here's a thought for those who hate gym resolutioners
If it weren't for all the January-only gym goers subsidizing your membership, you'd probably pay significantly more in membership fees. That in itself has to be worth a little inconvenience in January.
USMC physical fitness test
I have been challenged by a friend to compete with him at the USMC physical fitness test (not to be confused with the combat fitness test) in December. He is currently in much better shape than me, but I am 10 years younger, so I am hoping I can parlay my relative youth into an advantage by training hard between now and…
Just did Week one, day one...
...after a 10k run. I got home, and my daughter put on her running gear and announced that she was ready to start learning to run with me (we've talking about it for ages). Being the dutiful dad I am, I turned right around and took her out. Not going to lie, it was pretty awesome having my little protégé running with me.
It is offensive to minimize another's success.
All this talk about the 'hot mom/no excuses' poster being offensive has my blood boiling. You know what's really offensive? Minimizing another person's success. I'm starting to hear it now, quite a bit. "Don't think your success can be duplicated by everyone, some people have [excuse, excuse, excuse]" or "Not everyone is…
Women belong in the kitchen...
Q. Why are nurses so irritable?
A. Probably because everyone keeps asking why they smoke, are obese, don't exercise, etc.....
Squats - *kitten* to grass, or parallel with more weight?
Your friendly neighborhood stupid question asker, back again, this time with questions on squats. Which would result in greater strength gains - *kitten* to grass squats with a lighter weight, or just past parallel with heavier weight? And more generally, what's the difference between the two in terms of how they work your…
A tiered approach to 'lifestyle change'.
Here we go again - someone who has had moderate success preaching to everyone else. But bear with me, because I do believe this could help people. If you don't agree with me, feel free to state as much - it's a free country. So why do people fail? I think one major source of failure is simply trying to do too much, too…
When to best insert swim training
I'm starting to structure my training a little more. Ultimate goal is a triathlon next summer. In the meantime I am training for a few 5k and maybe 10k races. I'm currently doing Strong Lifts on Tues, Thurs and Sat. I am also following an Endomondo running training plan - easy 10k on Monday, very fast intervals on…
NSV: new 5k personal best
Shaved nearly a minute off my personal best today, for a new best time of 26:07. Feeling pretty pleased with myself. And with humidity at 93%, also rather sweaty. Watch this space for the 25s.
Why are people so mean?
All I want to do is browse through open diaries then make broad generalizations about their health and criticize them on their choice of food. Why can't people just accept that without getting uppity and defending themselves? Some people are so rude. Isn't it obvious that my choices are superior to theirs?
Question for clean eaters
I'm curious to see how long you clean eaters spend prepping food on a daily basis, and whether you feel you've had to sacrifice anything in the name of eating clean (besides the food you consider unclean)? I did the whole 'clean' eating thing for a while, and just found that I spent far too much time preparing food. It…