Extreme Weightless: Chihuahua Edition
Because it's Friday... and this made me smile. If these little guys can do it so can we!!! Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region Extreme Weightless: Chihuahua Edition (insert "Let's Get Physical" music here) Lillee Starting Weight: 10.8 Pounds This Week: 9.05 Pounds Lacie Starting Weight: 10.40 Pounds This Week: 8.12…
What do I do with these sun dried tomatoes I have?
Ok.. i have sun dried tomatoes.. i mean fresh ones.. not jarred or canned. that i got from natural grocers bulk food section.. A. how to I use them (as in do I have to rehydrate them before using or do anything special???) B. Gimmie a stellar recipe for them!
24 Healthy Facts that will blow your mind.
24 Healthy Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! 1. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. 2. There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world. 3. In some parts of the world, they protect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer. 4. The word ‘gymnasium’ comes from the…
Heart rate question
I checked my heart rate during Zumba.. it was 15 beats in 10 seconds.. that means it was 90bpm right?? I was sweating. is that a good heart rate? My resting heart rate is 50 or lower.
I hear that Chromium helps curb hunger. True?? If true, what foods or drinks will give me this vitamin that are healthy foods. Eta: It's driving me nuts that the topic is misspelled.
How to read bar codes
HOW TO READ BAR CODES... (everyone must know) ALWAYS READ THE LABELS ON THE FOODS YOU BUY--NO MATTER WHAT THE FRONT OF THE BOX OR PACKAGE SAYS, TURN IT OVER AND READ THE BACK CAREFULLY! With all the food and pet products now coming from China, it is best to make sure you read label at the supermarket and especially when…
http://www.krdo.com/news/colorado-launching-statewide-health-challenge/-/417220/20900468/-/6f2j55z/-/index.html Check it out!!
60 lbs and i'm a new woman..
I don't know how to post pictures to a thread but.. <~~~~~~ I wish I did.. I have more.. Still have a bit to go.. but it hit me today how far i've come when I tried to put on a skirt and it literally fell off.. as in my hips didn't even catch it. on it's way down..
Change your diet to lose weight?
What does "changing up your diet" do to help you lose weight? How would you change it up? (I'm not cutting out beer. a girl's gotta have fun!)
BMI and BF% and impedance level oh my...
I got on this scale thingy that tells you all your percentages height was entered as 5 10 even though I told her 5 9 so these numbers might be a little off.. Age: 34 BMI 28. 1, BMR 1678 kcals, Body fat% 34%, fat mass 68.01 lbs, my bones and such weight 34 lbs., weight 196. target weight: 173, target bf 26%, fat to lose…
BMI and BF% and Impendance levels.. oh my...
I got on this scale thingy that tells you all your percentages height was entered as 5 10 even though I told her 5 9 so these numbers might be a little off.. Age: 34 BMI 28. 1, BMR 1678 kcals, Body fat% 34%, fat mass 68.01 lbs, my bones and such weight 34 lbs., weight 196. target weight: 173, target bf 26%, fat to lose…
Diary reveiw??
Please let me know if you have suggestion for more protein and/or better chocies. I eat mostly organic, cook from scratch and love my fruits and veggies. (I know the weekend was bad, that is not normal for me)
Monsanto Protection Act
Ah well.. there goes our nutrition goals.. Get ready to pay more for real organic food! *smh* ~~~ Slipped into the Agricultural Appropriations Bill, which passed through Congress last week, was a small provision that’s a big deal for Monsanto and its opponents. The provision protects genetically modified seeds from…
High protein low calorie concoctions?
Organic whole raw foods that I can either eat as is or magically morph into something delicous. :~) No processed suggestions please. Just trying to increase my variety if able. The weirder the better. :~p Open diary for the curious. lol
Wonder why you can't lose weight??
MSG-Induced Obesity MSG is actually injected into laboratory rats to induce obesity. There are many many scientific studies done using these MSG treated rats since rats are not naturally overweight. It also has been shown to increase appetite in male rats and to induce obesity in female rats and chickens. Scientists in…
What do you put on rice cakes?
I usually slather them with peanut butter and/or jelly. I have also used them as a vehicle for my egg in lieu of toast.. I HATE cottage cheese.. Just wondering what others do..
Chew gum no more..
(ETA: I didn't conduct this study... obviously lol) Is Chewing Gum the Most Toxic Substance in the Supermarket? Recently, I asked about thirty women, whose ages were mostly under the age of forty, if they carrie...d chewing gum with them. Twenty seven of the thirty were able to pull out a pack of gum, some even going as…
Need dinner ideas!
The more veggies in it the better. I have almost every kind of mainstream meat and I have a ton of fruits and veggies in my home. I usually jsut sautee or roast everything.. getting bored of it. lol
Resistance training
What kinds of exercises do you do at home without weights? I am looking to change up my workout at home for the non-gym days.. tired of nothing but crunches, push ups, planks, lunges and jumping jacks.. Any ideas?
What is lifint heavy?
I hear it mentioned.. but is it a certain weight limit or type of exercise? I do cardio (usually with resistence), resistence training (using my own body weight only) and weights.. 3-6 times a week and all different combinations of those 3.
Creating hunger..
What is the best way to make yourself hungry? I have a lot of trouble meeting caloric intake needs because I am simply not hungry. I never want breakfast, I have to force it. I forget all about lunch until a co worker asks me about it, then I go home and force myself to eat. I usually do want dinner.. but 1 meal is not…
fast food
I don't understand how people can eat fast food! Taco Bell can't even call their meat beef because it contains so little actual meat and then they stuff it with chemical and flavoring. Mcdonalds and burger king never molds. How is that possible! You tell people this and they still go and order a big mac! So gross. At least…
Help on tracking oil-less cooking?
So.. I make fried eggplant in an oil-less fryer.. This means I got all the crunch and deliciousness of fried eggplant without using any oil... do you think I count this as breaded baked eggplant?? I have the same question about Chicken, fries and everything else I put in there. The eggplant happens to be going into…
Flax seed recipes..
I have a bag of flax seed just staring me down, it was given to me by a friend not to long ago.. I was told it's super healthy and i need to add it into my diet. any clue what to do with it???