Netflix...What the Health
Anyone seen this documentary and if so any thoughts. The whole meat diet and causer of disease isn't new but this documentary really seems to take it up a notch.
An Hour of Running May Add 7 Hours to Your Life
Squat form check corrected maybe?
I've Posted before and tried correcting some of the bad things. I've been told that my shoulders round out a bit. I think I kinda sorta see it. I'm looking for a head to toe feedback. https://youtu.be/hE9Zqu8JruY
Squat Form Mechanics corrected?
I've Posted before and tried correcting some of the bad things. I've been told that my shoulders round out a bit. I think I kinda sorta see it. I'm looking for a head to toe feedback. https://youtu.be/hE9Zqu8JruY sorry for posting in the wrong forum. I've cut and pasted to the fitness forum now.. opps
Squat Form Check ..
[url=" https://youtu.be/5wzkzIZ131w"
Squat Form Check
What needs/work what is decent. This is 185 pounds
Overweight and Healthy
Who thinks one can be overweight (20+lbs) and Healthy? For example run a sub 60minute 10km
Fixed weight barbell vs Oly barbell
I find that when I overhead press using the fixed weight barbell I'm able to lift more than with an Oly barbell. For example with fixed weight barbell I can press 100# whereas with the Oly barbell 85# is my max. Is there any real difference or is it just psychological thing ?
Deadlifts and sweaty hands
When I deadlifts my hands become sweaty usually after the 2nd lift. My gym doesn't allow chalk and I've used a towel to wipe the bar down but that really only works for another lift and then sweat again.It really throws off my rhythm. My question is any ideas or gloves that you deadlifters could recommend?
Anyone take this amino acid? If so what have benefits or side effects have you noticed from taking it. Also what multivitamins would you recommend?
Proper warm up b4 lifting?
What do you do before your lifting workout to prevent injury?
What are some of your favs when working out or driving o work?
How accurate is your calorie counting.
Take a look at this 5 minute video https://youtu.be/hE2lna5Wxuo
Pressure Cooker vs Slow Cooker?
Any Thoughts about which one cooks food better? I do understand the difference between the two.
Losing fat while gaining muscle
Any thoughts http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160127132741.htm
Heavy Lifting
I know everybody has their own ideas about what is considered heavy lifting... So lets have at it .... Squat Bench Press Overheard Press
Noob Weight question
Today I benched one 35lb plate on each side of the bar. Now would this be considered 70lbs benched or 115lbs benched (35+35+45bar). Iam new to all of this so help me out. Also my gym has a hammer strength plate loaded system.Its says on it that without any weight it is 10lbs per side..would I add that yo my total lift?
90 minutes to workout and 50lbs to lose..
As the title says.. What would your cardio vs weights time breakdown be. Remember I wanna get to about 175-180lbs.