Supplements (Hyphy Mud)
What supplements are you on? WHich do you like best? Where do you buy your supplements? Has anyone tried Kali Muscles' "Hyphy Mud"?
TV shows you would like to see brought back?
I'd love to see Entourage and Nip/Tuck come back..
Anyone cycle carbs? Give me an example of how you do it? Is it effective? Do you also cycle protein and creatine if you take them?
After awhile lifting heavy starts to suck. It's always my left elbow that has pain. Suggestions on supplements or gear? I recently started wearing a sleeve and that helps some.
When you are cutting weight or dieting do you change your weight or reps in the gym? I've always been told that when cutting decrease weight increase reps but the new science I'm hearing seems to differ. I'm the type of guy who likes seeing what happens in application not theory thus I'm asking you all for your experience.
How big is too big?
So I'm bulking until January. I still have some definition in my abs but not as chiseled as it was. However, my back, chest, traps, and arms are all getting pretty big. I have had several guys tell me I"m getting "too big". Now I'm not trying to look like Mr. Olympia or anything just add some size to some areas. So I guess…
What supplements are you on? WHich do you like best? Where do you buy your supplements? Has anyone tried Kali Muscles' "Hyphy Mud"?
Master's Degree
Anyone have one and finding it to be especially useful? I have been considering going to grad school but everyone I know with a Master's isn't really using it. I think the time would be better spent trying to obtain CFA status.
Do or DIe
Do or Die Semper Fi! Shout out to all the fellow Devil Dogs out there! Former, past, or present...Once a Marine always a Marine OOOORAHHHHH!!!!
Stop what your doing and!!!!!!!!!
Do 20 push ups!
Question for people who only do Calisthenics
How often do you train? Can you give an example of your split?
Body FAT gadgets?!
What's the best product for me to use at home to accurately measure my Body fat percentage?
Body Fat Percentage
Can anyone suggest a good tool for montioring your BF% at home? What's the most accurate product out there?
What celebrity do you think is in the best shape?
My vote for the male is The Rock female is Kelly Rowland
Anyone read anything good lately?
Any good youtube fitness channels?
Anyone have anyone they subscribe to on youtube that might offer some good fitness advice or videos. Here are a few of my favorites. CTfletcher Physiques of Greatness Eric Thomas (Not fitness but he'll motivate the heck out of you) Kali Muscle
The best and the worse....
What are the best and worse pick up lines you have heard in the gym? Have you ever dated anyone you met at the gym?
Morning, Noon, or Night
Which time of day do you prefer to workout. I can't bring myself to get up early in the morning and go to the gym so I am and evening/after work gym rat. What about you?
Going all the way on the first date.
Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?
I'm going on a ten day juice fast. Any information would be helpful. Especially recipes.
NEw to this
HI. I'm starting a 10 day juice fast tomorrow. Possibly longer. I had planned on getting a bunch of fruits/veggies and just mixing up different concoations. However, I was curious if anyone had any good recipes or links to sites with such. Also is it possible to juice and save the juice for later or do you have to drink it…
CrossFit pricing
Just curious what the rates are like at other peoples boxes. For me unlimited training is right around 100 bucks a month. But that's because I get a LEO discount.
What's your type? #Bored post
Ladies what's your type: Jock, Nerd, Pretty boy, Thug, Emo, Shy/quiet Fellas your options are pretty similary, Cheerleader, Nerd, Athletic, loud/ratchet, shy quiet,?
Favorite Love Songs
I know I"m a little late but I'm just curious. What are some of you alls favorite love songs? For me it's Lenny Williams "Because I love you" R. Kelly "Imagine That" Prince "Adore" Floetry "Lay Down"(my fav)
Any excersise you do EVERYDAY
Does anyone have one particular excersise that they do on an everyday basis? For me it's pull ups and sit ups. I run through a deck of cards on each every night. Joker=50 Ace= K,J,Q=10, then w/e number the card has on it.
Rewards for reaching goal weight
I have a reward(s) planned for myself once I reach my goal. One is a tattoo the other is a vacay to D.R. Just wondering what you alls rewards were or if you had any at all?
Hand care
What do you guys do for your hands? No one at my box or on any xfit video I've ever seen trains with gloves on....But my hands start to hurt so bad with high volume pull up, toes 2 bar type movements. I've never ripped but I have hard callisuses(sp). I've seen some people using athletic tape on their hands I haven't tried…
Come early; leave late
How many of you come early to class to work on something you suck at or stay late afterwards? When I first started I noticed that the best ppl at my gym always stayed after working on something so I began to as well. If so do you think it's a good idea or is it overtraining?
What age does it end?
At what age do you think you have to (or should) stop lifting heavy? I guess what I'm trying to ask is at what age do you take your max and say that's just as high as it's going to get. I'm 25 and I plan on lifting heavy until I can't anymore. So I'm curious to know how many years I have left until I "peak".
Who's the Strongest on MFP?
Post your max on the 3 major lifts. Bench press, Squat, Deadlift Bench press: 420 Deadlift: 505 Squat 415