Anyone own reebok dual heart rate monitor???
I have recently bought a Reebok dual heart rate monitor. Read through the instructions and set up my profile, but when I exercise it doesn't show up my calories burned or that it's timing my workout. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or step by step instructions to get this baby going??
Ive looked and haven't seen an entry so far for it. Anyone completed RevAbs? I'm currently in my 4th week and I can feel my abdominal muscles getting stronger, but not seeing any noticeable change yet. Anyone have any advice or comments on the DVDs?
Day 26 - Pop Squats! 190
Four more days till the end of the 30 day squat challenge. Squat of the day are "Pop Squats" Look at the video, couldn't find a pic that demonstrates well.] Here's a video link (look at video for proper form) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=747Q-_WpSGM HAPPY SQUATTING!!
Hindu Squats - 185
Hey guy it's day 25 & the squat of the day is Hindu squats. Here's pic [it's a fast fluid motion] Here's 2 videos make sure to look at them for proper form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVnwXkMi58A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPSVpo4mzNI Good luck!! & Happy Squatting!!!
Day 23 - Side squats
So it's day 23 & it's 180 squats so that means 90 squats per leg. The squat of the day is side squats. Easy Peasy And here's a video link of Jillian Michael's side squat with a knee raise. You could add the knee raise for more of a challenge if you like ( skip to 1:16 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z59Ew3Sjzrs Make sure…
Day 22 -175 Squats
Hey guys we're almost through with the challenge. Finish strong. 175 squats today. Good Luck! Remember keep proper form
Day 21 - 170 One legged squats
Get ready guys, it's one legged squats today. You may not be able to do all but try to do at least half normal, half 1 legged. Remember it's 170 squats today , so it's about 90 squats per leg if you're doing all or 45 per leg if you're doing half + 90 normal ok. Use chair for support if you're having trouble balancing. And…
Day 20 - Rest Day
Today's your rest day! Enjoy!!
Day 18 - 155 Squats of your pick
Todays 155 squats of your choice! Mix it up or do regular squats if you like. Happy squatting and have a great day :)
Day 17
150 Sissy squats. These are hard! You can use a chair or something for balance. here's a video. The first one ignore the other 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAkgFmX_YK4 Good luck & happy squatting!!!!
Day 16
So going off of messy_missys squat challenge in March, today is the actual rest day.
Ugh Meal Plan!
So my diary is open and I just wanted some assistance. Anyone willing to give me a week long meal plan? I'm falling off the wagon here. I need some help! I have high protein but I lift. Thanks ahead of time!!
Starting ChaLean today any last minute advice?
I'm going to start tackling Chalean today. Does anyone have any last minute advice for me when it comes to her workouts?
Protein Shakes that you can't taste the whey in..YUK
Okay Im all for protein shakes but I had a bad experience with one that made me sick. Now I need to have the whey taste disguised in it. Any good recipes for this?
need people to look at my diary
Is my food diary set to 40 carbs 40 protein 20 fat? I really am dumb with this stuff and need a little help. Anyone, please?
High resting heart rate
Anybody have a higher resting heart rate? Does it affect you when exercising?
Help..getting a lot of mixed readings on food
i just recently joined and am trying to read as many posts on the subject as I can. I'm not interested in losing a bunch of weight, just some body fat and tone up some around my midsection. I am looking for ideas of what kinds of foods I should really avoid for and what kinds of food I should be eating more of..I've been…
Gaining some muscle to get lean!!
I'm 5'6, 123 lbs and am not looking to lose weight, but to tone up! I'm currently in my 4th week of revAbs and feel like I can tell a slight difference but not too sure. Ive been using 8 lbs weights and wondering If that's too light or if I need to step it up some now. Also anyone know any simple high protein recipe that…