Motivated/Working Hard/Hitting Goals and Making New Ones
Hi!! I'm Misti! Mother of two, my son Isaac is 12, my daughter Aspen is 4. I am married and I work part time as a virtual employee for a financial company and I am a fitness coach. In January I was at an all time low, letting every excuse in the book hold me back. I knew I needed to do something, so I did!!! I ordered 21…
I'll start off by saying I am a little crazy about having a clean house and clean everything all the time!!! I'm a freak about messes and dirty, undone things around my house it just drives me CRAZY!! My daughter is 7.5 months old, crawling all over the place. I am starting a new job on Monday and she will have to start…
Need Advice
Ok, so I work 7.5 hours a day at a Financial company. Usually 7 hours a day, but right now I bring my daughter to work with me so I skip my lunch to avoid leaving and coming back for no reason. I have worked here for 7.5 years now, my boss is great and very lenient. Understands, I have a life and kids, and things come up.…
Weight train or not?
I probably sound like an idiot, but I'm confused............ I am trying to lose about 15 more pounds. Weight loss is going good so far. I do mostly cardio...walk/jog 4-6 times a week. I also do areobics and I'm starting Zumba again but I am just curious about weight training. I have done it before and gained weight. So…
I'm burnt out on oatmeal and cereal. Fruit is ok, but not filling enough. Need some quick and easy ideas, I don't have a lot of time in the mornings. Thank you!
Keep it up....or not?
Just have a random question: I had a baby in Feb. and a surgery in May so I am just getting back to actually working out. I did 150 crunches on Monday and 100 on Tues. My stomach hurts so bad I can barely cough, it hurts to pick up my daughter too. Should I just keep going....no pain no gain or not do them again for a few…
Help ........more Fiber or is this normal?
Ok so this is a little embarassing for me, but here is goes anyway! :embarassed: Sorry if it's TMI for some, but I need some advice here. :blushing: I used to be very regular, but I had a hysterectomy 2 months ago and now I'm not. The first week or so I was taking pain pills, so that explained it then, but by now I figured…
Help me Please!!!!
Ok, I know this is kinda off topic of what MFP is all about but I need help! I'm due to have a baby in 6 weeks and have no name for her. I have a son named Isaac, so simple, pretty common and not totally unheard of. Please help me by posting some ideas...............I have a few, but nothing my husband will agree on and…
Please Help.....I have questions
Ok, so I joined the Biggest Loser Contest in my home town on January 9th. The contest is 3 moths (ends in a little over a week). I've done really well so far, but can't seem to lose even 1lb in the last 3 weeks.............I've switched up my workout and eating (I'm always way under on calories) so I'm trying to eat more,…