
mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
I'll start off by saying I am a little crazy about having a clean house and clean everything all the time!!! I'm a freak about messes and dirty, undone things around my house it just drives me CRAZY!!

My daughter is 7.5 months old, crawling all over the place. I am starting a new job on Monday and she will have to start going to daycare. The only daycare that I can get her into isn't very clean. I understand toys and things laying around, but the carpet has stains, food and dirty clothes on the floor, dishes all over the place in the kitchen. I know it will never be up to my standards, but what is a nice way to adress the issue?

I don't want to seem like I'm being b*tchy or rude, but I think as a daycare with lots of young kids, the place could be a lot cleaner.

Any ideas are appreciated.



  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I know it will never be up to my standards, but what is a nice way to adress the issue?

    Take her to a place that is up for your standards.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I live in a little tiny town and don't have options. It's this place or one that I know is worse.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I know it will never be up to my standards, but what is a nice way to adress the issue?

    Take her to a place that is up for your standards.

    This. It sounds like a pretty disgusting place. Why is it the only place you can get her into?
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I live in a little tiny town and don't have options. It's this place or one that I know is worse.

    I don't buy it, not even any day homes? There has to be something else. If you have to bring her to a neighboring town then maybe that's your best option.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    There is only one other daycare in this town, and it's REALLY gross, (in home daycare) and the one 7 miles away has no opening at this time. I live in a town with 130 people, closet other towns have maybe 600 people, slim to No options around here.
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    Are the kids at this daycare happy and well taken care of? That's what you should be focused on.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Ummmmmmm don't take her there if it's not up to your standards. Why is this even a question in your mind? No, seriously.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Sounds like a business opportunity

    This was my inital thought when I found out I was losing my current job, (currently take her to work with me), but then when offered another job, I decided against daycare. (For the time being anyway)
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Sounds like a business opportunity

  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Sounds like a business opportunity

    This was my inital thought when I found out I was losing my current job, (currently take her to work with me), but then when offered another job, I decided against daycare. (For the time being anyway)

    For my own amusement.... if you live in a town with 130 people, what do you do for a living? Sounds like a booming community if you lost your job and was offered something immediately.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Are the kids at this daycare happy and well taken care of? That's what you should be focused on.

    Yes, the kids that go there LOVE it and the lady who takes care of them. Just makes me nervous because it's dirty and shes crawling and I feel like she's right in the middle of a mess.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    A dirty daycare will be the best thing for her. The spike in allergies and autoimmune diseases over the last 50-60 years is thought to be caused by improved sanitation. Exposing your child to dirt, etc, might help prevent everything from asthma and celiac to arthritis.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Personally i think you are being a bit paranoid.

    I don't think your children are going to contract any crazy diseases, especially if a certain daycare

    has a reputation, and no one has made complaints.

    I don't really see too many options other than to deal with it.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Sounds like a business opportunity

    This was my inital thought when I found out I was losing my current job, (currently take her to work with me), but then when offered another job, I decided against daycare. (For the time being anyway)

    For my own amusement.... if you live in a town with 130 people, what do you do for a living? Sounds like a booming community if you lost your job and was offered something immediately.

    Have worked as an administrative assistant for a financial company in a town 10 miles from where I live for the last 8 years. My employer is no longer looking to build his clientel so he's closing his office in town and working w/ a small group of clients from his house. The only reason I got offered a new job so quick is because when you live in a small town everyone knows everyone and the bank just happened to be hiring.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Are the kids at this daycare happy and well taken care of? That's what you should be focused on.

    Really? Food and dirty clothes on the floor..there is no excuse for that. And that's just what you can SEE.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Find a different day care, you can always haggle the prices with them. I looked around at 6 different at home daycare centers before I found one nice enough and clean enough for me to be excepting of it.

    If the place is dirty and nasty even if you mention something about it, she still might not change her ways. After all it didn't get like that overnight!

    Good luck with your daycare!
  • cathydenis
    cathydenis Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with the poster above about it'll help her immunity. Once my son (who is now 22 months) started crawling he did get sick more often but it only lasted 6 months or so and now he's been cold free for almost a year. I have him in a nannyshare and we live in a big city (Denver) so we had options. Can you see if there is a nanny in town that could watch your daughter?
  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    If that's how the daycares are where you live, how are the schools for when your daughter is older?
    I'd think about moving somewhere with better options (where the jobs will probably pay better, too!)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    no way I'd leave my baby somewhere with dirty dishes or clothes all over. If they don't have time to keep it clean, they're watching too many kids. Look for a center instead of a home day care.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Personally i think you are being a bit paranoid.

    I don't think your children are going to contract any crazy diseases, especially if a certain daycare

    has a reputation, and no one has made complaints.

    I don't really see too many options other than to deal with it.

    I probably am, but I still think the place could be cleaned up better than it is and at least shampoo the carpets. I can't really be the only parent who worries about this stuff. To my suprise a few people I have talked to about the daycare, notice it's not the cleanest place, but haven't said anything.