


  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    the carpet has stains, food and dirty clothes on the floor, dishes all over the place in the kitchen
    That sounds very unsanitary. I don't even want to think about the bathrooms. No way I'd leave my child in a place like that. Since there aren't any great daycares in your city, have you thought about watching kids in your home?
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    One of my favorite sayings "Don't ***** about anything you're not willing to change." Consider cleaning the daycare yourself. Maybe they'll give you a discount. Good luck.

    Not very fitting to her post. If you walk into a gas station and need to take a *kitten* do you clean it first?
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    the carpet has stains, food and dirty clothes on the floor, dishes all over the place in the kitchen
    That sounds very unsanitary. I don't even want to think about the bathrooms. No way I'd leave my child in a place like that. Since there aren't any great daycares in your city, have you thought about watching kids in your home?

    That actually could be an option if you know willing parents who trust you.

    You could watch (apparently according to this thread) up to 6 kids in YOUR home, and maybe that will make you as much

    as your job? Then you know YOUR home stays clean?
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Thank you all! I don't have time at the moment to reply to everyone, but I have found some ideas from you all and I will definately be looking into a few things. Thank you all for the tips, advice and comments!!! My daughters well being is important to me, I realize she will get sick sometimes but I still want her in a clean enviroment, as I know too, she will be spending 8 + hours a day there. Can't seem to find anything online about her being licensed, but I will ask her today.

    I have also considered maybe it was a bad time of day, so today I am going back at a different time to talk to her. Maybe it will be better today. We'll see.

    I also played in the mud and dirt when I was little and yes it was fun, but that kind of dirty is different to me.

    Schools here are clean. And sanitized daily! ( My son goes to 2nd grade)

    Thanks again!!
  • Employ a sitter to work in your home?
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Sounds like a business opportunity

    THIS! Can you afford to not go back to work? Staying home with your kids would be ideal...
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Employ a sitter to work in your home?

    This is a great idea! (...nanny cameras...)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hire a private babysitter? I'm sure there's a teenager somewhere that would like to do it.

    shouldn't they be in school?
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    You said yourself your a little crazy about having a clean house. And I can bet no matter how anal you are about keeping things clean if you had a bunch of little kids running around your place all day it'd look pretty similar. If the kids there are happy then that's all that matters... it's gonna look messy, especially if you happen to stop by in the middle of the day. And you think she really wants her home being all messed up by other peoples kids? Probably not... but she's trying to make a living, so if you need a daycare provider and she's all you got then you probably need to just get over it.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    A dirty daycare will be the best thing for her. The spike in allergies and autoimmune diseases over the last 50-60 years is thought to be caused by improved sanitation. Exposing your child to dirt, etc, might help prevent everything from asthma and celiac to arthritis.

    This. it would probably do her some good to have a few germs. As neat as you sound you'll wash off the big ones when you get her home. :) then you can slobber big kisses on her....I wouldn't wash those off tho. :)
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Would you be able to afford an in-house nanny or someone who cares for children out of their home? I used (unfortunately not free) to search for a babysitter for my kids. I found LOTS of options and interviewed quite a few people. It was a wonderful tool, and we had a babysitter in our house for 9 months, until we decided my daughter needed to be in preschool. The preschool my kids go to currently is extremely clean. Every time I'm there, somebody is cleaning, sanitizing, vacuuming. It's constant. And my kids STILL got sick for the first 3 months. With that said, I knew it would happen, and I want my kids to be exposed to some germs to build up immunities. They haven't been sick in a really long time, fortunately.

    If the daycare is truly unsanitary, then I would suggest a nanny or homecare. Otherwise, I agree with the above posters that a little dirt isn't going to hurt her.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    In Oklahoma it is on the DHS web site all of the problems that occur in the daycare. One of the colleges also compiles lists of daycare and checks it out so that all of the daycares are known, Across the state. I am with those that say if it is not up to your standards then dont do it... What about you babysitting? If there is that great of a need then it shouldnt be to hard. I also live in a small town I drove 40 miles to work one way, I took my kids with me and put them in a daycare in that town. it was bigger more options plus they were close by if they needed me.
  • I have a daycare in my home and for the most part it's super clean. I do have to say I got rid on my carpet except for one room because you get them cleaned and between kids and parents in a week they looks gross. I also let my house get dirty during the day they are kids and they make messes like little pro's. I do clean while they nap or after they leave but I tell parents my job is to play and have fun with your kids not keep my house perfect. I have so many family's who love how clean my house is but more important is that I play with the kids and don't clean my house while they're here. Having one kid and keeping your house so clean is wonderful, but having 4 can be super hard so try and keep that in mind.
  • JenSpinnaChick
    JenSpinnaChick Posts: 104 Member
    Dirt don't hurt.... I hated picking up a clean child from daycare, mostly means they didn't have fun!!!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Let me ask you this..How many times did you visit this daycare? Was it always dirty?

    I love my daycare and its clean, but I went couple days ago to bring something to them and they just had lunch, OMG you had to see the floor ( kids trying to feed themselves, 1-2 yo, ya know)..

    So what im trying to say is, you need to visit a daycare at different times of the day, before making a decision.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Why don't you hire someone to come to your house and babysit?
  • dmurphy1975
    dmurphy1975 Posts: 45 Member
    Let me ask you this..How many times did you visit this daycare? Was it always dirty?

    I love my daycare and its clean, but I went couple days ago to bring something to them and they just had lunch, OMG you had to see the floor ( kids trying to feed themselves, 1-2 yo, ya know)..

    So what im trying to say is, you need to visit a daycare at different times of the day, before making a decision.

    I agree with this poster. I grew up with my mother running an in-home day care (licensed) and there is definitely a time of day that is bad to visit. Typically the breakfast and lunch dishes would be piled up in the sink until the kids were taking afternoon naps and there was time for clean-up. I would visit at another time of day and see if things are different. If not then I would look for other options. Kids will come home dirty from daycare, but it should be from playing outside not on the carpet.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Have you tried looking into getting a personal daycare provider? I have one for both my daughters 10 and 3 and have used her for the last 9 years. I found her via a government website for my county that has a list of registered personal daycare providers. That way you can be picky about where and who your daycare provider is and you can judge their home as well as make some demands in order for them to earn your business.

    I wouldn't do it any other way and it helps that she is very flexible with my work schedule or if my hubby and I need time to ourselves. She's practically become part of the family.
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    I'll start off by saying I am a little crazy about having a clean house and clean everything all the time!!! I'm a freak about messes and dirty, undone things around my house it just drives me CRAZY!!

    My daughter is 7.5 months old, crawling all over the place. I am starting a new job on Monday and she will have to start going to daycare. The only daycare that I can get her into isn't very clean. I understand toys and things laying around, but the carpet has stains, food and dirty clothes on the floor, dishes all over the place in the kitchen. I know it will never be up to my standards, but what is a nice way to adress the issue?

    I don't want to seem like I'm being b*tchy or rude, but I think as a daycare with lots of young kids, the place could be a lot cleaner.

    Any ideas are appreciated.


    Being that I have worked at 2 daycares, I really don't like the sounds of this one. Toys on the floor is totally normal and not an issue but food and dirty clothes on the floor is disgusting. I understand in this environment it's easy for things to get hectic and you may lose focus on cleaning up, but they definitely need better cleaning methods. At the last daycare I worked at, we had professional carpet cleaners come in once a month and the staff was required to clean the whole place (including kitchen and bathroom) twice a day (at nap time and closing time). It worked out great. If you observe this place in that condition more than a few times, I really do think you need to speak up. You don't want your little one in a place full of germs. There will be enough germs as it is, so the least your daycare can do is try their best to manage what they can.
  • One of my favorite sayings "Don't ***** about anything you're not willing to change." Consider cleaning the daycare yourself. Maybe they'll give you a discount. Good luck.

    Not very fitting to her post. If you walk into a gas station and need to take a *kitten* do you clean it first?

    Ahh...very nice. and not often, but occasionally the parts i need to use...:laugh: