Is being a little hungry a hard feeling to deal with after?
I started counting calories through fitness pal last march and for the first few weeks did awesome. Counted every single calorie and lost weight. That was such a success for me! So why after having all that success would I go back to my old habits? Well. I be hungry. And it's not like I had that starving feeling like I was…
Can I change my account so it doesn't log in with Facebook?
I always end up having log in issues and I wonder if I would be having these issues had I not used Facebook to sign up. Can I change my account to be Facebook free? No Facebook sign it just...a regular 'ol fitness pal account?
Anybody round up their calories? Staying in a calorie rang?
Well. Maybe that's not the right word for it. What I mean is like...my calories is 1770 a day (for now) so my main goal in my mind is "just hit the 1700's and stay there" meaning if I ate 1670 calories already and I want to eat a 120 calorie nutri grain bar, that would put me at 1790. But the way I see it is...20 calories…
Appetite changing depending on cheat day?
Is it just me? Or does the sense of hunger go up and down depending on how your eating habits fluctuate? I have the hardest time getting full off less than 2,000 calories. Really. It can get hard to stick to when there's so many temptations staring me in the face everywhere I go. But I white knuckle it and force myself to…
Can you live off your fat until you're skinny?
Okay now roll with me on this. I was just reading a little bit about how the body works and how our body stores fat basically to use later as energy. So couldn't that energy be used instead of actual food? Like theoretically since our bodies evolved to survive famine, all our fat would be a huge asset in keeping us alive…
Why do we self medicate with food? Help me with this!
Is it to distract yourself from your problems? Is it the high of having high calorie foods in your system and the good feelings it gives you? But why, even knowing the reality of obesity and health related issues, do we act against logic and do it anyway? Is this a type of addiction? Whew! Deep questions! I'm writing a…
The last 2 times I binged felt different. What's happening?
These are some strange damn emotions I'm feeling here man. Maaaaaan. I've been trying to be consistent on my diet and not do what I usually do, which is BINGE. I'll keep to my calorie counting for a week straight then be all proud of myself and totally abandon the very idea of being healthy in one day and in that one day,…
Has anyone tried "WeightGrapher" to figure your true weight?
Just wondering. I saw someone mention it on the loseit reddit so i checked it out, thought it sounded like a cool idea and signed up. Am a little surprised i haven't heard about this more on here. Anyone on here using it? Are ya digging it so far or is it not worth it? For those who don't know, i'm talking about…
Does anyone here have anxiety?
I've had it for a long time and its held back my life in so many different ways its insane. I was thinking about finally after all these years of just dealing with it, going to see a doctor but I'm a little nervous that whatever meds I get could hurt my weight loss. Does anxiety medication affect weight loss at all?
Are fitbit's numbers total crap? Hmmmm!!
So like a lot of other people, i like to rely on my fitbit to determine my tdee because to the laymen, TDEE seems like rocket science to figure out accurately. The weird thing is i always get numbers that make you go hmm. I'll get 7,000 steps in a day and my fitbit says "yeah you're awesome! Here's 2,000 calories for you…
Are wristband trackers as accurate as the fitbit one?
I have the one but am thinking about getting the force. But from my experience with the nike fuelband and how if I just moved my hand to pick up a glass of water it would register that as a step, the wristband fitness trackers concern me. I'd like to hear your guys' experience using both. Has anyone ever wore both and…
Does your mfp activity level influence fitbit's numbers?
Just wondering. Figuring out my activity level can be hard sometimes because some days I go to work and sweat my little *kitten* off and others it's my day off and i just stay home and chill all day. I like fitbit and how the numbers dynamically change throughout the day but I always wonder how accurate they are. What do…
Think I'll be able to stay with 2000 calories?
I see a lot of people talk about how as they get skinny their deficit changes and so they change their daily calorie budget to a lower number. That's all great and everything, but I don't wanna eat less than 2000! I like the budget I'm at. How much will it change throughout my weight loss? I'm 5'8 and 240. I'm a nurse so I…
I save SO much money calorie counting!
I don't know why this shocked me so much. I never really thought too much about it. I just started this whole thang to lose weight. THAT was my only goal. But my bank account is thanking me too! I looked back at old bank statements and realized holy crap, i spent so much money on food its ridiculous. I never even bothered…
Is fitbit giving crazy amounts of exercise calories or what?
After the iOS 7 update, apparently my fitbit one thinks I'm a hard worker! Cause on days I work where I normally get 8,000 or so steps, it thinks I deserve about 650 exercise calories added on top of my regular calories. Whereas before it would only give me like 300. Wow? I know how tricky calorie estimates are and that…
Anybody have chest pains and breathing issues?
And was it cured with weight loss? For the past year I've had a tightening in my chest. Just a really crappy like some *kitten* squeezing my insides kinda feeling. And lately I've been really screwing up on my calorie counting and going on these just horrible 3 day junk food binges. I'm talking 6,000 calories each day and…
When you fall off the wagon, process for getting back on?
I've fallen off the wagon so many times I'm surprised the wagon lets me back on. As usual, I turned into mr excuse maker and found stupid reasons to justify eating total crap. Now I'm getting back on and I want to give it my best try. What do you all do when you get back on? Do you start just eating your budgeted calories…
Fellow 5'8 guys represent? Show your progress pics!
I feel like I don't see alot of people on here that are like me. It's usually woman kicking *kitten* with a few guys here and there. I'd like to see some examples of people that are in my position or used to be. I'm just getting back on the wagon at 5'8 and 240 with a goal of 150...and 6'2. But only one of those is…
How has losing weight affected you emotionally?
Being fat has made me such a different person. When I was thinner I was more confident and didn't worry so much. Being the weight I've been all these years I've developed anxiety and depression and a just horribly distorted negative self image of myself. Not saying all my problems will be cured when I lose the damn weight,…
My 9 year old daughter thinks she's fat. What to do?
Soooo an awkward situation for a daddio! I took my kid out for daddy and daughter day (just out having fun together) and she asked me if i thought she was fat. This was...new to me. I didn't know she really thought about those kinds of things. Apparently, her grandma told her she's "getting fat and needs to lose weight". I…
I realized I don't ever remember being my goal weight
I just had this eerie feeling after realizing...I don't even remember what it's like to be the goal weight I'm shooting for (150). Like...ever. Maybe when I was 14 (I'm 29)? I don't remember it at all though. The feeling. How I looked. Anything. The lightest I've been in the last decade has been 194lbs and for my height,…
What stupid excuses do you make?
I'm the king of all stupid excuses. I've done the usual "screw it. I'll just eat whatever i want today and then diet perfectly starting tomorrow" and the worst thing i realized in retrospect was, it was always over something ridiculously small. I'll eat perfectly for a few days and then my girlfriend offers me a rice…
For those that count calories and eat whatever they want
What's your favorite thing to blow your calories on? I earned a bunch of exercise calories today, so i thought i'd blow a bunch of calories on taco bell and ya know what? After adding up all the stuff i would ever want to stuff my face with it's only less than 900! I think the best calorie-to-getting-full ratio goes to…
This guy that lost 400lbs made me sad just now. Really
Was watching extreme weight loss with Chris Powell and remembered "hey, didn't he get famous from helping some dude lose a whole bunch of weight?" so i put google to work and found this video about the guy he helped lose 400lbs. It was amazingly inspiring. The guy he helped lose weight previously didn't have any friends,…
How does fitbit calculate calories/activity?
I don't get it! If I have a day off from work and go to the park for a couple hours and get 10,000 steps, it'll tell me I can have 1700 calories. If I go to work and only get 7,000 steps, it'll say I can eat 2,100 calories. What the fuuudge?! Is it in relation to how much of my day the steps were spread out? Cause it…
Are meal replacement shakes like slim fast healthy?
I see the little label that boasts about all the vitamins and minerals so would you guys consider them healthy? I like to incorporate one into my day as a snack sometimes and I feel awesome
I have a stupid question about bmr
I feel stupid for asking this but I read bmr is the very least amount of calories to keep my body alive. Like if I was in a coma, this is the calories I would need to keep my organs functioning and whatnot. But I typed in my info on the bmr calculator and it says I would need 2200 a day to keep my body alive? I don't get…
Did it surprise anyone how easy it was to lose weight?
I struggled for years with crash diets and always doing the dumbest things to lose weight. Ever since I discovered my fitness pal, when I stick to it, the weight comes off without much work. It's not like I have to go kill myself in the gym for 5 hours a day and eat nothing but steamed broccoli. I just count calories, eat…
Has anyone gotten to goal weight without Plateauing?
Just wondering since I see so many people complaining about how they Plateau'd for a long time, who was lucky enough to not have ever had to deal with that?
What junk food do you happily include in your daily cals?
For me lately, it's been the same for a few times the past couple weeks. A whopper, large fry and a diet coke. Totals out to be about 1100 calories of delicious badness. Since I get my 10,000 steps in and my cals budget is at least 2000 a day, this is easily doable for me. Other days it might be something small like a…