Seasons Sardines in Olive Oil
Sardines don't appeal to everyone. For those that indulge. Costco has a sale until the end of October 2015, 6 pack X 4.375 ounce cans. The regular price is $9.99, $3 off, for a final cost $6.99. Cost per can $1.17. Price as low as I have seen. They are medium sized, boneless and skinless. Closer to dark tuna type of…
Calcium-Magnesium ratio
American governmental agencies tout the consumption of dairy as being essential for bone health. I doubt that there is an American woman who hasn't got the message loud and clear. Practically every middle age woman I see at the checkout line has a dozen yogurt and slabs of cheese in their cart. All the women at work choke…
Vitamin K2
Many studies have been done reporting improved bone density with higher intake of vitamin K2. I have seen references magnesium, vitamin D, K2 may further enhance bone density. Vitamin K2 is also reported to lower arterial calcification. Anyone supplementing with K2 and found improved or stable bone density upon testing?
Missed this keto study
Not new information but it flew under my radar. I don't know why it is not made more wide- known. Too bad a population of people on high carb/low fat were not used as a control. Impressive! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2716748/
Comparing health care systems
The difference in life expectancy in Cuba is about four months shorter than the average American. Certainly there is a difference in lifestyle. This article compares the differences in costs and policy. http://www.alternet.org/story/149090/eight_reasons_us_healthcare_costs_96_more_than_cuba's--with_the_same_results
22 Symptoms of Carbohydrate Syndrome
A post linking carbohydrate consumption to depression sent me looking for this article. One man's hypothesis. He makes some interesting observations. Of course many of these symptoms are shared by individuals who are not addicted to carbohydrates. I have a close relative who has metabolic syndrome and has been addicted to…
World governmental agencies still clueless about dietary recommendations
Over the past few years there has been great acceptance and support for the LCHF diet in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. I wanted to research governmental agencies dietary recommendations around the world. Below is a link list a summary of current recommendations. They remain clueless as most recommendations…
Cramping legs, foot and hands solution
I am in my early 60's and have had some issues with leg, foot and hand cramping for a few years. I started supplementing with 400 mg magnesium glycinate powder half and hour before bed time and my leg and foot cramps have resolved. I also find that I get to sleep much faster and rarely wake up during the night. My hand…
Interesting new Paleo podcasts
Podcast series started in June 2015. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFl0ULENVuyNcUvWQBEVOBg/videos
Fat bomb recipes
Hope this is of some use. I don't know if it has been posted before. http://lowcarbediem.com/fat-bombs-recipes-atkins-ketosis/
Consider sardines
I struggle at times to get enough fat in my macro target. While shopping at Costco I purchased Season sardines in olive oil on sale for about $1.60/can on sale, if I remember correctly. A can will provide you with 24 gm protein and 24 gm fat, 1.3 gm Omega-3, 220 mg sodium and are packaged without a BPA can lining. For a…
Bulletproof coffee vs Meal
An article from Angelo Coppolo comparing Bulletproof coffee versus Meal. I use Bulletpoof coffee when I am extending a fast but not on a routine basis. You may agree or disagree with his food choices. You can substitute your own for comparison. I think he makes some excellent points.…
30 pounds in 8 weeks possible?
I have been on LC and Paleo in the past with good results. I always add 20 pounds in the winter. I suppose it is a matter of less activity and more calorie dense foods consumed in the winter. I am a 62 year old male 6'3" and currently 214 after a tough New England winter. I would like to loose 30 pounds in 8 weeks. I think…
Ice cold hands and feet?
I have been maintaining a daily carb load of less than 50 grams daily for 6 weeks or so. In the last week or ten days my hands and feet have been uncomfortably icy cold. I have not had any thyroid issues in the past. Today I upped my carbohydrates to around 225 gm by adding a few cups of white rice and a couple of green…
Big Day...
....at least around the office. Dunkin Donuts revealed its fall line up. Lots of grains and tons of sugar. Remember America Runs on Dunkin. Let's make it... America Runs From Dunkin!
Interesting exchange
I don't always use the food log. When I am in a good place eating healthy foods, eating mindfully and with a purpose I don't log for months at a time. I get in a zone that works for me very well. When I slip a bit I log and make appropriate changes and get back in a sweet spot. I started to slip a bit so I have started to…
Eating mindfully and with a purpose-hypertension
High blood pressure is a pretty common condition today and hypertension drugs make huge profits for big pharma. I don't have high blood pressure thankfully. Not having the problem I never much paid attention to my sodium ingestion but I don't eat a diet high in processed food, never add salt to my food, no bread, and less…
Histamine intolerance
I have been eating low carbohydrate and Paleo over the last 10 years or so. Over that period of time my seasonal allergies seem to have lasted for longer periods of time during the year as well as a worsening of symptoms. In addition, over the counter remedies have not worked as well as they used to. It came to my…
Results/Accuracy-Your Weight Loss Forecast Graph
I filled in the macros in the Keto Calculator and adhered (80:20) to them for a month (July 18-August 18). I did not find it difficult to restrict carbohydrate consumption but sometimes failed in meeting fat requirements as well as protein. I was pretty aggressive in reducing calories by 40% and a 70/20/10 macro. I ate two…
Paleo experts condemn wheat with the zeal of the Spanish Inquisition. I agree it is a food that is void of nutrient content, contains toxins like phytic acid, blocks mineral absorption, is inflammatory and causes insulin spikes. Well deserved! Most Paleo experts recommend the consumption an ounce of nuts daily if the…
Paleo Code Food List: Kresser
Pardon me if this has been posted before but pretty comprehensive yet concise presentation regarding the Paleo diet, food and implementation. http://www.chewfo.com/diets/your-personal-paleo-code-by-chris-kresser-2013-food-list/