How Do You Zombies! Run?
I'm just curious how others use the App. Do you run during the entire time and just change your pase or do you run/walk? I'm trying to get back into cardio after a knee injury that took a LONG time to heal, so I use it for interval training. I was just curious if that's how most people use the app or rather or not a lot of…
Thought I'd say hi to the little group. I just joined Ingress, Resistance. I love it though real life keeps me from being a really active player. It can make walks around town a LOT more intersting though! It will also get my pale redheaded self outside more :P
Getting use to the cold after losing weight
So, does your body ever adjust to less fat in terms of being cold? I have lost just a little over 25lbs, nothing extreme, but I feel a LOT colder than I use to be. Granted, this year seems to be colder in terms of the numbers, but I feel cold All. The. Damn. Time! I turn on a space heater at night so I can feel toasty. Is…
Total Newb, have Questions
So, I just D/L this today and did one run on the regular app and then downloaded the 5k app. I just turned it on and went, I had no idea and still pretty much have idea short of running. I am stuck at work and the website is blocked so I'm hoping I could get some answers! The site (based on my phone browsing) doesn't seem…
When you feel ill
Just a little survey, I am curious if you work out when you feel a little down due to an illness. I'm having that contemplation right now with the sniffles, but the option to attend a new (and free) yoga class. What do you do if you feel ill, rest or work out? I've read that rest is better and that light workout is better.…
Ashtanga Yoga question
Hello. I was thinking about getting a David Swenson tape, since I have one of his books, but after reading reviews saying his workouts were not for begenniers I thought I should Youtube some Ashtanga yoga first. I found a beginner video, but it was really fast.. ie the flow from one movement to another. I couldn't keep up…
Scientific American: Why Calorie Counts Are All Wrong
I subscribe to the above magazine and found the article pretty interesting. There is a teaser for it here: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=science-reveals-why-calorie-counts-are-all-wrong I was wondering if anyone else had seen the article or had thoughts on it. For the most part food labels work well…
Learning to run with bad knees
Is there anyone who has become a runner after a knee injury? I would appreciate any tips or resources! I was told by the last physical therapist that I had there was not much she could do for me after a few appointments and a list of exercises to strengthen my legs (sigh). For my history, my knees have been touchy since my…
Protein Ratio
Has anyone here modified their ratios? I decided to finally edit mind since I usually eat slightly lower carb than the general population but wasn't sure where I wanted to put my protein. A lot of the recommendations I found were for body builders, which I am not. I was curious what other people ate as far as protein…
Anyone with odd flexibility?
So, my legs are just odd... I can do the full lotus (that is me in the photo, just in costume), I can do the butterfly pose and rest my knees on the floor without even trying and can touch my toes to my forehead as long as my feet are not too close to me. However, if you ask me to straighten my legs for a simple…
Some poses for bad knees?
I was wondering if I could get a few poses that will maybe help me build up my legs. My knees are just weak in general, the last physical therapist I saw said there wasn't much she could do. I had a Dr. before her who said my knees were too loose and she said my knee caps were just really small. Anyways, I have been biking…
Yogurt crunchies
So, in a effort to eat a little better I've been "making" my own yogurt by adding fruit to plain Fage greek yogurt (not organic but it's super good). I was adding some gluten free cereal I picked up to try (made out of corn) but since I'm trying to do 30 days of Primal friendly foods I need something different to add. I…
Yoga and Balance
A question for all of you Yogis out there, has anyone gone from having really bad balance to good balance from Yoga? I have HORRIBLE balance. Probably a mix of my mom being over protective as a kid (no climbing anything) and having a inner ear problem (also hearing issues from it). I also have a lazy eye... so lots of…
Do you eat specific calories at specific times?
Though I've read in a few places that it doesn't really matter, I'm curious if som epeople try to eat more at the begenning of the day verse the end (on purpose) or visa versa. It does seem more logical to eat more at the start of the day when your body is "turning on," and getting ready to move about instead of at the end…
How Much Protien Do You Eat?
I am curious if you watch protien grams and how much you eat. Do you try to eat protien based on body weight?