Pole stuff as gifts
Now that the holidays are nearly complete - did any one get anything pole related for gifts? My x-stage lite got ordered YEAH!!!! I also got practice shorts and a pole studio gift certificate (from my FIL!)
Pole Passion
The pole studio that I go to had a write up in a local paper that asked for reviews and this is what I wrote: If you could go to a fitness studio that teaches you a variety of movements that enhance your core, strength and endurance all while being surrounded by supportive classmates and teachers, would you go? What about…
So, Who do YOU know?
I got a call today . . . . . A friend (ex-sister in law) was sent home from the hospital to be on hospice. She is a vibrant, caring 39 year old woman (mother to an 8 year old girl, wife, friend, boss, co-worker - all the aspects a woman can be) who was diagnosed on August 16, 2011 with colon cancer. Her only symptom - she…
What is that SMELL????
Ok, I work with some weird stuff but I just had to move some test samples from the oven to cool and they smelled bad! It reminded me of a horse barn and not in the good clean smell of a horse barn but more in the stall shoveling duties of the barn. Considering that the fluid is a hydraulic oil, that's a very weird…
The motions worked!!
I read a post a while ago about how to get through those workouts that you weren't really motivated for: it said just get up and go through the motions. (Apologies for forgetting who gave such sage advice) SOOOO, yesterday I did not want to get up and go for my morning run, AT ALL. But I got up, struggled into my workout…
PLEASURE % (math included)
SOOOOOO, while feeling a little guilty getting my once a month, one hour massage yesterday, I decided to figure out the percentage of time spent on "pleasure" as it relates to some fitness/goal items. If you get a 1 hour massage, once a month you are spending 0.14% :noway: of your time on something beneficial, both…
Telling the TRUTH
Lately I have been seeing a lot of people the haven't seen me in years. I am always being asked how did you do it?! So I tell the truth. A LOT OF HARD WORK. I pay attention to what I eat, I exercise and I am honest with myself about both of those things. I do not deprive myself of those cravings that I get, pie, chocolate,…
You WON'T Believe it!
I just did my measurements at the gym. Measurement Start Today Chest 42.5 41 Waist 37.75 34.25 Abs 37.25 34.75 Hips 45.5 41.25 Butt 46.5 45.5 With all measurements in I lost 25.5 inches since 6/27/08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's in 2 months!!!! I'm so excited that I don't think my feet will touch the ground for a few days.
Last night I received a wake up call in the form of a terrified scream from my son. I went in to check on him and he held on tight and would not let go when I got to his crib. I rocked him and snuggled him and he went back to sleep peacefully. Since he can't tell me I think that he had a bad dream. It made me wonder what…