Sorry all, had to take an unexpected trip to visit a family member who recently got some really sad news. Had to leave in a rush so I could get a lift there so didn't have time to let you all know before and I had no internet access while I was there so couldn't post this update sooner. Will update all the weights on the…
Weigh In - Week 8 - June 15th
Hey all, Weigh in thread for this week :) . Will update the spreadsheet with all of lasts weeks weigh ins tomorrow! It's week 8 now so time to look at your 8 week goals and see how you're doing. Same as before with that, if you feel you want to change your goal for 12 weeks for any reason then let me know and I'll change…
Weigh In - Week 5 - June 24th
Hey all, Sorry it's late, like I said I'm staying with my parents and got grandparents here at the moment so completely forgot to post this! Same as always, add your weight and I'll add it to the spreadsheet. Might not get chance to add it until next week at some point but it will definitely get done so don't worry :)…
Heroes of the Storm
Hey all, just wandering if we have any other heroes of the storm players here :) I was a WoW player for a long time but didn't have time for it so stopped. Then a few weeks ago I noticed I had beta acces to HotS so decided to try it and really liking it so far. I don't play it often, usually a couple hours every few days,…
Weigh In - Week 7 - June 8th
Hey all, Same as always, post your weigh in for the week here. Currently adding all of last weeks weights to the spreadsheet since I've been slacking a bit (trying to make the most of the sun, don't get it often in Cornwall! haha) so it should all be up to date by tonight Been a good week for me, got back down to where I…
Weigh In - Week 6 - July 1st
Hey all, Sorry I haven't updated the spreadsheet for last weeks, ended up staying at my parents a little longer than I planned so only just got back. Will be updating it all tomorrow morning so anything I've missed from last week / the week before should be added then Same as normal, add your weight for this week here and…
Spreadsheet is up - Thanks for the patience!
Hey all, I know I've been slow with this, been a lot busier than I thought I would be since finishing uni for the year. Finally got around to sorting most of the spreadsheet out, will post the link at the bottom of this post so you can all take a look, let me know if you see any mistakes please! So far it shows everyones…
Weigh In - Week 4 - June 17th
Hey all, It's Wednesday again, time to weigh in! It's week 4 now so time to check if you've met your 4 week goal too. Managed to beat mine by 2 lbs, but then I've set mine to fairly small goals since I prefer it like that. Got a few others that have already met their goals too, and hopefully more will meet them this week…
Weigh In - Week 3 - June 10th
Hey all, Weight in thread for this week! Same as before, add your weight to the thread and I'll add it to the sheet :) . Think all the goals / current weights that I've been given are on the sheet now, but feel free to let me know if I've missed you. I need to update a couple of the % lost cells for some people but I'll do…
135lbs Lost So Far (With Pics!)
Hey everyone, Wanted to post another quick update to show how I'm doing :) . Last time I posted was about 2 and half months ago. Been a pretty slow few months as far as weight loss goes, mainly since it's been the end of my uni year so struggled to stay on track with all the stress from exams / deadlines and then once they…
Weigh In - Week 2 - June 3rd
Hi all, So this is the thread to add your weight for this week :) Just post below and I'll update the spreadsheet with them all soon, should be a lot faster with it all now that I have more spare time! Hope everyones had a good week, I'm just getting back into focusing properly after a fairly bad week or so (as far as food…
Hey all, Updated the sheet now so it should be including the goal colouring and the weight lost so far for everyone that has weighed in this week. The people that haven't yet weighed in I will add this feature for once they do so, but these challenges tend to have a lot of people dropping out in the early stages so it…
Intial Weigh In - Week 0!
Hey all, So this is the thread for people to add their weights for week 0 of the challenge :) . Just post your weight below and I'll add it to the sheet, feel free to copy the format below, but you don't have to. If you want to add your real name or a preferred name for the spreadsheet then you can, like I have, but if you…
Hey to everyone from the previous challenge, and welcome to any new people! Just a thread for anyone that wants to to introduce themselves and get to know the other members of the group. The idea of the group is to help each other out so please make sure you're supportive of everyone. Will post he thread for the initial…
Final Weigh In!
Hey all, So this is it, the last weigh in for this group! Well done to everyone that stayed for the entire thing, we lost a lot of people on the way but a decent number stuck with it :) Will be adding information about the new group soon, most likely tomorrow morning I will set it up. Planning to start it next week but…
Weight Loss Group Challenge!
Hey everyone, Just to let people know we're running group "challenge" for 12 weeks starting on the 20th of may. The main goal of the group is to support and motivate others to keep everyone on track Everyone will add their weight to a thread on the group page each week (the thread will open each Wednesday, but you're…
Round 2!
Hey all, I've now created the group for round 2 of this! Feel free to invite anyone you want to join, I'll be posting on the introduction forum and the getting started one about it to find us some new members, hopefully we find a few more that stick to it :) Link to the new group:…
Weigh In - Week 12
Hey all, Really close to the end now :) . Just to remind people, this isn't the final weigh in (original weights were week 1, so week 13 will be our 12th weeks actually doing this). Sorry it's late again, had my first exam today so been pretty busy :) As usual, just post your weight and I'll add it to the sheet, good luck…
Weigh In - Week 11
Hey all, Late again, really sorry, been home for a few days so I could visit my mum after her operation. I know some of the spreadsheet is a little behind at the moment, will update everything on it properly on saturday, got a presenation today and tomorrow so will be working on those before that. Really good week for me…
Weigh In - Week 10
Hey all, Usual weigh in thread, sorry it's a day late again, still so busy with assignments at the moment so keep forgetting :/ . Last deadline is Sunday though so then I just need to revise for exams so should remember to post like normal. Only a few weeks left in this challenge so thought I'd mention that I might make…
Weigh In - Week 9
Hey all, Same as always, weigh in thread for this week :) Initial weigh ins were set as week one on here so this is actually our eighth week of this group, so you can look to see if you made your week eight goals :) I just about managed to reach mine, could've been doing a lot better if I hadn't had such a terrible easter…
Weigh In - Week 8
Hey all, A day later than I planned, sorry for that! Got back last night and my housemate wanted to go for a few drinks and some pool and I completely forgot to post this when I got back since it was pretty late. Terrible last few days for me as far as my diet goes. Was visiting parents so no gym either. Been to the gym…
Away for Easter
Hey all, Just to let you all know that I'm heading home to visit parents for a few days over Easter. Leaving today and will be back on Wed/Thurs. Not sure if I'll be able to use a desktop / laptop while I'm home so may not be able to post the thread for next weeks weigh in on time since I don't think I can from my Ipad.…
Weigh In - Week 7
Hey :) It's Tuesday again so time for another weigh in thread :P This will be the 6th week of the challenge so only 6 more to go! Huge well done to everyone that has stuck with this so far. Hopefully we can all keep going until the end and continue to move towards our goals Been a really busy last few weeks for me so glad…
Weigh In - Week 6
Hey again all, Sorry it's a day late again, had a coursework deadline today so was busy working on that yesterday Same as usual, post your weight and I'll update the spreadsheet with it all :) Hope you're all well! -Jamie
120lbs Lost So Far! (With Pics)
Hey, Posted a few weeks ago when I was at around 105lbs lost but wanted to post a quick update. Joined the gym about 3 weeks ago and am now at 120lbs lost :) Heaviest was a bit over a year and a half ago at 323lbs, today I was 203lbs. My current goal is 190lbs for "healthy" weight, then I'll decide how much more to lose…
How's Everyone Doing?
Hey all, Just thought I'd make a post to see how everyones week has been and how you're all finding this so far :) Was a really good week for me which I'm guessing is since I joined the gym and went most days this week, so was kind of a shock to my body haha, should be back to losing at my normal rate of around 2lbs a week…
Weigh In - Week 5
Hey again everyone, So this is the place to weigh in for week 5. Same as usual, feel free to weigh in whatever day suits you and I'll add it to the sheet. Just to clear it up for anyone that's confused this will be week four on the spreadsheet, since for the weigh ins I counted the original weigh in as week one whereas on…
The Spreadsheet
Ok, just posting this here so you can take a look at the spreadsheet and let me know if anyone things I need to change anything. I've got it set so only I can edit it and I've set the cells on the far right to work out peoples % of total body weight lost. I'll have to change the calculations in these cells each week so it…