No-no hair remover anyone?
I have an epilator but anyone who has one knows how awful that can be. Does anyone have a no-no? Does it work well? :)
Boxed mixes?
So, my grandma buys me tons of boxed cakes and brownies but they're so fatty! :P Is there a way to make them a little healthier? Like diet pop or apple sauce and stuff like that? Any suggestions?
Okay so my mother was making fun of me and my healthy foods and she started picking up anything that said GLUTEN FREE across the top. I kept telling her "You don't even know what gluten is!" then I realized I don't even know what Gluten is!! So can someone tell me what it is and why I shouldn't be eating it? :P
Eating disorders.
I'd like to just say that no matter what kind of eating disorder you may have, you deserve the love and support of others. I have a fear of food, something I hate to admit but if you were to look at my diary it would be obvious. Only last week I was eating 700 calories and still exercising. I've been eating more so I don't…
Potato chips anyone?
So I stumbled upon this awesome recipe I guess you could call it, for potato chips! I was so excited :P I can have potato chips for less than half the calories now(: http://theguythatcooks.wordpress.com/ I used vegetable spray and no olive oil so I didn't have loads of calories and they turned out AWESOME(: I also used…
Binge free?
Does anyone else keep track of how many days they've been binge free? If you don't you should.. (: It feels so good to look at a big number and know that it's been that long since you've done something that (usually) makes you feel pretty crappy! I'm proud to say I'm 78 days binge free! :D
So, if I do my BMR it gives me around 1,200. But if I switch my goals to maintenance it sets me at 1,500! Does this seem wrong to anyone? I have my activity set to sedentary so they should be pretty much the same, right?
Big NSV to me!
So, this might sound pretty lame to most people but I am so proud of it!! I've been trying to get my protein up so hopefully I can build some muscle and get some definition, and just be a little healthier :P I usually don't even get half but today I got all of it! (: I love having a scale, it means I can eat meat a little…
Cottage cheese...?
How do you guys eat it? :P I have a whole bunch and I don't think I could eat it plain! I was wondering if you guys had some suggestions? I know some people use it instead of yogurt but.. :P
Village inn?
So, I've been looking up nutritional info for Village Inn and I was wondering if anyone knew if the Multigrain pancakes were the big or the little pancakes? They're only 50 calories, so I'm guessing the small ones. But I'd like to know :P
oh my gosh...
So, I didn't think it was very noticable that I had lost weight. I know that my tummy doesn't stick out as much and my thighs are a little bit thinner but I didn't think people would really notice. I just figured I'd feel better and have nothing to hide. Today I saw one of my friends at the grocery store that I haven't…
What was that movie??
It's about the girl who meets this guy(crazy right? haha) and they start to like eachother and he finds out she has cancer but didn't want to tell him. It's a pretty popular movie(x and it's kind of old. They're teenagers and.. wow, I'm so bad at describing things(x Help me?
So, this may be a dumb question..
So, I had chicken noodle soup today and I was wondering if the broth was counted in the calorie count. Wow, typing it out sounds soooo dumb. But I'm currious, because I don't like the broth :P I'm sure it doesn't save me enough calories to bother counting but. Just put my mind at ease and anwer my ditsy question(x
So, of course my TOM has rolled back around! and I haven't dropped even a pound! I've been eating like I was before hand and exercising as much, if not even more. When I no longer have my TOM, should I start losing again? because it's really starting to freak me out! I don't want to be stuck at this weight! o.o
Step back and look at yourself!
I just weighed in and the scale said 122.1. and I thought "oh, cool! That's good, I'm getting there!" and then I thought about what I've got left to go. But I'm sitting here now thinking about that number. 122! That's 13 pounds lighter than when I started all of this! I never thought I would get this far, I figured I…
Metabolism pills?
I've been taking them, but if I stop taking them will my metabolism slow back to where it was before?