Done! Need some support!
I was once on this app and so secure with myself and loved the way I looked then I got in a dark spot in my life due to a life event. Now I'm over this and want a change again for the better me! Anyone else had enough and need a partner in fitness?
Doctor recommended HCG for me
Hello friends. First off I'm not interested in any slamming. I had my blood work back and my tests came back great! What a relief, I was talking to him about my plateau and I still have 30 pounds to go. He then highly recommended HCG. Now just like you I was completely shocked I left surprised. I did some research on him…
Back atter! Need some partners!
i need some accountability partners. Right now I took a break after moving yet again and just got into the funk. Well now I'm back atter and doing cardio to bring down my fat% and then adding in my weights again later. Anyone want to join me? Add and let's do this!
Cardio for weight loss
everyone knows the key to weight loss is done in the kitchen. I'm curious about the other portion. Cardio. Monitoring your heart rate and keeping it in the correct zone is important but I want to know what works for you? I've just started running (intervals) 6 days a week. How long it far do you go? I also switch it up…
Moms in my area want a group created, name ideas?
Hello peeps! I have a group of moms who want to share all fitness ideas and tips. Maybe meet up for some exercise so they asked me to create a local group. I can't come up with any names...thoughts? Might even be dad's so don't want it to girly;) Thanks!!
Looking for accountability partner
Hello! I'm not new to fitness pal, I'm a huge fan of it and have transformed my body in the last 6 months. However I'm getting into the hard part where the body has figured out what I'm doing. I'm looking for some dedicated friends to keep pushing me and are into a hard journey of fitness! This has been a lifestyle change…
Please read and assist with breakdown
Thanks so much!! I just bought my body beast and I'm so excited, while waiting for my DVDs I do get the app to get me going without them. So tomorrow us my first day back after a 2 week flu and was reading what he was asking me to do.....but just need some clarification ....... When doing this type of single set you will…
Body beast anyone?
I was just reading up in the forum and no I don't want anyone selling it to me so please don't spam me... I was wondering how many women have done the program? I was watching the infomercial and it's totally what I'm looking for. I want to know good posture and new exercises with weights and do to being in the process of…
How do I measure fat%
I knew I should not have checked! I'm very sick, with fever and almost unable to eat. I'm bummed I'm ill cuz I'm missing my workout day:( however I did not want to take measurements till may but checked today. Yahoo I lost inches of my legs but getting on the scale my fat % went up! How the heck does that happen? I'm…
Scale question
I got this scale so I can moniter fat % I know it's not the best way but ok for me for now. I get MM,fat, TEW. I assume MM is mucle? Fat is fat what's TEW? Thanks peeps!
Over in protein!
Hey guys I need some help.... I'm dragging after my cardio and weights and no I don't take in enough portien post workout. So I have a great protein powder I want to use and just started putting in my estimated meals for tomorrow. Right after lunch it put my protein at 60% and my goal was 20% something sounds weird to me.…
Stomach fat
Yes we all hate it! Especially me! I had my baby 6 months ago and want it gone. I. Lifting heavy weights and can see the changes especially my arms but not so much in the mid section. Any suggestions in excersises? Really want to lose some inches and cardio isn't doing it. Thx
Can't find a good protein shake
Im working hard on weights and don't think I'm taking in enough protein post workout. I got great advice on watch for high calories per scoop and stay away from ones with over 3G of sugar,carbs ect while looking for a protein base of 20g Any suggestion on a great starter powder, ones I'm finding are very high in calories…
This mom needs advise!!!
Desperate need of advise. I'm 182 pounds 5'7 and 34 years old I workout 6 days a week which I enjoy averaging 30 min cardio with a heartrate of 150. I was previously keeping heartrate about 175 but my doc said that's to high and 150 to burn fat. That's slow but I've been doing it. I eat great and sometimes slip with water…
Looking for fitness partners who love weights!!
I'm a mom of two looking to drop 40-50 pounds who does cardio 6 days a week even if it's not my favorite thing. I love weights and most of all results! Looking for some peeps who want to do this journey with me. I support you if you support me:smile: :drinker: :happy: Add me, let's do this!!