Shaun T's Rockin' Body DVD Does it work ?
Ok .. so i suffer with anxiety which is really high. . . any-ways cause of my anxiety i find it hard to go to gyms , i have tried them but i lose focus or something spooks me and i never go back again then i just get down and end up comfot eating and im back to square one .... i bought a exercise bike a few months ago ..…
anyone got any smoothie or juice recipes thankyou x
>.< i'm stuck on ideas
Juice & Food Diets ? wondering if they work before buying a juicer
I'm thinking of buying a juicer and start doing morning Juice /smoothie Dinner Juice / Smoothie tea something around 500 cals .. plus a 100 cal snack ^^ that's the plan .. just wondering is it worth buying a juicer or buy the bottles of the juice you can get ? :3
emotional eating sucks !!
:( I just came back from the hospital from seeing my mum and it just rfjoqihiowgh i cant explain the feelings but the worse thing is iv bin good on food all day watched what iv eaten , got told my mum has to stay in hospital for a week and i ended up eating a tub of ben and jerrys thing was i didn't even enjoy it i feel…
Low fat pancakes
so I read this recipe online thought I would give it ago :D if you love pancakes !! then this is a really good recipe all you need is . . . 1 x Banana 1x egg thats it :D mash the banana up until it's smooth add the egg do as you do with normal pancakes sprinkle with fruit or natural yoghurt ( i sprinkled a bit of honey on…
pudding for under 150 cals !
I think I have a obsession with making my food look pretty :D but good little quick and easy dessert and it looks cute :D all you need is 2 x caramel snack a jacks or rice crackers 100g of raspberries 1 table spoons of low fat Greek yoghurt all you need to do is one snack a jack some raspberries and spoon of Greek yoghurt…
Any one tried the 5:2 diet ?
and it work ?
perfect for mornings on the go
If your like me and get up looking for a quick fix for breakfast on the go .. then this idea is perfect for you . . . it's simple , cheap , tasty & filling all you need is a glass jar , some muesli , milk & fruit .. sounds simple cause it is .. before you go to sleep . get a glass jar fill it half way with muesli add your…
great little sweet tooth fix :D
Ok so let me share this beautiful dessert I made that was only about 150 calories !! if you like snack jacks but find them dull and boring to eat like I do then here is a nice dessert idea get one Carmel snack jack some defrosted raspberries or fresh depends on your preference put in the middle of the snack jack some low…
Am I doing something wrong :3
Ok I don't wanna sound like I'm moaning but I need to get this off my chest =/. 4 years ago .. i was 22 stone and dress size 24 ... I got a scare from the hospital thinking i had gall stones ( I have a massive phobia of hospitals ) that i went down to 16 stone and dress size 14-16 in a year I was so happy cause I Hadn't…
Advice on exercise machines ?
Ok advice ;3 would a exercise bike burn a lot of calories :3 I'm thinking about buying one but I'm not sure if all it's gonna do is tone my legs up
Josie gibbson's 30 second slim ( any result story's)
HI !!! ok so I bought this DVD before cause it looked the easiest and when I watched the dvd I got a sweat just from watching :D BUTTT I wanna know if anyone on here has used this DVD & it worked or is it just another celeb DVD that does nothing PLUS what would be a good time to do exercise i was thinking around 3pm till…
Hi ..I'm hoping this will work for me
Hi ... let me start off by saying iv NEVER EVER done anything like this before so this whole '' community '' thing is kinda scary for me so be gentle & patience with me ^_^ WHERE DO I START ????? hopefully myfitnesspal will help me with that <3