Working out with sciatica
Hi people had sciatica for 4 years had mri scan found out that one of my discs is hitting my nerve. Lately had an steriod injection in my disc to calm the nerve down... Has anyone gone though this and managed to lift weights... if so what did u do.. i need help
How to make yourself eat
So guys eating weekdays are great due to work (manual work) and its making me hungry etc etc but why is it when I'm off work (weekends) I'm not hungry and cant be arsed to make anything and I no that's the problem lying right there.. I'm not saying I don't eat weekends cos I do but I'm not eating no where near enough...…
Meal schedule
Hi guys just a quick question... I'm wondering how to workout my diet plan.. I start work at 7 finish around 5, in the building trade. I go to gym around 8.30pm done by 9.30pm. Should I have breakfast, lunch, dinner, pre - workout, post workout, bedtime snack or breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, pre workout, post…
I'm a healthy weight for my height 5ft '7 10 stone Problem I have is I'm small framed so I look quite skinny, my wrist look like they cant pick a flipping stone... i have really good grip strength according to this machine at the gym and I do have some muscle definition like shoulders,back, upper legs, lower legs forget…
How should a ectomorph eat
5,7 floating around 140-145pounds small framed male been gymming for years and possibly the slowest muscle gain ever... currently doing the stronglift 5x5 really enjoying it been throwing some pull ups in aswell on the deadlift day.. Question is what we meant to eat..we eat the oats,the peanut butters, the nuts, wholemilk…
Construction workers
Anyone work on building sites here and give anyone good ideas what u guys eat... As u no u don't get much time to eat in the trade and work is pretty much full on
Help plz people skinny person
Hi guys I'm trying to gain weight I be good for 2 weeks then all of a sudden I just get bored and then goes pear shaped... My diet at the moment but poo at recording it Breakie.. eggs bagel soft cheese and oj Snack. Nuts banana 1ltr whole milk Lunch.. 120g pasta chicken and some type of sauce. Snack nuts banana 1ltr whole…
Gaining weight buddies needed
Alright people.. basically looking for friends that want to gain weight,these alot of people trying to lose it but these people out there that want to gain it..