What's your workout routine??
My husband and I have recently purchased a new weight bench and weights. I am needing to sit down and write down what my routine is going to be and at what weight I will use for each exercise. (Makes for easier transitioning for me.) Just curious, what does your workout routine consist of? I walk our dog every day for…
What are you craving?
I woke up this morning with a huge craving for orange juice. I left my wallet at work so i had to text my co worker to bring me the biggest OJ she could get. Downed that and still wanting a huge OJ. What are you craving today??
When to tell the friend the truth?
My best friend is in a relationship with a huge d-bag. My husband and I met him once on a double date at a pool hall. My husband talked to him and I talked to him and he came across as a guy that was really just interested in a good time and not a long term relationship. I have let it go for a long time that I can't stand…
Dumbbells - Adjustable or 1 weight?
My husband and I are looking into buying dumbbells to work out at home. He likes the idea of buying the adjustable ones that go from 5 - 55 lbs. I am all for it too until I looked at them. Has anyone used or own both the adjustable and the straight 10/25/40/etc lb dumbbells? I wasn't too fond of the idea of how big and…
Zoe Saldana weight published by Allure
I saw an article this morning about how Zoe Saldana's weight was published on the cover of Allure. It was said to be 115 lbs. I have always thought this woman to be on the rather slender side but a beautiful woman indeed. So I googled her height out of curiousity to see what her BMI said. She's a 5' 6.5" woman at 115 lbs.…
Mother's Day Gifts
What are you getting the mother in your life? My husband and I are sending a Mother's Day gift to his son's mother. We are needing ideas. She lives in Nevada and we live in Oklahoma. Nothing too expensive...like maybe $20 or less. lol Hoping to get some ideas from others.
Ripped Cream Coffee Creamer
Has anyone tried this? Do you use something else in your coffee as creamer to add a shot of protein?
What is your beginning & current BF %? Goal??
I went in this morning for a body fat test and it showed that I am currently at 30.8%. Ideal for a woman my age is 22%. Right now, I am thinking I would like to get down to 20-22%. Time to get my butt in gear!! SBF: 30.8% CBF: 30.8% GBF: 20-22%
HELP! Android Apps for outdoor activities?
I am currently using endomondo pro and it continuously freezes my phone completely. What are some good android apps that I can use for outdoor activites?
HELP! Android Apps for outdoor activities?
I currently use endomondo pro but everytime I use it, it freezes my phone and I have to pull the battery out just to get it to restart. What app do you use for tracking how many miles you walk/run/bike? I am in desperate need of a new app!
Musical Memory Lane
I pulled out an old CD this morning as my last hurrah for the CD player in my car. It has music on there from Blackstreet, Uncle Sam, Puff Daddy, Avant and Usher. Took me back 10-12 years back to my high school days! What groups or artists take you back down memory lane? Who or what does it remind you of?
Transgender boy not allowed to us girl's bathroom
Colorado couple is suing a Colorado school district because the school district is not allowing the boy to use the girl's bathroom. The 6 year old boy is said to be a transgender boy. He dresses like a girl and is known to be a girl by his peers. How do you feel about this situation?
Spring Break Book Recommendations??
What is everyone reading for spring break or what do you suggest?
Office Workout?
Does anyone else have a small workout routine you do at your desk or in the break room? I found one that consists of chair squats, desk pushups, chair crunch, alternating lunges, chair dips, calf raises and a wall sit. All for 30 seconds without taking a break between exercises then resting one minute and doing again.…
"Married" but not "MARRIED"
I know this couple that isn't married but put their Facebook status as married. I have a cousin that claims married as her relationship status every time she gets into a new relationship. I see couples in my line of work that are engaged for 5 or 6 years and have multiple children and live as a "married" couple but don't…
Women on the front lines??
So I heard this morning on the radio that the US Military is now going to allow women on the front lines. I am all for the gender equality bit in business. For example, I do the same job as a guy but he gets paid considerably more isn't right. Equal pay for equal work is how I feel. But there are just certain things that…
Color Me Rad
Anyone running in this 5k and where?? My husband and I are running in the OKC, OK one. :)
Eating Right/Exercise vs. Diet Plans
I have a friend that is selling a product that has supposedly help relieve high blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss, etc. But wouldn't all of these things happen if a person were to just eat right an exercise. This particular program consists of a 30 day body cleanse of pills taken 3 times a day. This can be done by…
I have a friend that sells the stuff and a co-worker that is really pushing the stuff because it's "full of vitamins". But I have also heard people say that once they come off of the program, they feel bad with less energy. Is anyone taking it and what do you think about it?? P.S. I will continue to stick with my eating…
Women on the front lines??
So I heard this morning on the radio that the US Military is now going to allow women on the front lines. I am all for the gender equality bit in business. For example, I do the same job as a guy but he gets paid considerably more isn't right. Equal pay for equal work is how I feel. But there are just certain things that…
I went to a crosspump class this morning. Its basically constant weight lifting by rotating exercises for each muscle group. we also used free weights during the exercise. Would this be considered weight training or circuit training as it is non stop lifting using different muscles groups and exercises for an hour?
Strange baby names?
I read an article where 3 sets of parents were denied in naming their children Lucifer. What other strange names have you heard?
What was your wedding song and why?
My husband and I were married in January of this year. The song that played before we said our vows and as we walked away a married couple was Dave Barnes "God Gave Me You". We truly felt that God had a plan for us to meet. My husband is truly my partner, best friend and the love of my life.
Crafty people...I need your help!!!
I'm making an apron for my 5 year old step daughter and was wondering if I should put more on this apron or leave as is? Again she's 5 and a really prissy child. Any ideas to finish it out?? Thanks!!
Question regarding "Blended Families"...
I have 2 scenarios that I need help with: SCENARIO 1: I have 2 children by a man that I am no longer in contact with. He doesn't pay me child support although it is court ordered at this time because he is currently serving 6-20 years in prison. He didn't before he was sentenced. He rarely called as well. Maybe 2-3 times a…
Current Events...Mom convicted of jaywalking...
A Marietta, Ga., mom who was convicted of jaywalking after her 4-year-old son was run over and killed in a hit-and-run said on the Today Show that the worst part of going to jail would be the separation from her two remaining kids. Raquel Nelson was convicted of homicide by vehicle and reckless conduct by a jury and faces…
Does anyone else quilt or sew??
I'm trying to be a creative mommy and make things for my girls. Was wanting to get some ideas from other people on what they have made for family. I'm wanting to make an apron for my step daughter with a big rose in the middle (that's her middle name) that she can wear in her kindergarten class when they paint. I am making…
Weight gain and menstrual cycle??
I started my menstrual cycle and now I'm up 2 pounds. Is it possible to gain weight around the time you start your menstrual cycle?
Breaking up is hard to do...
Break ups of ANY kind are hard! And today I had to break the news to my daughter's soccer coach, whom we've been playing soccer with for 4 years now, that we will not be returning. We moved away 2 years ago but kept her on the same team. We decided this year that it's time for us to just play in the hometown league. So…
Sneaking snacks into the theater...
What snacks or drinks do you sneak into the theater?