Question for the big guys 40+ years
Have you had problems with your mojo in the sack due to extreme obesity? If you have lost a lot of weight, did this improve? How about testosterone levels? Do those ever get better with loss? I have read and studied on this some, and even consulted with my doctor, but I would like to hear real life experience. I was up to…
So, How many calories did you actually put away?
On a daily basis at your worst, how many calories were you eating a day? I did some adding and on my most gluttonous days I put away around 9000. Wow!
I need some feedback on this situation
I am a disabled veteran, busted my leg on duty and it never healed right. I cannot squat, run, do jumping jacks or jump rope, stairs are difficult, leg lifts are out and jumping around is also not doable. So, what else can I do to burn, and later to strength train? I do walk now about 6 miles a week. I also move around a…
How about this?
How does your way of eating measure up to how you used to eat? I have been thinking and comparing on all I would eat in my, let's say, bad eating days. I recently did an average intake calculation of what I used to eat, and man, it is scary. I always joke that the only veggies I got then were from the Chinese buffet and…
I could use some friends
My name is David from PA, 53, married with two kids. I did an intro the other day but did not ask for any friends. I have a few now and it is really helpful and motivating. I could use some more to message, ask advice, give advice, compare notes, encouragement and so on. I started out roughly 390 pounds and am now 379. Got…
First week of the journey
Just started last Thursday and already down 1% of my BMI of 51. It is a start!
June 19, I finally started!
My name is David, a lover of food and international cuisine, and all around junk food junky. I have been trying fad diets for the last 30 or so years and resisted the simple approach due to preconceived notions of dire hunger, low calories and counting, and eating funky things like alfalfa sprout sandwiches and plain…