DAY2 - 1/4/12
How did it go on Day 2,Let us know the good, bad and the ugly :) ~Chika
DAY 1 - 1/3/11
Okay today is the day that we begin with drinkining at least 8 glasses of water = at least 64ounces. As well as not eating after 8pm. Please post here if you completed this challenge. And if you didn't, Why Not!!!!! ****Please note, you should comment the next day and not on the same day, or comment before you go to bed,…
WEIGH IN 1/3/2011
I am curently sitting @ 160.8lbs and by the end of this 30 days I want to be 155. Please note that i do work out 4-5 days a week, consisting of Cardio and Weigh Training. I dabble in running once in a while, but with the weather getting colder, i might put that on hold. Good Luck
Advice on running in the cold......
Okay, so I have a 5k tomorrow and it's going to be cold (35 degrees). I have never run in the cold before, because i hate being cold. If you are a runner, what should I wear, should i wear a hat, gloves, etc??? And someone told me it's better to run in the cold, is that really true? .Any help is greatly appreciated. ~Chika
Explain to me again the idea of losing Inches and not Weight
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, So seriously, explain to me again, how it is possible not to lose weight, but yet lose inches. I'm trying to make sense of all of this. And yes a few trainers have explained the concept to me, but i need to hear more as to how that is possible. Please and thank you. ~Chika P.S. I do cardio…
One word that makes you laugh...
My word is "smedium"..meaning that you should be in a larger size.....LOL
Your Opinion about Body Cleansers/Detox!!!!
Alright i need some input here. How do you feel about Body Cleansers and Body Detoxing. I know alot of you are against using them, but prefer the natural way of detoxing by eating raw veggies and fruits and that's terrific and eveything. But i am just trying to get a consensus here. If you are for them, what products are…
In the market for a new iPod...help!
Okay, so i have an old Classic ipod and my 5yr and 3yr old have taken claim to it, so now i am in the market for a new one. I need something that has enough memory for songs and apps obviously and don't care about the fm/am option as i hate the radio. Any suggestions and/or idea would be fabolous. Thanks a Mil ~Chika
5'6" Ladies, what is you weight goal?
Hi ladies, I am 5'6'' and my goal is to be 150, which is the weight that I need to have for a healthy BMI. But i am wondering if i should make it 130, which is what I was when I was in highschool, or i'm just dreaming? According to the BMI calculatore, the normal range is 116-155. So i'm thinking for shooting in the…
Favorite Motivational quote's......
Mine is from my favorite trainer in the world, Ms Jillian Michaels. "Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!" — Jillian Michaels (Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You)
Welcome to the 150's Club....
Today I finally reached into the 150's, I am at 159.4 and i am so excited to finally be here. I have 9.4lbs to go before i reach my goal and it feels owwww so good. Once i reach that goal that will put me at a healthy BMI and than i might lower my goal to 140. At 5'6'' the weight range is 151lbs-118lbs depending on your…
What are your 5 favorites Mobile Apps?
I was just wondering what are 5 or more of your most favorite Mobile Apps. MIne are (in order of most favorite) 1. MFP (ofcourse) 2. Solitaire 3.Words with friends (username -chika1978) 4. CalculateBMI 5.Period Plus 6. Nike Traning App (Awesome App. but have yet to use it) Just need to get some ides, i feel like my iTouch…
Driod or iPhone
! currently have a BlackBerry and although i love my BB, it just isn't smart enough for me, for all the apps that i use. So i need some help deciding on which is better, a Droid or iPhone? Thanks ~Chika
Words with Friends game
Hi, someone told me about this game and i am totally hooked on it. Just looking for some new friends to play with. username is the same 'chika1978' ~Chika
Why do you love the weekend?
I love the weekend because it is the only time that my family comes together and spend quality time. We go bike riding, hiking, driving, walking and running...yes we are an active family. We have to be. We have to pass down good habits to the kids, to always stay active. But also, the weekend tests my will to not eat bad…
What books are you reading that are not 'health' related.
Hey all, I am a proud owner of a Kindle, and i just wanted to get an idea on what books everyone is reading so i can get some ideas. I like evey kind of book, fiction, non fiction, political, you name it and i will probably read it. Thanks ~Chika
Nedd suggestions to up my FIBER intake
I need some help, i need suugestions on what to eat to up my fiber intake. I am trying to do at least 25g per day. Thank you :)
START OF 30 Day Shred 5/15/11
Hi everyone and welcome to DAY 1 of the 30 Day Shred. Feel free to post your measurements or you can keep it for reference. I am uber-excited to get this going. I am going to be doing my workouts at night, it seems as if it's the only time i can squeeze it in. This forum is for you to use to post your challenges, wins and…
Anyone in 160's club, trying to see the 150's by end of June
Hey all, I just recently joined the 160's club and although i am excited i am now ready to move on and join the 150's club by the end of June. Hopefully during this process i don't hit a plateau because i hit it in the 170's club. But hopefully i can keep switching things up and seeing results. For this month i plan on…
Running my first 5k this saturday 6/4 need advice
Hi everyone, i have signed up for a 5k this saturday and i am looking for some advice on how to prepare the night before and what to expect during the race. I am currently doing the C25K program and i am on week 6 Day 1 and i love this program. Although i have not graduated from the program, i wanted to get the feel of a…
30 Day Shred starts Sunday 5/15..JOIN ME!!!!!!
Who is doing 30DS with me? The more the merrier. Let's motivate each other while burn calories and tone up our muscles. I have heard great things about this program and i'm willing to give new things a try, aren't you? LETS DO THIS!!!!!!! Who's in? Track your goals: weight - Waist - Hips- Left Bicep- Right Bicep- Left…
NEW 30Day Shred Start Date 5/15/11
I will be doing the Shred for the first time and need some friends to do it with me. If you don't have the DVD, order it soon on Wlamart or Amazon site, they seem to be the cheapest about $8.00/tax. I have heard alot of good things about this program and I am willing to give it a try. To keep track of our progress just…
Anyone in the 170lb club, need to see 160's soon :0)
Hey all, been using MFP for a week and have seen results in such a short time. Imagine all you have to do is watch your caloric intake and you'll lose weigh, of course you have to incorporate some activities in there as well. Any ways I am struggling at the 170's mark and I am dying to see the 160's. If i reach that i am…
What is ZIG-ZAGGING??????
Okay so I have been hearing about this zig-zagging thing and me being new to MFP, i just want to know what it is. I have searched the forum and it's all so confusing, one person says one thing and then another says something totally different. I just need to know what it means in lamens term, break it down nice and simple.…
Starting "30 DAY SHRED" Join me!!!
Hello all, I am going to be starting '30 Day Shred" on May 15, and wanted to know if anyone wanted to join me. I just ordered the DVD on Amazon and should be arriving within the week or so. I haven't done any at home DVD before, for the simple fact my kids won't let me. I go to the gym 5-6 times a week in the morning and…
Need to start running!!!!
So, I have to say that i hate running, something about my feet hitting the pavement makes me want to pull my hairs out. But with that said, i have to include it in my workout regimens. I am a sprinter and not an endurance runner and i need to know how i can build my courage to start running, or what steps to build my…
My first Day on MFP..Say hi :)
Hi all, i am currently trying to lose 25lbs after losing 20lbs. I have currently hit a plateau hence why i joined MFP.; When i lost the 20lbs i really didn't change my eating habits too much the major thing i did was to incorporate exercises and weight training and I lost 20lbs. So imagine if I actually ate right :) . This…