Running my first 5k this saturday 6/4 need advice

Chika_2015 Posts: 357 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone, i have signed up for a 5k this saturday and i am looking for some advice on how to prepare the night before and what to expect during the race. I am currently doing the C25K program and i am on week 6 Day 1 and i love this program. Although i have not graduated from the program, i wanted to get the feel of a 5k and just see what it's all about.

1. What should i do to prepare
2. What types of foods should i eat the night before
3. How many hours of sleep do i need
4. Can i wear my ipod, i can't run withough music yet
5. Is it okay to run then walk if i get tired

Please help, i think i'm getting the jitters, but at the same time i am uber-excited to this and say that i have ran a 5k. Any other advice about anything would be very helpful.
Thank you


  • aub7
    aub7 Posts: 37 Member
    I have only ran a few before, but I think you should walk if you need it. Just only walk for a minute or 2 when you need a break and make sure you do it at a fast paced. I always run with my ipod, and make sure at the water breaks you don't chug the water, or you will running with it swishing around in your stomach. Make sure to drink plenty of water in the days before so you are properly hydrated. Just get a good nights sleep, and have a light healthy breakfast, I like a banana and a little yougurt. I am sure you will do great! Good luck!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    pace yourself, relax, smile, have a great time!!!

    Oh, and EAT SOMETHING!!!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    pace yourself, relax, smile, have a great time!!!

    Oh, and EAT SOMETHING!!!

    This, the excitement of the race, you will go faster than you thought you could, and there is no shame in walking if you need to.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Congratulations on signing up for your first 5K, I just did my first one about 3 weeks ago and it was an awesome experience. I am by no means an expert, but I have a freind who is a runner and I got a lot of advice from her. I didn't worry too much about what I ate the night before, but I was told to have good breakfast a few hours before the run is scheduled to start. My friend told me to have oatmeal, so I did. I tried to get about 8 hours of sleep, but I was so nervous, that didn't really happen....don't sweat it! I wore my Ipod when I ran and alot of other people wore theirs too. I am like you, I need something to focus my attention on, and music helps. And YES, it is okay to walk if you can't run the whole thing, that was my biggest fear was that I would be the only one walking but I finished in about the middle of the pack...tons of people walk! I can tell you that I have trained harder since I ran it getting ready to do another one and beat my last time!

    Have fun and good luck!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    1. What should i do to prepare
    I don't run the day before. I make sure I stretch the day before and eat healthy foods, nothing greasy or junk. But keep running this week as you normally are.

    2. What types of foods should i eat the night before
    Don't eat anything that you feel will weigh you down or some unfamiliar food. Also, if something doesn't agree with your stomach, such as if you don't do well with spicy food, than none of that the night before.

    3. How many hours of sleep do i need
    5Ks are usually early in the morning, but try to get a good 8 hours of sleep.

    4. Can i wear my ipod, i can't run withough music yet
    There are some races where you can't wear headphone, but most allow them. Just bring your iPod and double check with registration. It should also say on the website under rules and such where you registered.

    5. Is it okay to run then walk if i get tired
    Absolutely! Remember, you are running for you! Don't worry about the other runners. Biggest mistake first time runners make is using all of their energy in a sprint during the initial take off. Everyone is really excited and they want to go. But, if that is faster than your normal pace, it will be hard to fall into a comfortable stride and you'll exhaust yourself. If you need a short walking break, that's fine. Just tell yourself you can do this.

    Good Luck!
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    Keep your own pace, don't worry about people passing you (if your goal is just to complete the race and not for time or placement). Get as much rest as you think you need. Eat a good dinner, and breakfast should be something that will give you energy - I like whole wheat toast with 1 T Peanut butter and a sliced banana on top. Be sure to warm up and stretch after. Listen to your music if it is okay - ask when you register - there are some races where that is prohibited. When you feel tired, think about it this way, "this is 20 more min. of my life (or however long it is) I can keep going." But, listen to your body and if you need to stop then stop. Be proud of your achievement at the end. Congrats!!! That is a great accomplishment.
  • pjd1973
    pjd1973 Posts: 37
    I just "ran" my first 5k a couple of weeks ago. 1) the day before try not to do to much exercise. 2) eat lots of carbs before the race ( night before and in the AM try and eat an energy bar) 3) try and get at least 8 hrs of sleep. 4) yes you can run with an ipod. 5) do what you can, if you need to walk some, do it there are no rules against it. I put the word run in quotations because I was only able to run all of about 10 mins. of the race. Although by some miracle I finished in 44 min. and came in second in my age group! The most important thing is to have fun. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great.:happy:
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    1. What should i do to prepare
    2. What types of foods should i eat the night before
    3. How many hours of sleep do i need
    4. Can i wear my ipod, i can't run withough music yet
    5. Is it okay to run then walk if i get tired
    I just did my first 5k this Monday!
    1-stretch well and warm up- slow jog or walk. chew gum during the race- it helps keep you from getting dry mouth- this is the best advice!! Stretch well after too!
    2-I've heard complex-carbs to give you stored energy. (I ended up eating mexican food the night before mine tho.:tongue: )
    3-try to get 8 hours. (I couldn't get to sleep the night before bcuz I was so excited and nervous though!:ohwell: )
    4-yes, most of them allow it.
    5-absolutely! I did.
    I started to get pretty tired about 2 miles in, just hang in there! The adrenaline rush from the crowd cheering is amazing!! :happy:
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everyone, i have signed up for a 5k this saturday and i am looking for some advice on how to prepare the night before and what to expect during the race. I am currently doing the C25K program and i am on week 6 Day 1 and i love this program. Although i have not graduated from the program, i wanted to get the feel of a 5k and just see what it's all about.

    1. What should i do to prepare
    2. What types of foods should i eat the night before
    3. How many hours of sleep do i need
    4. Can i wear my ipod, i can't run withough music yet
    5. Is it okay to run then walk if i get tired

    Please help, i think i'm getting the jitters, but at the same time i am uber-excited to this and say that i have ran a 5k. Any other advice about anything would be very helpful.
    Thank you
    I've done 3 5Ks and now I am doing the C210K program. All I can say is I made a few mistakes the first time. With all the excitement I took off running too fast. It wiped me out and I was dragging the rest of the race. The 2nd time I took two walking breaks and it was better. The last one...I ran 1 mile and walked 1 minute, then I ran some more. I ended up walking a total of 5-6 minutes the entire race and the funny was my fasted time!!!

    It seems that the walking intervals actually help you, drop your HR back down and you can rest, then when you run again, you have more energy so you actually run faster. I have many friends that run marathons and even they tell me they walk at times. No one says you have to run the whole thing.

    Basically get a good nights sleep, don't eat too heavily before the race and by all means yes, wear your iPod. That is the only thing that keeps me going! Keep your walking intervals in there and do have fun!!!
  • cptino
    cptino Posts: 46 Member
    1. What should i do to prepare
    I don't run the day before. I make sure I stretch the day before and eat healthy foods, nothing greasy or junk. But keep running this week as you normally are.

    2. What types of foods should i eat the night before
    Don't eat anything that you feel will weigh you down or some unfamiliar food. Also, if something doesn't agree with your stomach, such as if you don't do well with spicy food, than none of that the night before.

    3. How many hours of sleep do i need
    5Ks are usually early in the morning, but try to get a good 8 hours of sleep.

    4. Can i wear my ipod, i can't run withough music yet
    There are some races where you can't wear headphone, but most allow them. Just bring your iPod and double check with registration. It should also say on the website under rules and such where you registered.

    5. Is it okay to run then walk if i get tired
    Absolutely! Remember, you are running for you! Don't worry about the other runners. Biggest mistake first time runners make is using all of their energy in a sprint during the initial take off. Everyone is really excited and they want to go. But, if that is faster than your normal pace, it will be hard to fall into a comfortable stride and you'll exhaust yourself. If you need a short walking break, that's fine. Just tell yourself you can do this.

    Good Luck!

    Exactly what this says!

    I did my first 5k through the Y at the beginning of the month. My biggest mistake was getting caught up in the excitement. I took off strong and completed my first mile in 9:12 (this up from my typical 11 min/mile). Then as I got to mile 3 I was wiped! LOL! But I did walk during the last mile and then came in with a bang. Overall I was happy. Ran it in 38 minutes with about 5 minutes of walking. I learned from my mistake of taking off too quickly and am ready for the next one to pace myself better.

    Which one are you running?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    1. What should i do to prepare

    Nothing out of the ordinary. Don't workout the day before.

    2. What types of foods should i eat the night before

    Don't eat anything that doesn't agree with you. Some simple carbs for energy is good. Bread, Pasta. Lots of water.

    3. How many hours of sleep do i need

    Normal sleep. 8 hours

    4. Can i wear my ipod, i can't run withough music yet

    You'll have to check with race officials, but I've seen lots of races where they say no headphones and tons of people wear them anyway.

    5. Is it okay to run then walk if i get tired

    Absolutely. There will more than likely be lots of walkers.

    The most important thing is to have fun.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    Totally agree with the walking comments! I think I walked about 12 times- just enough to catch my breath. My time was 34:07! So definitely walk if you need to!!
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks eveyone for the advice. I will take all these into consideration. I am so excited to run my first 5k and of course nervous. My goal is to be under 40mins, but we will see.

    Thanks again
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks eveyone for the advice. I will take all these into consideration. I am so excited to run my first 5k and of course nervous. My goal is to be under 40mins, but we will see.

    Thanks again

    You can do this!!! It will be a lot of fun. My first one finished in 43 minutes (I wiped myself out by taking off too quickly), 2nd one was 38:30 and 3rd one was 38:05 (when I added more walking intervals)!
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