Hunting for recipes good with lowering triglycerides!
Unfortunately I received some bad results on a recent blood test and my triglycerides are extremely high. Due to barely being 30 I would like to find some natural/healthier ways to lower them as opposed to being placed on prescription meds if possible. Any healthy recipes you have will be appreciated. I am not very big on…
Perfect Valentine's Day!!!
Ok Ladies (or even Gents), Describe what your perfect Valentine's Day would be????? I would like to have a romantic evening planned by my husband, rather than me saying what I want or buying it myself and saying its from him. The only mystery is the card lol I would say a perfect night would consist of him telling me to…
Anxiety Sufferers!!
Has anyone been diagnosed with anxiety during their MFP journey?? I was recenty diagnosed with situational anxiety and I feel as though ever since I started this medication that I have no energy or willingness to do my exercises. This frustrates me because I have a goal in mind that I still want to meet but from the looks…
New Year's Resolutions!!!
:) Hello Everyone, I am probably first and foremost the biggest procrastinator and quitter to my New Years Resolutions. Last year my resolution for this year was to lose some weight, although I did lose some weight it was no where close to what I wanted to lose. So this year my resolutions are as follows and I plan to…
Fell off the Wagon :(
:'( Completely fell off the wagon! I have never taken medicine in my life except for Tylenol/Aspirin and what not! I was recently prescibed some medicine that I have to take daily. Not sure what the issue is??? I was doing Focus T25 really well, even lost 18 pounds and now I cant seem to even force myself to do the…
Cholesterol/Blood Sugar/Thyroid Test
Hi Everyone, This Friday I am supposed to have a blood test for my cholesterol and blood sugar. Last year when I did this test I wasn't on MFP and I wasnt watching what I ate and passed it with no problem. This year I am watching what I eat (as far as calories) but my anxiety has me worried that I will fail the tests. This…
Focus T25 users <3
Hi all my fellow Focus T25 users, I just started using my Focus T25 disks! What kinds of results have you seen while using them. Looking for some feedback from anyone that has used Focus T25 whether good or bad! Thanks in advance for responding!! Love to all my fellow MFP users! Friend requests always welcome!!!
Sufferers of Trypanophobia!!!!
Just wondering if there is any other sufferers of Trypanophobia and do you have any tricks to help you get through it. **Experiencing severe panic/anxiety attacks just from trying to schedule the appointment to get it done** *****Trypanophobia is a severe needle phobia which can cause someone to not seek medical…
Do you remember where you were on 9/11/01?
I was sitting in History class when we all got the news. I had a classmate that her brother was to be at the towers that day! He called the school to let her know that he was ok. Do you remember what you were doing or where you were on this day 13 years ago?
Soda pop, Soft Drink??
HI Everyone, I am just curious on everyone else's thoughts!!! I have cut soda completely out for going on 2 months now. I also started about a month ago watching my calories. Then I am on week 2 of Focus T25. I have seem some awesome results. Do you think/know if cutting out soda is really contributing? I used to drink…
10 things you like & 10 you dont like about yourself
I saw that someone posted this in a blog, but I want to see what everyone else thinks about themselves...please be honest! Helps others to understand that it isn't only the bigger people that have flaws or imperfections that you personally think of yourself! 10 things I like about myself! ~1.) I like my hair, it is…
Sedentary Workers Help!!!
Hello, I have a sedentary job where I work from 8a to 5p or later depending on what needs to be done. When I get off work I have to rush home and get supper done because my husband goes into work at 7pm. Then I have to rush even more for volleyball, Girl Scouts, PTA meetings all while still being on call for my job 24hrs a…
Newbie! Receive & Give motivation
Hi, I am a 29yr old mother of one. I have told myself for years that I could do it on my own. Unfortunately, I have severe anxiety and OCD. I can exercise at home, but to go out and bike or walk, I have too much anxiety to go alone. The OCD if when I dont see results, or I see the scale og back up I tend to lose hope and…