Newbie! Receive & Give motivation


I am a 29yr old mother of one. I have told myself for years that I could do it on my own. Unfortunately, I have severe anxiety and OCD. I can exercise at home, but to go out and bike or walk, I have too much anxiety to go alone. The OCD if when I dont see results, or I see the scale og back up I tend to lose hope and willingness. I need to work on overcoming these issues and realize I didnt put it on overnight and its not going to come off overnight.

I am also an emotional eater, stress eater and bored eater. I truly feel that having motivators and friends that know the same feeling or understand the issues would help me to reach my goal:

Goal to at least 150.

**I have spent many, many years thinking this is something that will just define me, I dont want to sit back and hate the mirrors anymore****:smile::smile:

Feel free to *kitten* me as a friend! I can be your biggest cheerleader!!!


  • Annomae
    Annomae Posts: 1
    I am brand new here. I may not be the one you need to help and give any advice. I can try my best. How old is your child? Can you try pushing your anxiety by putting the child in a stroller and go to the end of the block? It may be hard at first but as you do that every day it will help ease some of your anxiety. If they are a bit older perhaps the same idea with them on their trike or bike, or older, have them walk with you. It is a great way to get your child started on an exercise program that can influence their life forever. The second thing I think may help is to throw away or pack up the scale for a while. Use your clothes as your feedback tool. Find one set of clothing that is a bit tight and use that same set every Monday morning to feel your progress. As you increase your exercise you may begin to convert fat to muscle, which weighs more, so the scale can deceive you and then you can begin sabotaging your progress.
    You are right, we didn't get her over night and it isn't about losing it all over night. We want a forever change and that takes changing habits, which takes time. You've got this. Don't be your worst enemy, be your best friend.

  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    My daughter is 10, she is thankfully not like her mother, she is very small and underweight. Hopefully that doesnt change. Thank you for the encouraging words. Its just one day at a time.