10 things you like & 10 you dont like about yourself

NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
I saw that someone posted this in a blog, but I want to see what everyone else thinks about themselves...please be honest! Helps others to understand that it isn't only the bigger people that have flaws or imperfections that you personally think of yourself!

10 things I like about myself!
~1.) I like my hair, it is naturally curly so I can leave it alone and be curly or I can straighten it.
~2.) I like my laugh, it is very contageous.
~3.) I have pretty hands, even though my middle fingers curve slightly.
~4.) I love my long nails....all natural.
~5.) I love that I am not superficial, I know I am not perfect, but I am me.
~6.) I love that I am not materialistic, I refuse to spend over $10 for a pair of shows or $20 for a pair of jeans. I only own 3-4 pairs of shows. Shoes to work out in, flip-flops, work shoes and slip ons.
~7.) I am an empath....no not some weird psychic stuff...but if someone tells me about something bad they are experiencing (or good) , I feel their pain and sadness. I can change moods to match the person that I am talking to. Helps me relate and feel others pain.
~8.) I love my mild form of OCD....helps me weed out the untrue friends and helps me keep a clean and assymmetrical lifestyle.
~9.) I love that I am a couponer.....I feel pure joy knowing that I have saved so much money.
~10.) Lastly, I love my quirkiness.

10 Things I dont like about myself
~1.) I dislike my weight that I have let myself pack on.."muffin top" as its referred to ( of course, thats why we are here lol)
~2.) I dont like my knees. I have knobby knees.
~3.) I dislike the word "hate", I refuse to use it on or against anyone or anything.
~4.) I dislike that I feel like I am always under a lot of stress.
~5.) I dislike how I am judged mainly on my weight.
~6.) I dislike my teeth, due to a childhood accident.
~7.) I dislike that I dont have very many friends because I took a different path in life than they did (I graduated high school, went to college, started a family and completely skipped the partying years & I dont drink)
~8.) I dislike that I have this whole double chin thing doing on LOL ;)
~9.) I dislike that I hold grudges against those that have wronged me, for far too long.
~10) Lastly, I dislike that sometimes, I feel like I am being a show off. (Example: I work in an area where I am the only person under the age of 40. I have always been good with computers so when they come to me for help with something and me being the newbie that has worked here for under 2 yrs and most of them for over 15 yrs. I feel as though I am being a showoff)

These are a few things that I like and dislike about myself. Please add your own list so we can feel not so alone in our struggles and successes.I don't care if you are 300+lbs or 100 lbs soaking wet. There is always something that you like or dont like about yourself. Please feel free to share!!!! and remember....no one is here to judge you!!! :) Have a wonderful Monday everyone!!!


  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    10 Things I Like About Myself

    01 - I am a good mother.
    02 - I am fairly intelligent.
    03 - I am creative AND organized, two things that often do not go hand in hand.
    04 - I am teaching my children about philanthropy by being a great role model and volunteering often.
    05 - I am a supportive person to my friends, family and even strangers. People feel they can talk to me without judgement, because they CAN!
    06 - I have beautiful eyes.
    07 - I have very soft skin and hair.
    08 - I'm awful at telling jokes, but I have a great sense of humor.
    09 - I have nice handwriting.
    10 - I LOVE that my body was capable of growing two amazing boys!

    10 Things I Don't Like About Myself
    01 - I don't like being obese.
    02 - I don't like not being able to run for long periods of time without feeling like dying.
    03 - I don't like having big feet (size 10!) when I'm a shorty (5'3!).
    04 - I bite my fingernails (not super short) and I've tried to quit for years without success.
    05 - I don't always handle stress very well.
    06 - I didn't attend college.
    07 - I have a difficult time saying "no" to people sometimes and find myself getting walked on from time to time.
    08 - I sweat. All. The. Time. On my head. It's horribly embarrassing.
    09 - I am a jealous person which has interfered with my relationship on more than one occasion.
    10 - While I do not struggle with motivation like many people seem to, I do have difficulty with discipline and accountability.

  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member

    03 - I don't like having big feet (size 10!) when I'm a shorty (5'3!).

    Oh..I hear ya...same problem exaclty. Size 10 and Im only 5'3" and surprisinglly its hard to find cute shoes.
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    1-10 job
    1-10 the money I make @ work
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member

    03 - I don't like having big feet (size 10!) when I'm a shorty (5'3!).

    Oh..I hear ya...same problem exaclty. Size 10 and Im only 5'3" and surprisinglly its hard to find cute shoes.

    I know! The cute & sale shoes are always like 7 or 8 lol
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member

    03 - I don't like having big feet (size 10!) when I'm a shorty (5'3!).

    Oh..I hear ya...same problem exaclty. Size 10 and Im only 5'3" and surprisinglly its hard to find cute shoes.

    I know! The cute & sale shoes are always like 7 or 8 lol

    Most definitely! LOL Which I dont understand because I know a lot of people with that small of feel so why are they taking all the bigger shoes...lol JK. I guess those of us with bigger feet all like the same styles :)
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    1-10 job
    1-10 the money I make @ work

    I think your dislikes are the same for a lot of people. I know I could always go for a raise :)
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    ten things is alot

    I Like ....
    1. being tall
    2. having a PhD
    3. caring about other creatures great and small
    4. can talk to anyone
    5. musical (I can really sing and worked off broadway)
    6. artistic and creative
    7. I like learning new things (playing the fiddle at the moment)
    8. I express myself well
    9. I catch on quickly
    10. being able to come up with 10 things

    I don't like
    1. I have an underdeveloped sense of humour
    2. that I hate to exercise but I do it
    3. I am over sensitive
    4. being a bit jealous
    5. I don't say no often enough and get sucked into things
    6. I can be a bit scattered
    7. that I look like a basset hound when I am running
    8. that I come across sometimes as being aloof when I am really just quiet
    9. my weight
    10. that I tend to be impulsive

    that was hard
    and you can to find cute shoes in a size 10
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I like:

    1-My intelligence
    2-My height
    3-My creativity
    4-My snarky sense of humor
    5-I'm independent and a problem solver
    6-I can cook. Pretty well, too.
    7-I'm empathetic and a good listener and advice-giver
    8-I'm not a quitter, even when I want to.
    9-Now that it's long, I like my curly hair
    10-My abs. They don't look bad for a 41 year old who just had a baby (#3) 11 months ago.

    I don't like:

    1-That I have social anxiety
    2-I overthink everything
    3-My nose
    4-The fact that I blush
    5-My thighs
    6-I say stupid things and sweat when I'm really nervous around anyone
    7-I have crappy self-confidence
    8-I see my flaws first and have trouble seeing the good stuff
    9-I withdraw from people at the times when I need them the most
    10-Whatever I do, it's never good enough in my mind
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    1. I make awesome cookies.
    2. I color inside the lines.
    3. I make my own clothes.
    4. I generally try to be nice.
    5. I read a lot.
    6.Huh...this is harder than I thought it would be.
    7. Um...I have a vast and useless knowledge of song lyrics and comic trivia.
    8. I made pretty kids.
    9. I'm a good cook.
    10. This line is filler, but I doubt anybody reads it anyway.

    1. I don't have any superpowers.
    2. I don't speak Russian.
    3. I can't drive a tank.
    4. I don't know how to bind books.
    5. I've never won a Pulitzer.
    6. I have a chubby nose.
    7. I talk too much.
    8. I've never rued the day.
    9. I can't communicate with animals telepathically.
    10. I'm not rich.
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    1. I make awesome cookies.
    2. I color inside the lines.
    3. I make my own clothes.
    4. I generally try to be nice.
    5. I read a lot.
    6.Huh...this is harder than I thought it would be.
    7. Um...I have a vast and useless knowledge of song lyrics and comic trivia.
    8. I made pretty kids.
    9. I'm a good cook.
    10. This line is filler, but I doubt anybody reads it anyway.

    1. I don't have any superpowers.
    2. I don't speak Russian.
    3. I can't drive a tank.
    4. I don't know how to bind books.
    5. I've never won a Pulitzer.
    6. I have a chubby nose.
    7. I talk too much.
    8. I've never rued the day.
    9. I can't communicate with animals telepathically.
    10. I'm not rich.

    Likes #10 - you're wrong, lady! I read every line and I expect to see replacements for #6 and #10! Like your amazing heart, your loyalty to those you care about, your amazingly awesome vocabulary of cuss words, and how damn cute you are! :heart:
  • NotShena
    NotShena Posts: 172 Member

    1. I'm reasonably intelligent
    2. I'm a great mom
    3. I'm fun
    4. I'm independent
    5. I have all my teeth
    6. I can touch my toes
    7. I can successfully do nothing for an entire day.
    8. I can keep secrets.
    9. I almost did a pull-up once.
    10. I can read between the lines.


    1. Being dumb about boys
    2. I can't sing.
    3. I wish I was a little bit taller
    4. I wish I was a baller
    5. I wish I had a girl that looked good, I'd call her.
    6. I'm not a rapper
    7. I'm not an artist
    8. I'm not a cartoon.
    9. I'm not part of the Olympian Curler team.
    10. I'm not a cat.
  • runnergirl0721
    runnergirl0721 Posts: 2,289 Member
    1) being petite
    2) that ive got a muscular build
    3) creativity
    4) eyes
    5) work ethic
    6) who i am, for the most part
    7) sense of humor
    8) my bookworm-ness
    9) my ability to bite my tongue
    10) that i don't like conflict

    1) my fear of failure
    2) that i dont listen to myself like i should
    3) that i'm 31...and still in school
    4) my ability to bite my tongue when i dont want to
    5) my legs
    6) my broad shoulders- from swimming
    7) my ability to be a smart *kitten*, when i shouldn't be
    8) my inability to save money for various reasons
    9) that i don't have a photographic memory
    10) my forgetfulness
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    1-10 job
    1-10 the money I make @ work

    I think your dislikes are the same for a lot of people. I know I could always go for a raise :)
    that's my like
  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    1. I make awesome cookies.
    2. I color inside the lines.
    3. I make my own clothes.
    4. I generally try to be nice.
    5. I read a lot.
    6.Huh...this is harder than I thought it would be.
    7. Um...I have a vast and useless knowledge of song lyrics and comic trivia.
    8. I made pretty kids.
    9. I'm a good cook.
    10. This line is filler, but I doubt anybody reads it anyway.

    1. I don't have any superpowers.
    2. I don't speak Russian.
    3. I can't drive a tank.
    4. I don't know how to bind books.
    5. I've never won a Pulitzer.
    6. I have a chubby nose.
    7. I talk too much.
    8. I've never rued the day.
    9. I can't communicate with animals telepathically.
    10. I'm not rich.

    These are really good. Sometimes I wish I could speak French......Pretty much just English &ASL!!
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member

    1. I like that my hair is natural, no dyes, no sprays, just clean and natural
    2. I have great nails, also natural
    3. I like that I was able to find the man of my dreams at a relatively young age
    4. I like how hard I have worked to get to where I am today and the pride I feel when I look back.
    5. I have great lips.
    6. I am a hard worker
    7. I am an amazing cook.
    8. I have a good sense of humor.
    9. I am a good listener and people come to me for advice.
    10. I am a mini farmer (this is a new thing for me and I'm good at it)


    1. That it took me so long to think of 10 things I like about myself.
    2. My weight.
    3. My body shape
    4. My body's fails and the surgeries it has taken to fix it.
    5. My eyes
    6. I am emotionally psychotic and I build up my frustrations and then blow up over small things that don't justify the blow up.
    7. That I couldn't type numbers for this list without adding a .0 after each one. Don't really know what that's about.
    8. My teeth.
    9. That I'm 34 and I still get breakouts during TOM, even though I don't have the pieces required to have that TOM.
    10. That it didn't take me near as long to think of things I disliked about myself.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    1. I make awesome cookies.
    2. I color inside the lines.
    3. I make my own clothes.
    4. I generally try to be nice.
    5. I read a lot.
    6.Huh...this is harder than I thought it would be.
    7. Um...I have a vast and useless knowledge of song lyrics and comic trivia.
    8. I made pretty kids.
    9. I'm a good cook.
    10. This line is filler, but I doubt anybody reads it anyway.

    1. I don't have any superpowers.
    2. I don't speak Russian.
    3. I can't drive a tank.
    4. I don't know how to bind books.
    5. I've never won a Pulitzer.
    6. I have a chubby nose.
    7. I talk too much.
    8. I've never rued the day.
    9. I can't communicate with animals telepathically.
    10. I'm not rich.

    Likes #10 - you're wrong, lady! I read every line and I expect to see replacements for #6 and #10! Like your amazing heart, your loyalty to those you care about, your amazingly awesome vocabulary of cuss words, and how damn cute you are! :heart:

    Aw!!! Somebody did read it! Ok, since you demand replacements:

    6. I have awesome friends.
    10.I'm lucky, just flat out, no questions about it, lucky, to have the life that I have.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    1) I can't count to ten
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member

    1. I LOVE animals.
    2. I'm a good wife
    3. I'm a good friend.
    4. I'm compassionate
    5. I can cook and clean
    6. I'm intelligent, and I know the difference between they're, there, their/ your, you're.
    7. I have a pretty face, nice tatas, and shape (hourglass)
    8. I have an awesome sense of humour.
    9. I'm adventurous and good in bed.
    10. I stop caring what other people thought of me.


    1. Current "weight" (specifically,arm, upper thighs, hips, and stomach)
    2. I still struggle with the desire to slip back into my eating disorder habits.
    3. I will never know interstellar travel.
    4. I have a huge dislike for humanity most of the time.
    5. My family frustrates me.
    6. Depression and other health issues (e.g. PCOS)
    7. Bad self-esteem and sometimes insecure
    8. I haven't traveled enough
    9. I can't go to school full time
    10. I can't fix what's wrong with the world.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    1. I have a great sense of humor
    2. I'm loyal to a fault
    3. Love my feet
    4. I'm a great Mom
    5. I'm always there for my friends
    6. I look good for 50 something ;-)
    7. I like that my running has improved and I run about 5 miles a day
    8. I love the relationship I have with my daughter
    9. My teeth - perfectly straight and never had braces
    10. I like my life - a lot!


    1. Sometimes I lack the compassion gene
    2. I'm terrible with money
    3. I don't always see the good in myself - reason I'm having a hard time filling out 1 - 10 above LOL
    4. I have a quick temper
    5. I'm impatient
    6. I expect too much from people
    7. I can't fix the issues my daugther has - I actually hate that
    8. I can't whistle - if I could maybe the dog would come and I wouldn't have to yell
    9. I don't do a great job of staying in touch with people
    10. I'm not a good home decorator
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Like- My Sense of Humor
    My Faith
    My Compassion
    My Love for all People
    My Attitude
    My Eyes
    My Freckles
    My Legs
    My Boobs
    My hourglass figure

    My Sensitivity
    My Laziness at times
    My lack of self confidence
    My inability to say what I really feel
    My lack of height :p
    My weakness for carbs
    My lack of a bigger, rounder bootay'
    My arms
    My belly
    My thin hair