Diet soft drink or not at all?
Ok so I am wondering when I go once in a while at McDonalds should I get a diet soft drink compared to water or do diet soft drinks actually make you fatter? This is not to be taken everyday but only when I go out once in a while.
Good workout to loose calories
So... I like to eat junk food once in a while, around 5 times a month. I know if I start to do some workout I can eat more calorie in a day to loose weight and balance out that junk food. Any good workouts other than just running? I have a bench press with barbell to.
36g of banana and nut oatmel enough for breakfast?
Alright so I plan on eating a pouch of 36g instant oatmeal with banana and nut, it's from quaker and only 140 calories. Now I was thinking should I add an egg? Or is this enough?
Healthyest type of chocolate
So easter is around the corner and I will be getting chocolate, obviously. Now what is the lowest calorie/healthyest type? Dark, milk or white?
Should I weight lift, will this aid?
So I am 220 pounds, 36% body fat under a 1800 cal diet and I am doing strong lifts workout 3 times a week. Now my question is will sronglift aid in weight loss here or am I purely doing this for nothing?
Should I start weight lifting and working out now?
So I am currentely trying to loose around 50 pounds and want to get body built but should I wait or start lifting now?
Extremely low calorie food that you can eat ALOT
So title says it all. I'm currently on carrots but I would like something else. Suggestions are great thanks :)
Do carb make you fatter, like really or just technically?
Ok so I had a question. I am someone who loves to eat pasta. Someone said taht carb will make you more fat because usually there is more in food and so more calories. But does fat gain only rely on calories or like eating sugar and a carb while staying in calorie limit will still make you not gain/loose fat?
What happens if you don't eat much fruit and vegetables?
So I don't eat much. I barely eat some everyday. I don't really like them very much but I'm afraid this can... kill me? I mean, I may be sounding weird but, do you need fruits and vegetables or they can be overcomed with vitamin supplements or anything?
Good diet snaks?
So I need something else than fruits or veggies as a snack, I can't stand them as a snack, for dinner it's ok but snacking on them is to hard for me, eh. Any other not to bad ideas? I saw some diet pretzels, anything else like that?
Trans fat in cheese? is it normal?
Everg single cheese product have around .1 to .3 trans fat. Is this normal or should I not buy cheese anymore... :| ?
How to know nutrition fact for ham in counter ?
Ok so I can either buy packaged ham or get some cut at the counter but if I go at the counter I can't really know how much calories and salt and while packaged ham I am afraid that there is more salt than needed... What is the best thing I should do?
Is it bad to exceed by far calcium and vitamins?
So I started eating Clif bars as a treat and desert and eat 2 a day but one bar has 250mg of calcium, 250mg phosphore and 250 RE Vitamin A. That is alot, times 2 , makes it even bigger. So is it something to be concerned?
How you calculate Carb, Fat and sugar per calorie?
Ok so I sorted out that I should take around 1800 calorie to loose fat but how do I determine the fat limit and carb limit and sugar limit per day?
Are my nutrients set correctly?
Ok so I need 1800 calories to loose weight and I set my nutrients as follows. 203 Gram of Carb limit 60g of fat limit 113g of protein limit 38g of fiber 40g of sugar Are my limits set ok or should I change them? Thanks for the help
Good protein bars?
So I need around 57 grams of protein per day with the workout I'm doing and I can barely reach 25. I would like to get powder but see there are some bars. When I look at these bars they filled with weird ingredients and stuff. Any good protein bars that are healthy and really only have protein?
Just dank 6L of water tonight, is it bad?
So yeah I just drink all night, and right now just drink 6 liters of water. Is that in any way bad? This was over the course of like 4 hours.
Should I add flexibility to my workout?
I do SL 5x5 and was wondering if I should add flexibility workouts with it because I am a hockey goaltender. If so, which ones should I do? Thanks
Are these bars good?
Hey, jut wondering if these bars are good nutritional and mostly ingredients wise. I usually take one or two a day. Image about the bars and ingredien: http://postimg.org/gallery/y4415ijm/