How do I compare to others my age, physically?
"Very poor", apparently. I had a mini-fitness assessment yesterday and my strength was tested based on how many sit-ups and push-ups I could do each in a minute. I did better than I thought but still placed "very poor" compared to girls my age. I managed 22 push-ups in a minute and 24 sit-ups in a minute. It's more than…
30 fast, new fat-burners
This article is found on Health.com and a lot of it is stuff we've heard but at least half is stuff I didn't know and will be doing!! And it just comes with good general information as to WHY they're fat burners. http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20307137,00.html
Soup help!?
So, I have a can of black eyed peas in my pantry...I bought some chicken stock last week to make soups with. I also have an onion... I could throw some other stuff in the soup but can't decide what kind of protein to use. Would chicken go well with black eyed peas? What else could I put it in and how would I go about…
Need help with C25K!
So... I'm not progressing any. I started Couch to 5k July 19th (I think? Or 20th) ... I started on week 2 since I had already been running 1 minute walking, 1 minute running intervals for a few months so I thought I was ready. Well... I did okay, but I could never run the full 25 minutes of intervals. So the next week, I…
Anniversary/Restaurant ideas?!
So, of course a lot of people on here have celebrated anniversaries...but I never really have! I mean, we've celebrated monthiversaries but the "biggest" thing we did was go to a steakhouse that was a bit pricey... this time... I want to go PRICEY. September 19 is my boyfriend & my one year anniversary. Five days later…
Answers to ab questions courtesy of Shape!
I finally reached a goal!
When I first started, I went by MFP's timeline of when I'd reach my goal weight...and of course that wasn't realistic. I set mini-goals. I wanted to reach 160 by my birthday. I almost did. I wanted to be 150 by about mid-July and 140 by end of August - or something like that. Well, once it was June and I was STILL what I…
My barefoot "running" experience
So I was referred to an article on RunnersWorld.com about how to ease into barefoot running. They suggest 2 weeks of doing as much walking around barefoot... I thought, "hey, easy enough! I have to take a walk tonight! I'll do it barefoot!" so I finished up my strength routine, slipped off my sneakers and headed outside in…
Superfoods specifically for women
I loved this list! I've been eating maybe 3 or 4 of the things on this list just because I like them or want to try something new (avocado, red bell peppers, avocado, apples) but this list really inspired me to try some new things because they have GREAT benefits!…
Lemonade Mousse
Just found this on Shape.com. Seems easy and it sounds delicious!! I definitely want to try this :happy: 1 cup graham cracker crumbs, crushed 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp light butter, melted 1 14-ounce can fat-free sweetened, condensed milk 3/4 cup (6 ounces) frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed 2 cups frozen nondairy whipped…
Charlie horse/cramp in foot?
There's this one move in my Pilates DVD that I try every time I do it and my feet always get bad cramps or charlie horses right in my arches. I have to stop because it hurts so bad and my toes get all crooked. Any idea why? Is this a vitamin deficiency or am I just destined to never be able to do this move? It's supposed…
So, I've been wearing a lot of dresses lately...
because all my pants are so baggy!!! I don't have money to replace them (and I'm not into the smaller size JUST yet)... but check this out. I bought size 12 shorts um, TWO weeks ago. They were tight but I knew they'd fit fine for my trip to Florida at the end of the month. I put them on Saturday (for the 2nd time, so…
Agua Fresca de Peppino
Found this on Glamour.com. It's non-alcoholic and sounds yummy! I'm sure you could substitute sugar for agave nectar or whatever you normally use for a sub. I would just use normal sugar and limit my portions. :happy: Would be fun to try! I came across this delicious drink idea in the June issue of Cooking Light. It mixes…
A new list of superfoods & what they do for you
Not all of these are for weight loss, but more for just your general wellbeing. I loved this list most out of all the ones I've found!! http://www.self.com/fooddiet/2010/08/a-week-of-superfoods
Achy because of no exercise or low protein?
So, I've run out of food this week including my protein shake (which lasted me awhile, thank God!). I worked out Friday and only had like, 1/2 serving of protein shake so I decided since I was doing lower-impact work, I'd save the last bit for Sunday when I lifted weights. Well, Sunday came and I was sooo sore, working…
Little clothes success :)
I went shopping today for my Florida trip and I bought all medium tops AND even bought a pair of juniors' 13 BOOTY shorts!!!! :)
Inner thigh exercise!
Found this today on Self.com while I was searching for a new thigh exercise to try tonight since I'm working my legs. This one looks like a winner!! I've been doing plie squats for the last month with a 10 lb dumbbell and I try to make sure to keep my back as straight as possible and squat as far as I can go without it…
Chicken recipe to go with blackeye peas?
I haven't made blackeye peas in a loooong time but I have some in my pantry I'd like to use (really just trying to eat up calories! lol) and I thought I'd make chicken breast and a baked potato to go along. How should I cook the chicken? Do you guys know a good recipe (marinade, seasoning, anything) that would pair well…
Restaurants near Melbourne or Cocoa beaches?
Of course while I'm on vacation, I want to do my best because I've worked so hard to lose what I've lost and I'm hoping by the time we leave (July 30th), I'll be exactly half done... 3 more pounds, baby, I can do it! So, for you Florida residents, where are some good places near these beaches (we're renting a car so we can…
Beware of aspartame
50 ways to burn more calories
I need to share my excitement!!!
Some bullets of just some things I'm really excited about the last couple days!! - I lost half a pound today (after not losing weight for a couple weeks (1 lb) and then before that, TWO MONTHS) - I had to tighten my running shorts this morning because when I started to run, they started to fall!! (Yesterday, they fit…
Shape approved low calorie snacks!!
This list is awesome. It has pictures, the amount of calories and fat, tells you how much it is, and tells you why it's good. I love it!! Check out the stipulations: no high fructose corn syrup, no trans fat, less than 3.5g of saturated fat, low sodium, less than 200 calories. A good list if I say so!! I want some of the…
My fastest mile!
Today I ran as much as I could (training for a 1k this Sunday) and I ended up walking/running a mile in 12 minutes! I ran 0.44 miles of it, 5 minutes was warm up and then the rest was walking in between running.
ATTN: Food scale owners!
I'm going to get a food scale tonight at Bed, Bath & Beyond... I have a coupon and someone on here said she got hers for like, $10 there... anyway. I looked at their website and this is the closest to my budget. Think I should wait & save up for a digital or will this one be fine? I mainly need it to weigh meat so it…
Concerned about my mom... rant
So, my mom has been on this new weight loss endeavor (she's done South Beach, Atkins, The Master's Cleanse, and who knows what else). She's always been at least 300 lbs as long as I've been alive. Back in 2002 she lost about 100 lbs but was still very very overweight. My mom has knee problems, back problems,…
Healthy produce that stays good awhile?
So the last couple months that I've been trying to eat fruits & veggies for snacks... I've ended up running out after about a week to MAYBE a week and a half after shopping... or they go bad. My question is, what would be good options for snacks (fruits, veggies, healthy foods) that are as clean as possible but don't go…
I'm a twelve!!!
Last summer, I was fitting into some 12s but mostly 14s until I gained my 30 lbs around December...everything became too tight. I've been wearing my 14 dress pants (they're 12s but the fit is technically a 14) and 14 levi jeans (that are indeed 14s)... but lately, everything has become too loose in the waist but still…
MFP get-together in your area!
I think it would be awesome for us to not only be a community online but to get to know each other outside of MFP and encourage each other face-to-face. I can think of at least 3 people right off the top of my head that are within 2 hours of me, boomboom011, KnightofGod, and LittleMissAngi. Guys, wouldn't it be great to…
Too big pants!
For those who don't know, I lose weight in my thighs last because that's what I gain FIRST. They're my "trouble zone". I've been running, ellipticaling, walking, and doing 8 Minutes to Slim to try to thin them out... I've noticed when walking outside, the highest inner part of my thighs are getting smaller 'cause they…