The Late Great Robert Nesta Marley
Log 'em all...
Chores count! What you do while going about your day---climbing stairs, walking around, mowing the lawn and cleaning the house---all adds up to boost cardiorespriatory fitness, finds a recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. In the words of Shaun T...Do what works for you and keep logging.
Who is your first MFP friend?
Do you know who your first MFP friend is or was? Is that person still an active participant? Do you know their first name? Why don't you reach out to them today and just say Hi. I just did. BTW, my answer is yes, yes, and no. My first friend is ttfit and I know she resides in the Windy City.
Current Mileage
1064.11 as of 11/8/11 at 0930hrs
P90X Vs P90X2
Need Advice. Is is advisable or does it matter if someone wants to go with P90x2 prior to P90X. Just want to know if it really makes a difference if you want to go with the X2 first. Thanks.
I just want to smoke...
...a cigarette without the guv-ment all up in my bizness. First of all, let me give my disclaimer. I do not smoke, never have, and never will.( http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/22/nyregion/roll-your-own-cigarette-shops-sued-by-new-york-city-in-tax-dispute.html) Last week NYC filed a lawsuit to stop individuals from rolling…
Ladies, what does this mean?
The one thing a man never wants to hear from a female friend..."I don't want to do anything that would cause me to lose you as a friend". A friend on MFP posted this and we and are wondering what this means when a lady says this to you. I say it means she really want to pursue it but is afraid of how it may end up or she…
Silver lining...
OK, this is gonna be kinda long. I was not here most of last week, because I was notified last Monday after lunch that this Wednesday will be the last day working with the company I am with. Needless to say, I was devastated. I gave up an awesome opportunity 3 months ago to stay here and even asked management at that time…
To ball or not to ball.
NBA negotiations. Frankly, I don't ever give a rat's *kitten* about billionaires fighting millionaires over money that will never line my pocket. I find it appaling in fact that the players are arguing over this. I am sure that given time, the world will learn to live with whatever product the owners decide to put on the…
Raccoon, skunk, dog, bear...what made your run interesting?
It seems as if all my MFP friends are having a nice laugh at my expense this morning because I screamed like a little girl when a raccoon came after me this morning. I remember a thread not long ago where a lady was chased by dogs, and Julie cannot run without her mace because of the man staring at her...Since I have…
Are we really that bad?
OK...Today whilst reading forum stuff, I noticed that there were two ladies who stated in their profile that they do not accept FR from men. I know we hve been given the titles of pigs, dogs, trashy, *kitten*, sluts, cheaters, liars... but are we really that bad that you have decided that all of us come from the same mold?
http://www.mapmyfitness.com/routes/fullscreen/56335268/ Just wanted to post a map of my run last night. I ran 13.1 which is the equivalent of a half marathon. I had no intent of doing it, but after I did the first 5 miles, I decided to go for it. I finished in a time of 2:31:01 which gave me a pace of 11:31/mile. Now this…
After a long run, what do you do?
Yesterday, I ran for a long time. Unlike Forrest Gump, I did not just stop and go back home...lol. I have been doing some research on what to do the days following. First of all, I already broked the rule of not drinking afterwards, as I had a glass of Moscato last night. I see a lot of people drink beer afterwards and…
Groundbreaking news!!!
Most of you who know me on here know that this topic is what drives my batty. But for those who still feel the need to ask how to lose weight during pregnancy...here is a study by the US Institute of Medicine... http://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20090528/pregnancy-weight-gain-new-guidelines To summarize, no matter how much…
Frankly, I don't care...
that your BF, GF, spouse, partner treats you like whale poo.
I would so go to this place for the...burgers. Nom nom nom nom nom http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2051593/Heart-Attack-Grill-Las-Vegas-serves-8-000-calorie-burger-meal.html?ITO=1490
Hip Check ...
This is a measurement used by my cardiologist as a tool to assess my risk for heart disease. It is the waist to hip ratio scale. It is only one tool so please do not take this as an end all, be all. A year ago, I was above 2.0. My recheck today was 0.9. Yayyyyyyyyy…
15 Minutes away...
So I took my 15 minutes away fromMFP and here are the top 10 things I learned... 10. Gadhafi was killed 9. Devin Hester got slapped in back of head by old guy 8. Jonas Brothers still can't sing 7. Social Security tax is going up so less money for booze 6. Notre Dame U. is a bully 5. Lindsy Lohan is an idiot(but that was…
Youth Sports...
My son's football team has won their first playoff game, but that is just a small piece of the pie. They had fun and that is what youth sports should be about, period. Now, I will be the first to tell you that I like when they win as much as the next person, but the first question I ask my son after every game, win or…
I'm baaaaaaccccckkkkkk.....
So, I was suspended off the forum for a week. I thought I would miss not being able to respond to post, but I really did not. I did miss being able to respond to my challenges, but found a way around that so no problems there. Why am I venting in Success Stories section you may ask. First...because I want to. Next is to…
I finally caught that bia...
She has been running from me all week, but finally she sat still long enough for me to catch up to her. I love Friday. Carry on and make the most of it.
What happened to What's his/her name?
I went back to my hometown this past weekend to see my newborn neice. While there I ran into someone I thought I recognize. I asked one of the nurses at the hospital if she knew who it was(It is a small town after all). She said it was Kenneth H. I was completely taken aback. You see, Kenneth was the star QB in high…
Because you are a ...
This is Jeopardy... Answer: Because you are a Dumb *kitten* Question:"How come I am still riding dirty if it has been over a week since I smoked some trees?" This was asked of me by a patient who failed a random drug test...smh What other questions do you get that deserves that answer?...Go.
Celebrating the death of some friends...
Today, I want you to help me celebrate the homegoing of some very special friends. These have been some of my best friends for many years now. I always had them to rely on whenever times were bad, or things got too rough for me. These guys have been my crutch when I could not walk, my voice when I could not talk, my air…
39 second NSV...
Before: http://www.mapmyfitness.com/routes/view/52186280 After: http://www.mapmyfitness.com/routes/view/52970080 Run last Tuesday for 10 miles at 11:29/mile pace. My lunchtime run today for 6 miles at 10:30/mile pace. Any questions???
A tip for Women...
For all you women out there. If you don't want us men to look at a thread, do NOT label it "For Women Only". You need to label it topics that men avoid like... Yardwork Cleaning the garage Putting up Christmas Lights Ice Skating Desperate Housewives Lifetime Channel Marriage Anniversary Committment...etc My PSA is done for…
Why does it take 8 minutes to cook a 5 minute egg? Why does it take 10 minutes to cook minute rice? Why is instant coffee...not well, instant? How is it that I weigh 200#s in the morning, and even without eating or drinking anything, I weigh 280#s by lunch? Why does the "I" in CIA stand for Intelligence? What makes you…
New World Record!!!
I set a new world record this morning. Why is it not all over CNN is my question? I thought by now I would be getting a call from ESPN wanting to interview me and a call from the White House inviting me to dinner. I think I am being blacklisted, but I digress. What is this new record I speak of you may be asking yourself?…
A civil debate here please.
Question:Question: How do you determine how many calories to eat back. Is it 100%, 50%, or 25% of your exercise calories? Is it based on the type of exercise you do? Do you base it on whether you heart rate was in the fat burning zone or not? Do you do it daily, or average it out after a few day, week, month...etc? Here is…