Lifting heavy... and gaining a lot of weight!
I'm feeling really disheartened and hoping someone can advise! I've been pretty consistent with diet/exercise the past couple of years, not loving my body but not letting myself go either, but always in search of a better physique - I started a new weight training programme six weeks ago. I've made INCREDIBLE gains in my…
What do you do with your dog while you work??
I was typing out an epic long post here...but then I thought "Geez, I am even boring myself!!" so I'll condense and re-start.... We have wanted a dog since forever...we've been thinking about it for over a year! (I know, a crazy long time - but a dog is for life you can't rush it!!) But we are worried about what we would…
Bringing home a new puppy....
Hello folks! So I am the happiest girl in the world because (finally) we have taken the plunge and adopted ourselves a GORGEOUS Golden Retriever puppy, who we will call Charlie Barkin! :love: We get to bring him home next Sunday, so....does anyone have any advice? (About anything at all to do with bringing home and…
Carbs required for recovery....(Insanity)
I am wondering if someone can advise... I am currently on Day 40 of the Insanity workout series. Before Insanity, I would always simply have a protein shake post-workout for recovery and found this worked no problems (usually did P90X or a Jillian Micheals DVD) but found myself really low on energy and struggling through…
How long should a HRM last?
So...does anyone know how long a HRM should last? I have loved my faithful Polar F11 sooo much for the last 5 and a half years and it has been amazing, but the past few weeks it's been dropping to "00" quite a lot so I've had to guess quite a lot of my workout burns. No amount of washes, battery changes and even a new…
Over exercising?
So, I am an exercise addict! I love the feeling of all those endorphins running around my body - of the sweat dripping off my forehead and the feeling of satisfaction when I have got a hardcore workout out the way before work and know I can have another, more leisurely one in the evening as well if I choose. Though…
Calling all dog owners!
Hi everyone! :happy: Who has a dog? (Sorry it's so off topic, I'd just like opinions!) I am so torn if to get one or not, my partner really wants one so it's basically down to me... Financially I think we could cope as my best friend has a big dog and we've sat down and gone through everything, I know we have cats, but…
A confession...
I’m well aware that this is going to make me sound like a total geeky no-mates (I’m not, I promise!) but really, I have a confession...:blushing: I have come to love my MFP friends more than my ‘real life friends!’ :laugh: When I post an achievement (however small), they’re my personal cheerleading team, when I’ve had a…
I just don't really care now.... :(
Hi everyone, I'd really love some advice on how to kick myself up the butt and get motivated again!! I've been on MFP since March - and was PROPERLY OBSESSIVE. I was under my calorie goal every single day, from March - September, I exercised at least 6 days a week, and more importantly I LOVED IT! But my "goal" was to get…
Logging every little thing?
Just thought I would ask, as I am quite intrigued...do you all log every little thing into your diaries? I only wonder because I am a serial nosey-parker and love looking at what other people have had for their dinner (seeing if there are any good ideas too! hehe) but usually at the end of my day, I will have a huuuuge…
Body Frame
Hi everyone, It's not really a "problem" as such because I'm not too worried about it...more intrigued. I saw a post earlier in regards to the inaccuracies of BMI/doctors charts etc (don't we all know it!) and someone helpfully posted this amazing website that helps you work out all sorts of things, including your body…
When will the media stop telling us what to look like??
I was reading this article on the BBC website last night and it's been playing on my mind a lot since.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-10760903 I just find it so frustrating that the media will continue to tell women how they should look. I know they probably think they are being clever/helpful this time, by ceasing to…
Sodium Confusion...
I just have a quick question. A lot of my MFP friends are always talking about being over on Sodium and I notice a lot of emphasis on this in the forums etc.So clearly, it must have a big impact on your weight loss. However...I don't track my Sodium intake... I am on quite a lot of medication - and was on quite a few to…
Can't Stop Shopping!!
I am not even halfway through my weight-loss journey yet, but already rather than the weight loss - the shaping/toning has made a HUGE difference to me! I haven't dropped a dress size or anything so wonderful, but everything is so much more "comfortable" and starting to look great!! I have a whole new problem now.....I…
Scales? Wii?? Something Else???
I just wondered where everyone weighs themselves and what you think is most accurate? I have been using the Wii to weigh myself and track my weight so far. I thought this was pretty accurate vs. how I feel. We also do have some scales in the bathroom but I never use these...mainly as they say I am THREE WHOLE KILOS heavier…
Friday Night Curry (!!)
Not your typical healthy eating food I am sure....gulp! We made some friends skiing a few years ago and it became traditional for us to meet up at an Indian Restaurant every other Friday for a nice meal/night out. The past few months since being on MFP, I have asked that we cut them back to once a month - and they come…
Calories Burnt During Exercise...help!
Hi all, I have always felt pretty confident that I am accurate with my calories burnt during exercise as I am pretty religious when I comes to wearing my heart rate monitor! I've had my Polar F11 two years now and love keeping tabs on myself!! ...sometimes even wear it washing the car, mowing the lawn etc just to get a…
Maxitone Sculptress
Hi everyone, I was just interested to see if anyone has tried Maxitone Sculptress shakes and bars? I am finding it much slower progress than I thought to drop the weight so need to take a little more drastic action! I was thinking of using this as a meal replacement for breakfast, have a small healthy lunch, then workouts…
Only loosing from one place...the only place I don't want (!
(Apologies if this is a weird question, especially for the guys!) I know that supposedly you can't target weight loss to only reduce one place but my body seems to be doing just that... I've been on MFP for over 50 days now and hardly lost anything. However, thanks to the forums I'm not so disheartened as it does seem to…
One month in and PUT ON WEIGHT!!
I am starting to get really disheartened with my progress...I started MFP on the 17th March and am being pretty good. There are a few days I go over my calorie allowance (when I am working away or the occasional Friday night take out!) but 95% of the time I am the golden-girl! I exercise regulary, at least 4 times a week…