Friday Night Curry (!!)

happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Not your typical healthy eating food I am sure....gulp!

We made some friends skiing a few years ago and it became traditional for us to meet up at an Indian Restaurant every other Friday for a nice meal/night out. The past few months since being on MFP, I have asked that we cut them back to once a month - and they come over for a healthy home cooked meal the other weeks - which has gone down okay with everyone as they're supportive (up to a point). However, the only problem is when we actually DO go out...

First time, I tried to be good and just ordered tandoori fish (lowest calorie thing I could think of) with a little rice. But given the banquet the others were eating - and trying to push me into attacking too - It wasn't much fun. Second time I even booked the day off work and went mountain biking all day - burnt over 2500 calories - and then ate what I wanted, as I had calories to spare - great, but I clearly can't do that every time! (I don't have enough holiday days...otherwise it was a lovely day!!)

Tonight is the third month...

I am not sure there is an answer to this...but is there anything healthy I can order - or anything I can do to counter-act this over-indulgence?! I did the 30 day shred DVD this morning, will go to the gym after work and will obviously limit my portions more than the pre-MFP-me did - but any other ideas for how you overcome situations like this would be a great help!!

(P.S. I rarely drink anyhow..I used to have a G&T with the Indian but this was the first thing to go...alcohol, what a waste of calories!!)


  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Plain boiled rice and avoid the Nann, and avoid the butter chicken. Saturday is only a few hours later you could work out then.

    Does the indian have a website with a menu ?

    Enjoy :O)
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks for that...I think I might have to do just that - just be over for today - I can easily make up for it at the weekend as they are always very active!

    The restaurant's website is
    No nutritional values...but it makes me hungry just reading it!! :laugh:
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    The Tandoori Grill dishes seem the best option with chicken tikka to start

    Got to say i'm in the mood for a curry myself. :O)

    If your ever near one of these locations i'd recommend this place
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks for the recommendation...that does look good! I am in Manchester and Birmingham quite a bit for work too so I'll have to try it out. (When I've earnt enough calories to do so of course!!)

    Thanks for not telling me not to go either :happy: Pretty much isn't an option (and not just for the sake of being anti-social)...mmm!

    I'll just choose sensibly and make up for any 'slip ups' tomorrow!
  • Rick311
    Rick311 Posts: 5
    Hi, no really good suggestions here, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. Indian food is totally my weakness! I think because it's spicy, (and delicious) I tend to overeat every time. The buffet style served in many restaurants doesn't help either.

    I limit myself to one Indian restaurant visit a month and try to plan intense workouts both before and after the visit. Twice a month may be a bit much, but if your eating well the rest of the week, working it off afterwards, and having an enjoyable time with friends (as opposed to mindlessly eating potato chips in front of the television) Then you really don't have much to worry about.

    Not only that, there's a lot of great veggies in the food, so just allow yourself to be present and enjoy it... then work your butt off the next day!

  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks...I am glad I'm not alone in this weakness! :happy:

    I guess if I order something really hot also...the chilli will boost my metabolism and I'll be burning a little quicker... haha (Hmm, I shouldn't tell myself that one! We eat things with chilli every night, I'm sure it's beyond making a difference!)
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I would never tell anyone NOT to go for a curry ! every now and again isn't too bad, you just learn to appreciate it more when your there.

    Ok so i'm really looking forward to my steamed chicken and veg tonight

    And Chilli makes everything better !

    Enjoy :O)
  • DocNorton
    DocNorton Posts: 43
    Hi there,

    Curry is my weakness too.

    My father in law is from an indian family so normally if we eat out it's a curry (and ordering in).

    I might be stating the obvious but try to avoid anything made with ghee (butter) so this would include Massala sauces and Korma sauces.

    I think it's been mentioned but a grill normally is the best bet but normally the most expensive ! Good thing is it's normally served up with a stack of grilled tomato, onion and pepper. I normally go for that option as theres a cpl of chicken breasts on there so I get my protien intake.

    Chillis !!! OMG I love chillie and eat them with everything - even in a salad - a few finger chillis cut up in there - nom nom nom ( good tip - cut chillis with scissors - saves having to wear gloves and spreading the capsiacin everywhere).

    I eat so much I think as you said it doesn't make the difference these days.

    If you're really into chilli and hot stuff check out and !

    Unfortunatly all the good stuff that goes with currys is pretty bad too like naan bread (with chilli and garlic hmmmmmm)

    Right I'm hungry - off for lunch :oP
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I don't think it would hurt to be over once in a blue moon like that! If your really worried ask for your curry on the side of your rice then add what you feel is appropriate or ask for a half order!
  • LizBalen
    LizBalen Posts: 4 Member
    Mmmm I love curry! I find that if I go out to an indian restaurant, I order loads of side dishes and just can't help myself when it comes to poppadums. Recently I've been buying chicken balti's from the supermarket. This stops me overeating and I don't eat all of the sauce. Also I have a small portion of boiled rice and fill up on mushrooms. I now tend to have this every couple of weeks and it really feels like a treat without eating too much and without being too calorific.
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