Over exercising?

So, I am an exercise addict! I love the feeling of all those endorphins running around my body - of the sweat dripping off my forehead and the feeling of satisfaction when I have got a hardcore workout out the way before work and know I can have another, more leisurely one in the evening as well if I choose.

Though recently, I have been struggling a little. Feeling tired all the time, passing out quite a bit etc. Not very nice really. MFP food diaries were incredibly useful - as the first thing doctors always ask you is 'are you eating enough...you keep losing weight' (You would think with all the news stories about weight issues they would applaud you!?) but anyway...I could show then everything I'd eaten for the past 18 months and that in fact I was a greedy little monster (all be it, a healthy greedy little monster. Quite a bit of food, but all good stuff!!) :laugh:

But then they took a look at my exercise diary and suggested that I was majorly over exercising. 'Do you think it's normal for someone of your age/gender/weight/height' to burn a minimum of 'X' per day etc... :mad: I can't help it, I feel like a total failure and REALLY guilty if I don't exercise every day - and plus, I DO like to eat...I could never survive on 1200 calories if I didn't work out!! I actually haven't told anyone this, I've sort of just ignored it and carried on as normal - but I am not feeling any better and don't know if anyone else experiences the same things?

If you have felt the same way, please let me know how you manage to "rein yourself in!" (While still making progress and remaining in top form?) or perhaps you just think doctors speak a load of baloney and I just need a good 24 hours in bed and then I'll be all set for another 18 months of frenzied workouts! :happy:


  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    But are your net calories over 1200 a day after exercise? There's not much point eating lots but burning it all off and more. Have they run checks on your heart? Was your BP low? Do you eat enough carbs?
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I wish I could help out on this one...but I would cut your exercise back a little and see if you feel better....even though its good for you the ol saying is...too much of a good thing isnt good for you either......try instead of 7 days a week try 5.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think when you pass out, your body is trying to tell you something...

    Personally I would listen to the doctor and take it a little more seriously so you dont do yourself some long term damage.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I think if you believe you are addicted, then you should treat it as any other addicition by reducing the amount you do it.

    Do you currently take any rest days? if not, then that would be a start - decide on a day of rest & stick to it each week.
    Eventually adding in a 2nd day of rest.

    Your body is trying to tell you something....
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member

    Your body is trying to tell you something....

    Yup...I'd listen to it.
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    Part of all professional athletes training is the "rest and recovery" days. In fact, I recently read an article written by someone who won a competition in a health & fitness magazine about how they achieved their amazing body: no more than 3 workouts per week! A lot of times only 2 workouts. The rest of the time they were focused on nutrition, and recovery. It is during this recovery time that our bodies do the changing, our muscles grow, and we transform into the shape associated with fit people. During exercise you rip/tear/shred muscles. During recovery you grow tissue/rebuild your body. If you aren't recovering adequately, when will your body have time to repair and heal itself?

    Even looking at our ancestors, they didn't hunt & gather everyday. They had long periods of rest and recovery to be able to put a lot of demand on their bodies.

    If you must exercise everyday, then I would shorten your workouts, maybe only 20-30 minutes. However, just like everything, just as you need discipline to work out, you need discipline to stick to a "rest and recovery" schedule that allows your body adequate time to heal. :flowerforyou: