Carbs required for recovery....(Insanity)

I am wondering if someone can advise...

I am currently on Day 40 of the Insanity workout series. Before Insanity, I would always simply have a protein shake post-workout for recovery and found this worked no problems (usually did P90X or a Jillian Micheals DVD) but found myself really low on energy and struggling through the day after Insanity - so my partner reccommended 'Recovery XS' ( as a recovery drink. This really helped to pick me up a little, so I have been drinking water during the workout - and using this post-workout.

However, now in month 2 the workouts are a whole new level of intense....(!!) I felt I needed a little something extra in order to give 100% to the workouts. We have started having the new 'For Goodness Shakes NECTAR' ( during the workout and that's really helping me to 'Dig Deeper!' :laugh:

My only issue, is that with taking the amounts I feel I need of both of these supplements (50ml of Nectar and 67g of Recovery XS) I'm having around 68g of carbs before my day has even begun....

As I'm trying to keep my split 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fat - it makes it very difficult for the rest of the day then not to go over on carbs and to ensure I get enough protein!!

Should I switch back to a pure protein drink now I use the Nectar supplement - or do I just bite the bullet and take in more carbs for this last month of Insanity? (As I do feel that it does help me from crashing later in the day). I don't really care if that is the answer...I just want to be sure I am doing the right thing to see the best results!! I am not enjoying the program at all, so I at least want to see a decent reward in my "after" photos!!

Thanks for your help! :happy:


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am wondering if someone can advise...

    I am currently on Day 40 of the Insanity workout series. Before Insanity, I would always simply have a protein shake post-workout for recovery and found this worked no problems (usually did P90X or a Jillian Micheals DVD) but found myself really low on energy and struggling through the day after Insanity - so my partner reccommended 'Recovery XS' ( as a recovery drink. This really helped to pick me up a little, so I have been drinking water during the workout - and using this post-workout.

    However, now in month 2 the workouts are a whole new level of intense....(!!) I felt I needed a little something extra in order to give 100% to the workouts. We have started having the new 'For Goodness Shakes NECTAR' ( during the workout and that's really helping me to 'Dig Deeper!' :laugh:

    My only issue, is that with taking the amounts I feel I need of both of these supplements (50ml of Nectar and 67g of Recovery XS) I'm having around 68g of carbs before my day has even begun....

    As I'm trying to keep my split 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fat - it makes it very difficult for the rest of the day then not to go over on carbs and to ensure I get enough protein!!

    Should I switch back to a pure protein drink now I use the Nectar supplement - or do I just bite the bullet and take in more carbs for this last month of Insanity? (As I do feel that it does help me from crashing later in the day). I don't really care if that is the answer...I just want to be sure I am doing the right thing to see the best results!! I am not enjoying the program at all, so I at least want to see a decent reward in my "after" photos!!

    Thanks for your help! :happy:

    Nector is nothing more than glorified Gatorade. Since you're using to get through your workouts, I don't see what the problem is. If I had to choose a intra-workout drink it would be the Nector instead of protein.