BPA in Children and Teens Associated With Obesity
Interesting article I ran across today linking childhood and teen obesity with exposure to BPA. I didn't realize it was used in plastic bottles. I thought it was only used in soda cans. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120918111125.htm
Great news at the Dr's office.
I had my regular bloodwork and Dr's appointment today. My Dr. was pretty happy with the results. I weighed 194.2 on his scale (195 on mine), which was down 22 pounds from my last visit. My A1C dropped from 5.3 to 4.7 Total Cholesterol dropped from 145 to 135, LDL took a 20+ point drop to 68.4, Triglycerides were down 100…
Vegan Freebie (ebook)
Vegan 101: Master Vegan Cooking with 101 Great Recipes (ebook) is free today (not sure for how long) at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005Z1UT32/? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/vegan-101-kate-devivo/1101091551?ean=9781572846869
Actress in ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’ sheds 240 pounds
This woman has had a hard go of it since that movie, but she's moving in the right direction. Good for her. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/community-news/ellis-kaufman/headlines/20120803-forney-actress-in-whats-eating-gilbert-grape-sheds-240-pounds-looks-to-act-again.ece
Cheap testing supplies for diabetics
One thing you learn about being a diabetic is how expensive the testing supplies are. Walmart has put out a new meter that uses more affordable test strips. The ReliOn Prime meter is about $17, which include the meter and the case only. But, test strips are a reasonable $9 per box of 50. That's WAY less than I've been…
"You're getting so skinny...
you're going to disappear:" That's what I heard today. Which is kind of nice, but looking down at my still sizable belly, I can't help but wonder what in the world they're talking about. I'm still at least 25 to 40 pounds overweight, and a long way from being skinny (if only). Since it was extended family my reply was to…
PB2 "Bricks"?
I just got an order of a couple bags of PB2 from Amazon. The bags are. I'm guessing, vacuum packed, resulting in small but really solid "bricks" of PB2. Has anyone else received these? Are they easy to open up and break up into powder?
Treadmill inventor dies at 96.
William Staub, who took the treadmill — that ubiquitous piece of exercise equipment that is loved and loathed by millions — into homes and gyms, has died. He was 96 and had been spied on a treadmill as recently as two months ago. http://www.thespec.com/news/world/article/767420--treadmill-inventor-william-staub-dies-at-96…
Fish Oil no benefit to diabetics? Maybe not.
I saw this on American Diabetes Association message board and was a bit surprised. A just released large study found no benefit in heart attacks, strokes or death for diabetics who took fish oil supplements. Obviously one study, sponsored by a drug company, isn't proof, but I thought it was worth reading.…
Vegan Cooking for Carnivores
I saw this book in a YouTube video. I was wondering if anyone had it, or had any experience with it? It looks interesting, but I'm not ready to plunk down any money on it just yet. http://www.amazon.com/Vegan-Cooking-Carnivores-Recipes-Tasty/dp/1609412427
myfitnesspal is the top rated app at Amazon
I was just looking around at Amazon's appstore and clicked on "Top Rate Apps" out of curiosity. I was a little surprised to see MFP as the #1 app with 1,039 reviews.…
I found out something interesting
Apparently those little safety clip-ons on the treadmill are actually there for a reason and not just to annoy you. I was walking along while watching a movie. It got to an interesting point and my mind wandered for just a second .... and I stopped walking. The next thing I know I'm on my butt on the floor and the dogs are…
Someday I'm going to ... what?
What are you dreaming or planning for someday? Someday I'm going to have a stomach that's smaller than my butt so my pants stay up by themselves. Someday I'm going to have a cheat day and eat anything and everything I want. That's really more of a fantasy, because I'll probably never let myself actually do it. :laugh:
Finally broke 200 pounds
I realized the other day that I'm finally back under 200 pounds for the first time in a very long while. That was my second mini-goal. Now I'm aiming for 174 which will put me at the top end of the healthy weight charts. Then I can decide how low I really need to go.
The 6 Most Insane Crash Diets of All Time
Here's a pretty funny article from Cracked.com. It's all told from a darkly humorous angle, so some might find parts of it offensive. http://www.cracked.com/article_15780_the-6-most-insane-crash-diets-all-time.html
How do I use a food scale with MFP?
I recently decided that I needed to measure food accurately instead of just eyeballing it, so I bought a food scale. I'm not sure how best to use it for entering food into MFP. For example, this morning I had 166g of potatoes fried in about a 1/4 tsp of olive oil, and a 107g apple along with other stuff that's already…
Question about GMO Wheat
I've been reading a lot on here about how wheat is the most heavily genetically modified crop out there. But, looking around online everything I've read says there is currently no GMO wheat commercially grown or eaten anywhere in the world, and that GMO wheat is still 10 to 15 years away. I know there's plenty of research…
Sad story, 650lb guy loses 400 regains 250
Really sad story, and familiar to a lot of us, though usually not so extreme. This poor guy weighed 650lbs, took it off, and is morbidly obese again. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2155472/The-way-Im-going-Im-going-live-longer-Why-TVs-650lb-Virgin--lost-400lbs-love--morbidly-obese-more.html
Is it worth draining and rinsing canned veggies?
I normally drain and rinse canned veggies to remove the canning liquid. I've read in a number of places that this reduces sodium by about 40%, but I recently found a test where they actually measured this and got more like a 5% to 10% sodium reduction and a loss of vitamins as well. So, now I'm wondering if I should really…
Any odd body changes since you've lost weight?
I'm wondering how common it is for people to notice physical oddities about themselves as they've lost weight. I was sitting with an elderly friend of mine last week, who had just gotten back getting blood work done. He looked at my arms and said "Boy, I bet they don't have any trouble getting blood out of you, do they?"…
I hit my 40 pounds mini-goal
By last Christmas I had dropped from 275 to 203.4 pounds, and I decided to take a little break and enjoy the holidays. The next thing I knew it was a year later, and I was 40 pounds heavier. My first mini-goal was to take those 40 pounds off and to do it by my 52'nd birthday. That's today, and those 40 pounds are gone.…
Fasting for extra hours might be good for you
A recent study on rats showed that two groups consuming the same diet would have very different health results depending whether or not they fasted between meals. "After 100 days, the mice who ate fatty food frequently throughout the day gained weight and developed high cholesterol, high blood glucose, liver damage and…
"Weight of the Nation" on HBO
I've only watched a little of this documentary on obesity and weight loss, but it's already been surprising just how overweight we are as a nation, and how early heart disease and high blood pressure start in children. You can watch it free at HBO.com http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/
What to do when you can't strength train?
I have a spinal injury in my neck due to a fall years ago. I'm under strict Doctor's order to avoid lifting anything. If I do try any sort of lifting I end up with a nauseous headache, even with small hand weights. Is there any sort of upper body work I might be able to do that won't put a strain on my neck? I actually…