losing weight with sweat?
When you sweat are you losing weight? even just a little? When i sweat i dont mean workout sweat i mean, being at work in a shed wearing long sleeves and long pants and gloves and hard hat type sweating. Yes i AM working but no my heart isnt pumping... anyone know?
quick easy and healthy dinner/tea ideas
hey guys really needing some yummy easy and quick food ideas to cook for dinner/tea after work weeknights.. i wont get home til about 7ish and i gotta try and be in bed by 9 or ten so its gotta be fast.... any ideas would be very much appreciated thanks
Really good hamburger patty recipe?
Anyone got a really nice moist tasty hamburger patty recipe? i want a hamburger for dinner tonight and i usually mix a packet of chicken noodle soup and a packet of french onion soup in with some oyster sauce for my patties but i want something different... any good tasty ideas?? I'm using ground beef.
New Year Walking Challenge Week 3 (closed group)
Hey guys so sorry I've been a bit slack with the updates.. i've noticed a couple of you have fallen off the bandwagon but glad to see some are still going strong.. good for you guys! :) Anyway lets get straight into it. Belladebils turn for mini challenges this week and she has chosen 50 leg raises 25 arm raises (have a…
New Year Walking Challenge Week 2 (closed group)
Hey guys how is everyone? You all seem to be doing well.. Thank you to the people who post an update each and every day, to the ones who don't, if you could try to get an update in each day that would be awesome. If not we understand.. lifes busy sometimes :) Anyway week two is upon us... weigh in is upon us.. I'd like…
Show a picture of your healthy dinner or lunch
Baked chicken tenders with vegetable casserole I usually have just one tender but i have plenty of calories left over so i added extra. For this much its 648 calories but with just one its 370 calories
Veggie casserole
can of 98% fat free condensed cream of mushroom soup with zucchini, sweet potato, cauli, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms and beans, diced and sliced. Chuck all in the slow cooker and cook for 4 hours... towards the end take the lid off and add some cornflour to thicken. as a side dish only 104 cals. Its delicious :)
calorie free noodles?
has anyone tried the shirataki noodles? Apparently they have no calories, but im wondering how they taste? no point if they taste terrible
when is it safe to exercise?
how do i know when its safe to exercise again? Sunday night i did a leg workout which i havent done before and the next day i was in so much pain... worst part is the next day i started a new job which had my crouching and kneeling and hunching over for 8 hours straight.... it hurt... the next day i could barely walk...…
seriously aching muscles
hey people im in some serious pain.. my thighs and glutes are killing me.. it hurts to lower myself into a sitting postion and it hurts to get up again. It also hurts to squat. Does anyone have any home remedies for these? i dont have any heat cream and i dont have any money to go to the shop or chemist. I have to go to…
How do i log this?
I started my new job today and for 7 hours i was on the ground grinding metal down... my muscles are aching and i sweated heaps! Never done it before and it was hot in there... i can feel muscles in my body i never knew existed... so i know i burnt a lot of calories tomorrow but how on earth could i log it?
New Year Walking Challenge Week 1 (closed group)
Hey guys looks like its just us 6 for this one. Which is fine by me.. not too many people to keep track of! Nic1976 will be making up a spreadsheet to record our achievements and i think we should all check in with a post to this thread each day once we've completed our walk and mini challenges. We'll start tomorrow and…
Did you know that if you dont grind up your flaxseeds and just eat them whole you dont get their proper nutrients into your system... so its not really worth bothering unless you grind them up first!
Just wanted to share with you all that a vietnamese bread roll has 504 calories and 60 grams of fat in it! I had no idea myself and got a nasty shock when i logged my lunch for today... I could have enjoyed a cheeseburger for that amount! Just wanted to let you all know.
HAHAHAHA this is great!
I video taped my step daughter singing and dancing earlier... this is hilarious.. you gotta see it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp5ExqMQlsc
Late Night Binges
Does anyone else have late night binges? I seem to quite often and they're quite annoying... I'm not sure how to combat them though... if i could sleep early then that would be an easy solution but i have trouble getting to sleep at night and my mind often wanders to food and i get these horrible cravings.
Low calorie desserts
anyone got any great low calorie desserts?
sprucing up steamed veg
I want to eat more steamed vegetables but i need something to make them not so bland... so i wanna add taste just not heaps of calories... anyone know some tasty ways?
low calorie pasta?
I really want pasta for dinner tonight but it has sooo many calories! whats the best pasta to eat? i read about the shiritaki noodles... but i want thick pasta... like fettucini do they make it like that? can i get it in a supermarket or do i have to go to an asian grocer.. im in south australia by the way! Thanks
big lunch vs big dinner
Sooo is it better to have more calories at lunch time or dinner time? All my dinner meals seem to be much higher in calories... im wondering if i should eat dinner meals for lunch and my lunch meals for dinner... this wont be practcal when i start working next week... but should i do it when i can? weekends and such?
calories over-under
Its 6pm and i have over 1300 cals left. about 800 of them are regular cals and about 600 are from exercise.. im really confused on whether im supposed to eat the extra cals or not? some people say yes some say no.. i dont know which to believe! also... since i have so many cals leftover and if im supposed to eat them all…
walk off the kilos by new years challenge
Okay so i want to create a group who will incorporate walking into their daily exercise routine. I'm thinking an hour walk each day. Not enough time? get up an hour earlier! Got a dog.. use the dog for an excuse to get up off your butt! Its amazing how much difference walking makes. Catch the bus? get off early and walk…
Hi i want to start doing insanity but i want someone else to start at the same time as me for motivation and support.... people i can check in with each day to discuss how things went and to spur each other on.... anyone keen?
Any aussies or kiwis out there?
Hey guys im pretty happy to make friends from all over the world so the title isnt the be all and end all.. im just looking for some more people in my timezone. But everyone is welcome... i need more friends! :)
Motivation buddies!
Hey guys im looking for people who have weight to lose and want to compete biggest loser styles. weigh in will be mondays. We will have weekly challenges, such as: 50 squats a day, 50 sit ups a day, 2 litres of water a day etc. These will change from week to week. It will be ongoing for about 3 months and whoever has lost…
Struggling! Food ideas please!!
So im trying to cut a lot of fat out of my diet and i know that consists of lean meats and lots of vegetables... but i need ideas on how to spruce them up without adding fats. How to cook them? How do i spruce up veg to make it taste better? What are some low fat recipes for lunch? things i can make up and separate into…
Workout buddies!
Im looking for a few people who will compete with me... i feel it will help me in the motivation department. weigh in will be mondays. we can set weekly challenges. and it will be on going for the next 6 months. I started last week with a friend of mine but he's being increasingly slack and its not helping my motivation..…
Looking for Friends and support!!
Hey everyone.. i've been a member here for a while but i didnt use it much. Im making a change.. i'm doing this for real this time. I know i know said it before.. but i have a goal this time. Im going to bali next year for a holiday and i've set a goal to make sure im comfortable in a bathing suit while im there! So please…
burning calories at work?
Should i try and work out how many calories i burn off at work? would adding that to my exercise log be too much? I mean... i do run around most of the day un packing boxes and running around after customers around the store.. How would i work out how many calories i burnt? I mean for today i had an 8 hour shift from nine…
always thinking about food
How the hell do i stop my thoughts from constantly being about food... the second i wake up in the morning besides for wishing i didnt have to get out of bed im thinking about what breakfast will be then once ive finished breakfast im constantly thinking about lunch and after lunch it goes on til dinner.. after dinner im…