Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Interesting weather. Spent yesterday afternoon cutting back foliage in a tee and 74 deg heat and woke up just now to 43 degrees. Violent storm and tornado warning overnight brought in winter.

    Bean and I are just having breakfast and listening to the radio news. The news from Europe regarding the virus is very bad and what they get we follow soon after. Michael will be over later to share lunch with us and I intend to enjoy his company in case we are all advised not to eat together again if we are not living in the same household.

    So, as you can read, pleasant day yesterday, but not earth shattering....thank goodness.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :) I read a great article about clutter clearing. It went way beyond the clutter clearing we all do when we clean out cupboards and drawers and get rid of unwanted and unneeded items. It talked about the clutter of destructive relationships, obligations, distractions, news, media, screens, drama, trivialities, and attachments. All this staying home and filling my time with things that I love to do has been very good for me. However, it doesn't make for very interesting news.

    :) We had a brief visit standing up in the driveway wearing masks visit with some friends who came to bring Jake a birthday gift before returning to California where they live most of the time. Otherwise, everything we do looks very much like what we did the day before.

    :) I am grateful daily for the absence of drama in our lives.

    <3 Barbie

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good for you BARBIE. I so agree! To be honest I've also enjoyed this quiet time, and it's also been good for me as well, regardless of sciatica, bee stings and disappearing molars!

    Talking of disappearing, Maria just phoned to say the tree trimmers have appeared to cut back the oak trees big branches hanging over my drive. I rather liked the tunnel to be honest, shady in summer, but it's her tree on just the other side of the fence and at least she's not having the whole tree cut down like certain other neighbours.

    Michael's not coming over after all, he slept in.

    Mark tells me our region might be under stricter lockdown soon. Must order toilet rolls next week!

    I'm already wearing a polo neck sweater, but will bundle up a little more to take Bean out and have a "nose" of course! 🌳🗡

    Anne 🍂🍁🐶🙃
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Hello. We have warmed up to 28 degrees F now but best of all, we have a bit of sunshine. I am thrilled. 🌞 The weather doesn’t look as lovely for Sunday and Monday. My leaf lettuce in the container near the door is soaking up the rays! I cut some yesterday and it is quite tender and has a very mild taste.

    I put a couple of cards in the mail this morning. It is cold out there and not many neighbors are outdoors working on projects. Just one diehard guy who is always working on something. I think all of his fall and Halloween decorations are installed so I am not certain what he is doing today. Wow, I am getting to be a very curious neighbor. 😃

    I am working on cards again today, reading a bit of a book, working on a puzzle and watching the same live broadcast I watch every Saturday morning. 😄 enjoyable.

    Anne, will you be able to peer out and watch the tree trimming? I hope that goes well and they clean everything up on your side of the project. Sorry you won’t have company today but I am sure Jilly will be good company once again.

    Barbie, routine is great. I have some routines but not that many. I remember my dad establishing many routines but it seemed he did it in sort of an unfortunate way. He strived to have ‘perfect’ days and was quite upset when he didn’t do everything exactly right (according to his own measurements) each day. He felt a failure when he didn’t hit his own mark. You live on the healthy side of this, he lived on the other side of the coin.

    Jackie, my gosh, what days you have! Excitement after excitement and so much work. Did you have any idea that this project would lead to this? I hope you don’t wear yourself to a frazzle and also that your home is cozy and comfortable this winter.

    Bob, hello. So you looked at a crab patty but didn’t purchase it? If it was something I really wanted, I probably would have purchased it. Once. 😃 or twice 😂🤣 enjoy your weekend. I know you will.

    Sandy, movie tonight? Speaking of movies, a number of movie theaters opened last evening with free admission to watch high schools football playoffs. The ushers seated people, groups of 5 or fewer, with empty seats between groups. People looked as if they were enjoying themselves, particularly because it was frigid last evening with low temperatures and gusty winds. I see the theater made quite a bit of $$ as people were dragging in huge piles of concessions. Ka-Ching.

    Patsy, good morning. Are you and John still well? Have you planned your menu for today/tonight. I always love to hear what you are preparing for John. Always superior to my concoctions. 😄

    Hello Buzz, Diane and Jeri. Wishing everyone well.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    A morning teapot with lots of narrative.

    “....a proper teapot, and it's hefty enough to be used as a weapon (not that I would). So, what is it? Well, if you look carefully at the backstamp (you might need a magnifying glass) you will see the Royal Doulton impressed mark, so there you go... it's Royal Doulton. Doulton backstamps of this period are fascinating because they tell you a lot more about the teapot than just the factory that made them. The Royal Doulton backstamp alone identifies this as being 1922+, but there is also a number 8312, this narrows it down to either 1922 or 1923, it is not preceded by an 'X' which suggests that this range of teapots was not produced in large numbers. In addition to this there is also an 'MW' inscribed on the base - This is the monogram of ceramic artist Minnie Webb who worked at Doulton's in the 1920s. This teapot would have been made at Doulton's Lambeth factory, London.”



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a quick note from up here. The Sneakers column was down most of the day, but I've just checked and read LINS interesting post. Back in business.

    My sciatica is back as well, and Michael did come over to take Bean for a long ramble after a rather painful earlier shuffle with Anne. But here's the funny thing.

    The tree trimmers arrived and down came two huge branches hanging over my drive. The oak tree was last in a virtual woodland of chopped down saplings. So Mike, Bean and I went out to look at the damage, me hobbling with sciatica. Maria's son was outside complaining about his sciatica, Darren joined us after hobbling across the road with sciatica, and then my Mark showed up with his sciatica! Only Mike and Bean normal! So we all had a good old moan together and hopefully nobody was harbouring Corvid-19! Chilly out at 43 but worse tomorrow! 36 when we wake up.

    I'm off to bed with two Advil. Goodnight,
    Anne 😴🐶💜
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :) It's not as cold for me as it is for most of you, but I've added wool socks, wool scarf, leggings under my jeans and a sweatshirt instead of a sweater. I'm wearing my lighter weight coat and putting coats on the dogs to walk in the morning.

    :) "Community" on MFP was down for about 8 hours today. What a challenge to all of us. I danced in the morning and rode my exercise bike and knitted while watching figure skating on TV. In between, I walked the dogs.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    As Barbie noted "Community" on MFP was down for about 8 hours today.” Tried to get on several times and now it’s 10:30 pm so this will be short. I have a few things to do for a couple hours before bed.

    Still relishing yesterday’s weather – cold and wet today. Took a late 70-degree evening walk thru a couple neighborhoods last night and snapped a few cell phone pics. Gym etc this morning and then made birthday card in prep for a great-nephews Star Wars theme- bday tomorrow. And then – made lunch (Gianelli - Turkey Sausage - Mild Italian, Spaghetti Squash, Home Style - Parmesan-Romano, Rao Spaghetti sauce, Spring greens, celery, radish, cauliflower, cucumber, red onion, tomato, Balsamic spray.) … so here you go:




    Sandy – Glad you liked the Dolly joke – and yes re: friend. And he is Mr. BBQ (and I mean serious outdoor cooker etc). We took different routes to get to where we are…but as often stated – everyone is different and has to do what works for them. All this talk of tea will have me buying some fresh tea the next shopping spree.

    Jackie – You started out with “Well here I am again” and I thought of Loretta Lyn singing Loretta Lynn – “Here I Am Again” . You must be soooo ready for everything to be back in its place.

    Lin – Love my vinyl albums and play daily. I do have a huge stack of albums my daughter gave me when her in-law passed, but to be honest many are in rough shape and I will likely throw out…no point in ruining a needle and listening to scratches and skips. I think I love them most for the feeling of nostalgia and another time/place of memories.

    You are correct – I did not purchase the crab cake. If it had been a special occasion I might have. Instead – I bought Jean a “FRIENDS” (TV show) black tee. She loves the old re-runs and always said she would wear it if younger – I told her she was young enough!

    Hope all had a great evening -- until tomorrow. Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The following was typed yesterday afternoon only to find the Community section frozen. I’ve not done much more than sleep since so will send then catch up later today on intervening posts.

    Happy Sunday and UK official Autumn! 🍂🍂

    Today is one for going at a slower pace and finding time to relax. A short walk in the village in torrential rain then back to put a pot of coffee on and visit from my friend I buy the dog painkillers for. We keep our distance of course. She was shocked at the mess still to be cleaned up but loved my new sideboard with its carved grapes and little faces on the handles. We sat in my new snug and caught up while the dogs dried off from their walk. Mess all gone (again) so I’m now sitting with feet up watching the first rugby match allowed since lockdown left the competition in limbo. Gosh, I could almost pretend life is back to normal except the stadium is empty of fans and any cheering is just sound effects.
    Our 2nd lockdown isn’t as severe as first time around but I feel it’s one big experiment while scientists voice their concerns that it’s not enough. Half term so our area is covered in visitors again but the weather is so different this time the stormy weather will probably keep them shut away in their mobile homes and rented cottages!

    Hello Lin, I see you just posted. Good to see someone can confirm the sun is still in the sky! All work carried out so far needed to be done but you know how it is, we never appreciate the levels of stress that come with it until feeling it. I’m rapidly learning to live with the situation and crumbling walls that hold their own charm. 😉

    Barbie, many friends have mentioned recently what a good time this has been for contemplating our lives and priorities. So many people suffering around the world with Covid on top of daily struggles to exist brings a different perspective on the importance or not of pubs remaining open or regular hair appointments.

    Maybe not exactly a quiet day for you Anne if chainsaws will be slimming down Maria’s oak tree. Jilly will have a lot to say about that I bet!

    It does seem incredibly quiet here so this relaxing lark is taking some getting used to! I have been online to purchase a specialist paint for the outside whenever I get round to it and have gone for Suffolk Pink to match my hair! 🧑🏻‍🦰 I feel it’s important to bring some fun into our lives during this situation we would never have anticipated. Can’t remember if I mentioned the other day how a lady driver nearly ran over me and the Pooches when she turned into the lane we were walking without indicating so I hadn’t moved out of her way. When I gave her a long look she wound down her window so I expected a verbal confrontation but she called enthusiastically I love the colour of your hair! What could I say but thank you? The situation was immediately defused and we each went on our way!

    Time to put the kettle on... an electric one because the calor gas ran out. I’ve ordered more which should arrive Monday so some inventive meals until then.

    Happy Saturday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just staggered through for my morning cuppa and oatmeal. Glad to see we are all making it back to meet in "Sneakers Country Tearoom" after our "hike in cyber space wilderness". And BOB - love Dawson Rays birthday card!
    Still reeling over how all you seniors continue on as always - pulling apart cottages, dying hair pink, creating cards, cycling and walking dogs, assembling photo shoots, grooming large lovable dogs, and coping with boisterous grands. Etc Etc. You really are a remarkable bunch and put many a teenager to shame. Speaking of such don't any one of you even think of jumping on a skateboard and have your dog pull you to the stores etc. I really wouldn't put it past any one of you trying this! I'm saved by Beans size!

    Well let's see what today brings. I think the remaining trees are safe here for now. Which will calm the squirrels somewhat gathering leaves for their winter lofty nests!

    Have a great day and stay safe as you amble out of "Sneakers Country Tearoom".

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Good morning. And here’s a Johnson Brothers teapot for the Sneakers Country Tearoom.


    While the sun was out, it did stay quite cold yesterday so I put on two sweatshirts and my new warm hat after lunch. All tomato vines in a compost bag now, tomato cages put away, and fabric pots hauled in and stacked (although wet, not ideal) along the wall in the garage. No leaves cleaned up as I had my fingers crossed that my handyman would arrive to mow but it did not happen. Well, maybe the weather will change for the better and he will be here at that point.

    I did a tiny bit of organizing. The batteries are all lined up and in one place. I am thrilled.


    I got the problem with my friend’s mailing address straightened out. She didn’t want to give her address on messenger or something. So I finally pulled her up through county property records and now all is well. I will resend her card soon. She is sweet but never gives out much info about her own life online and she has severe hearing problems so phone conversations are impossible.

    I made a bit of tofu salad, heavy on chopped celery, and it was so good, I may use the rest of the half block today for some more. Need to clean more celery first!

    The weekly live show that is my Saturday habit was enjoyable yesterday and this afternoon, I am registered for on online program with the library on paranormal events. I don’t know why I did that, but weeks and weeks ago it seemed a good idea.

    Otherwise, I did a small puzzle, read, and messed about with card supplies.


    Jackie, oh my, what a lovely colorful cottage you will have as your plans come together. And I love what you do with your hair but my gosh, that incident with the driver has me shaking in my boots! People. Argh.

    Anne, I am sorry for the return of the sciatica. 🥺 and for all the others afflicted with the same pain. I hope the Advil helped. The conversation with the group sounds like fun but better if everyone wore a mask.

    Bob, what a wonderful post. I love the photos. I must find a way to make the colorful photo larger. Halloween decorations? Wow, what a display! Oh love the card you made. It is terrific! He should be delighted with it. Delicious meal again. And very sweet of you to pass on the crab cake and to instead getting a FRIENDS t-shirt for Jean. You are right, you should enjoy things, age doesn’t matter.

    Hello to the rest of our Sneakers. It was tough to go without hearing from everyone yesterday.

    Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️
    Lin ❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An extra hour in bed as the clocks went back but of course the rest of the day is out of kilter. After a long hot shower and pink hair wash to lose any remaining dust I took the dogs on the moors. The car park was almost full so we climbed a quiet route to the very top and found the cold blustery wind that does its best to knock me over but only one other person in the distance with what looked like an electronic tracker going beep, beep as he swung it round. I didn’t see him pick anything up so will never know what he was up to!
    We did manage a long walk but as these photos prove, the weather deteriorated as stairs clouds came in off the Atlantic.

    I’m hoping for another quiet day to get housework done upstairs because I’ve seen dust has drifted in that direction too.

    I’m sorry your sciatica is back Anne and hope you haven’t been shifting furniture again! We’re a few acorns left on the oak for the squirrels? Kind of sad when you’ve lived so long with the tree and watched it mature but as you say, a Harry job wasn’t done on it although he might come looking for the branches to add to his log pile.

    I love your card too Bob. Perfect for a 10 year old but I’m guessing he’ll be wanting the full Darth Vader outfit once he sees how good he looks!

    Lin, yesterday’s teapot was made about a mile from where I was born in London. Have you heard The Lambeth Walk song? Pearly kings and queens with their Cockney rhyming slang. I bet Minnie Webb was local, her name is perfect. My maternal grandparents surname was Minett (French Huguenot) and gran’s nickname was Minnie... a bit of useless information! 😄
    I’ve just seen all those batteries posted today but will ask next time because the sun has returned so I’m off to muck out the hens.

    Have a safe and peaceful Sunday everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No shifting furniture Jackie. Cutting back foliage on our Indian summer day. Damn nuisance sciatica, I so love gardening but it doesn't love me anymore! Yes, I watched the acorn grow into this beautiful tree in the days when I thought that bit of land was ours. It was church land but some previous owner had pinched 6 inches and we were in blissful ignorance until the surveyors rolled up and pinched it back for the house to be built which is now Maria's. You can guess I would have left Oak alone to spread herself out. Just like me, I'm spreading out as well!

    Michael can't visit his friend today. Her grand daughters school has closed down because of a few Corvid cases and they are all waiting the test results in quarantine right now.

    I take as much care as possible, but what will be will be. Sort of resigned, I get it, or I don't.

    Hugs, virtual of course, all around, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    I wanted my batteries always at hand. I use a lot of them. And I am on three levels including the basement. So the batteries are in this neat holder which zips up and has a carrying handle. Have batteries, will travel.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    And I watched this video of the Lambeth Walk. 😊 Thanks Jackie.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Reading about the Pearly Kings and Queens. Very interesting. Any in your family Jackie?



    Need to tune into church soon.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    We’ll be leaving in an hour for my great-nephews 10th birthday party. Only family – when it isn’t COVID time my sister normally has 30-45 people (family/church friends) 90% of Sundays. She always has spaghetti, meatballs, salad with choice of toppings, chicken cutlets, garlic toast, desserts all served buffet style.

    Got my 7000 steps this morning with my other usual tasks. IT WAS FREEZING THIS MORNING – but it is a beautiful sunny day! My text to Jean this morning while she was sleeping at 5:30am....


    Jackie – And a HAPPY SUNDAY to you too! Glad the 2nd lockdown isn’t as bad as the 1st. So many opinions from different scientists…around our area politics also seems to come into play. As for the “lady driver” I think Covid has effected the attitude of some drivers. I had a guy pull into the grocery parking lot one morning this week as if 50 was the speed limit!

    PS - -Just saw your photos – they are breath taking! As for the party – my sister started decorating last night .

    Anne – At least it was only a cup and oatmeal that had you staggering. LOL. Actually looking forward to the Star Wars Bday party. We don’t attend them all – there are so many – I mean “dozens” but we are close to this one. Like you, I don’t know how so many on the board do all those tasks…I’m not pulling apart a cottage, don’t have enough hair to color and Sabrina our cat – sleeps most of the day. LOL

    Todays party - 5ukeeg3frusz.jpg

    Lin – I feel your pain about the cold. Jean is usually warmer than me – I always have a sweatshirt etc. once it goes below 50. You put me to shame with you battery organization… I am always disorganized in that area. Of course, the exception is a photo shoot. Glad U liked the photos. There always seems to be someone nearby that does the whole Halloween theme decorating – we do a bit outside with flowers, pumpkins, scare crow etc but nothing like that.

    Gotta run to the store now. Running late – made my lunch for when we get back, as I don’t really eat at parties like that – Jean will have a feast. My food is somewhat a repeat of yesterday.

    Have a great day! Bob

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Like the rest of you I tried and tried but could not get on MFP yesterday. Chilly day in the 40's but Lisa is having movie afternoon today. Last night she tried to take the two older boys for a drive through Halloween trick or treat at Santa's Village but said the line was so long and not moving so she pulled out and left. We are going early because tomorrow is a school day and kiddos have to get to bed early.

    Lin, loved that video, it sure made me smile and happy. I have a battery holder on my Amazon wish list for Christmas. After I read they shouldn't be in a drawer where they can touch because it could cause a fire I arranged them safely and hope my kids see my wish list. lol

    Anne, you really should be careful with sciatica or you will end up with either shots or surgery.
    I am the voice of experience. Just keep taking care with this virus, we older ones are the most in danger and I am not ready to cash out yet. Love your new term for our room, should I change our title??

    Jackie, absolutely beautiful pictures. I am glad you or the pups were not hurt by that reckless lady even though she complimented you. When I was a kid my father decided to put aluminum siding on our house, guess what color he chose? Yes, pink.

    Bob, I too, love your card for your nephew. He will love it!! We never know who my six year old grandson will be when we walk in. He has so many different costumes he amazes me. I think he loves his Ninja costume the best but not sure. Speaking of Ninja's I ordered one from Amazon but didn't like the drawer so I returned it after trying it once and ordered a Ninja Grill instead. It is bigger and still does Air Fryer Roast Bake Dehydrate Broil. More expensive but I chose to make payments with no interest. Can't wait to try it.

    Barbie, my guess is that you stayed warm with all those clothes. lol

    Patsy, hope you are able to get on today.

    I better get ready for our early outing, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was a wonderful bday party for Dawson. Afterwards, we stopped at the lake. It was sunny all afternoon, but turned overcast…but the air etc. was great!



    Lin – I guess you learn something new every day. I had never heard of the “Pearly Kings and Queens” so I Googled and read a bit about their commitment to raising money for London charities. Ditto for the Lambeth Walk!

    Hey Sandy – The MFP issues were a pain yesterday (mostly because you had no idea how long the issue was going to last) but not a big deal in the scheme of things. Guess there is little we can do about the colder weather heading our way, but as I mentioned before – if not for daughter and her family – we’d be someplace a little warmer and lighter on taxes LOL.

    I can totally relate to your 6 yr old grandson…same with our grandkids. They can’t wait to dress for Halloween and like every year never divulge what or who they will be.

    Your “Ninja Grill” order sounds great. Can’t wait to hear how it works for you…like the blue lenses…

    Your ordering reminded me that I need to get another Harry Potter ornament with light/sound for my grandson’s birthday the end of next month. You connect all of the Harry Potter Storytellers ornaments to unlock additional amazingly interactive performances. We bought Harry 1st, then Weasley – I think Hermione will be next and another character as one of his Christmas presents.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday night.
    Jean has a Hallmark movie and I have a documentary on dvr and some reading planned. Bob