Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited October 2020
    I've just read that Canada has been named the top country in the world to live in, in the category - quality of life and parliamentary system - please don't tell Mr T. He will say fake news, or if he loses the election, hop over here and spoil it! Thank goodness we can have a smile with the daily news.

    So you are joining me JACKIE in lunch being the main meal of the day! Summer isn't so bad with all the salads, cold cuts, cold soups etc. I love being able to relax late afternoon and not have to start cooking and worse, wash the pans and dishes. A sandwich, a cuppa, a biccy for teatime whilst watching the news, and if so inclined, especially in winter, a mug of steaming milky cocoa to go to bed with. This does not equal weight loss alas as my poor showing on the pound a week section testifies.

    Been out with the Bean. Beautiful day with golden leaves blowing about in the wind, squirrels everywhere, but quite cold. I wish I'd brought my gloves!

    Bye for now, Anne. 🙃🍁🐶🍂

    I've just read BOBs post. Aprons are so easy to pop on over decent clothes, and also a big plus for men, most women I think find men in butcher aprons cooking the Sunday roast most appealing. More so if they clear up as well!!! 👨‍🍳🔪
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Good day. Some lovely dishes including a teapot.

    “...Copeland Spode R8319 rare 1924 tea set, you've seen the teapot before, and the jug too I think, but not the cup, saucer, and plate. I bought these from the Spode Museum shop. I have not seen this pattern anywhere else, these were made for Thomas Goode & Co. Ltd of London and are exquisite.”


    I have been keeping an eye on a musical on YouTube most of the morning. “The Wind in the Willows”. It is one of the 48 hours only availability shows.

    I need to get going. It is warming up and I am going to try to get nitrogen in my tires. Fingers crossed it will work out. I have all my veggies and fruits cleaned, washed, cut, whatever was needed so the refrigerator is full of ready to grab deliciousness. 😃

    Bob, enjoy your hump day. You have some good looking veggies in your photo today. Yum. It is kind of Jean to take people to their appointments. She is a good hearted lady. ❤️

    Jackie, oh gosh, more inclement weather. So sorry. Now your mid day meal sounds very good as well. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay warm and dry. Yes, taking time out to make a larger meal during the day when you are busy with tasks and chores, not so handy. Which is why I used to make a pot of something and heat it up as leftovers each day for a good warm meal. I know you will figure it out.

    Anne, gloves, yes, always need gloves. As long as you have something that isn’t slippery when you are trying to hold a leash. It is about 40 degrees F today which is a huge improvement. Glad you and the Bean had a nice walk.

    Hello Sandy, Patsy, Barbie, Diane, Jeri and of course BUZZ! ❤️

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited October 2020
    Happy Wednesday! :) We are to reach 50 today, so definitely will be visiting Joe. It has been too cold and damp so we haven't met for a few days. I will be trying out the Ninja tonight and making a chicken breast. I don't make such fancy dishes as the rest of you, I will just have some baby carrots with suddenly pasta as my sides. I miss some of the veggies I used to have but that's life and changes from getting old.
    I put in my Walmart order but didn't like the time selections so I scheduled them for tomorrow. I could have had them delivered today but it would cost $7.95 plus tip. There is nothing I need that I can't wait one day.
    Saturday we are going to Lisa's mom and dad's house for Halloween. Lisa doesn't want to take the kids trick or treating with this virus so she is hiding decorated Halloween eggs with candy for the kids to find outside. We are wearing costumes so this is mine. The full masked one will be when I walk in or until the kids see me and the second will be for comfort but probably won't stay on that long. lol

    Lin, I have never heard of Nitrogen in tires, is that something special for your car? Pretty tea set today, although I am drinking decaff coffee now and no problems so far. I will drink tea on some days especially when I get my tea cozy.

    Anne, since your borders are closed none of us can come and stay with you, not even Mr. T.
    I am not a morning person so I don't even eat my breakfast until 11am which is usually my lunch as well so my main meal is in the evening in front of the TV like Mary Tyler Moore.

    Bob, you are very creative with your graphics, you should look into that for a part time job.

    Jackie, cardio is excellent and good for you heart so a good decision. I did love going to the gym when I was in the house with Babe but I was younger than. I am content with riding my bike indoors and when in the mood take a walk.

    Patsy, thank you for the hints about the computer, I spend close to six hours a day on my computer so I know I am suffering from eye strain. I do hope the new glasses work for me because I know I will not change my ways, especially during this pandemic.

    Have a wonderful day and please stay safe and wear a mask.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! A lovely sunny day here. I am doing MORE laundry. I don’t understand it. We seem to have as much laundry as we did when the kids were home with us. I can’t blame Katie for all of it.

    I am afraid Halloween will be a bust here. We will not have any trick or treaters. We are not going to any Halloween parties. I didn’t even decorate this year. Bad! I know during times like this, it is important to make an extra effort and get creative about family togetherness. I will do better, I promise.

    I had a huge allergic event the last couple of days. Not sure what the cause but it was miserable. I am back out of the horrible gluey eyes and drippy nose. No matter what the symptoms, we always think...could this be Covid? Answer...NO!

    Guess what? I found a stash of my socks that Katie hide under a chair. She hides things like her cookie bones and her vitamin tablets as if she were digging a deep hole. She pretends to cover them up with invisible leaves and dirt. She is perfect for us...neurotic and a bit strange.

    Be sure and take a look at our Halloween blue moon. I may not be around for the next one. When is that going to be, I wonder? I would be up for being an astronaut if I were young. Would you? Go where no man has gone before?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2020
    My lunch was delicious but left me feeling like I’d happily snooze on the sofa for the afternoon! Not conducive to keeping busy! I did take a photo to give Bob a laugh at my presentation because the only description would be haphazard!

    It was tasty and since I chatted to a friend on FaceTime well into this evening, handy not to have to cook later. I’ll just have to see if it works for me.

    George buries his stones I throw down the garden for him to find under the sofa or chairs... embarrassing when the electrician or a builder moves furniture only to discover the chippings from a footpath scattered beneath. Our pups are certainly entertaining!

    Great outfits Sandy!

    Lin, it was pure luck I had made a pot of chilli beans the day before the gas ran out and although it was handy I became bored after a couple of days and really missed freshly steamed veggies.
    I think Copeland Spode is quite expensive, certainly looks it with its cheery colours.

    Bedtime for me.
    Jackie 💤

    PS. That’s a small plate!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning,, seems to be a doggy trait to bury things. Bean buries her milk bones under rugs and down the backs of sofas. Forever checking because I don't want to break my neck one of these days.
    Temperature warmed up a bit.
    Breakfast awaits. One boiled egg, toast, marmalade and of course, tea.
    Anne. ☕️🙃🐶💛
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just like to add a bit to the dog hoarding above that I've noticed.
    When Jilly is feeling under the weather she always takes her favourite toy to bed with her. It's a small rubber bone gone limp with age, one of her first puppy toys.
    I think the milky bone hiding is a bit like our pandemic hoarding. Not in the mood right now, but it comes out later to nibble on when she feels a bit peckish.
    Like Katie she's into socks as well. Maybe it's for comfort when Anne's out without her. A sniff of my feet, perish the thought. Maybe an effort to save them from the garbage as well?
    George's Stones? A sniff of the river he loves and something of his very own.
    I think to a dog brain this is all very logical.
    I tried to give some of Jillys toys away the other day. Rubber toys far too big for her small mouth. I was told in no uncertain terms "they are mine Anne, put them back in the toy box". I did and peace reigns.

    Oh dear, maybe I'm turning into a dog! Certainly getting hairier with age!
    Woof, woof
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! The plumber comes this morning, so John is already up and around. Not normal for him. He is a night owl and sleeps late in the mornings. I never mind that. It gives me time to have coffee and my vitamins and Katie has her first run around the back yard., John wakes up like a house afire, loud and full of plans. I am slow and like a quiet time to slowly wake up. We have things worked out after many years of trial and err.

    Looks like a cloudy day today. The sun is just peeping out. I will be staying clear of the plumber. He will also be installing a new house water main. Or something like that...the thingy that shuts off the water for the entire house. Good to have because the one we have now is old and is about to fail.

    I am excited because a rapid virus test is now available from two of our main supermarkets. Our family can be tested and finally get together. We have all stayed apart because of our advanced age and so forth. John was not comfortable having a family bubble because our kids see so many people in their work. But now!!! And a vaccine in January! We are planning to delay our Christmas until Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s day. It has been a long lonely year. I think the sneakers helped me through it.

    The election is exciting and we are hopeful for a heathy new start. Maybe we can kick this pandemic off into the weeds. Be well dear sneakers. We all have a lot of living to do!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Good morning. A cold, overcast, blustery day. I think I will turn up the heat. 😄 And make some more hot tea. My early tea has cooled off and I want something hot.

    Like today’s photo of tea ready to drink. No other information available. I don’t know why a pipe was included. Is it a tea infuser? If so, it is odd.


    I am past my Thursday morning call. The lady I usually have a very long conversation with chatting about one thing and another, had only a little time as she had to go out. No information on whether it was for running errands or some type of appointment with her doctor.

    Which is fine, I spent a long bit of the afternoon yesterday talking to another friend. Just chatting. Amazing how long we can talk!

    I need to get back to making a birthday card. A friend has a birthday early next week. Poor time to put something in the mail with all the ballots flying in! Well, if his card arrives late, it will still get there I hope. 😄

    Jackie, oh my, a small plate! That would not be nearly enough veggies for me even if you scooped the meat away. 🤣😂🤣 so a pot of beans did not suit you day after day. Good thing none of us lived on the frontier when the movies showed people eating a plate of beans as they sat around their campfire.

    Patsy, good morning. I hope all goes well today with the plumbing work and that John is able to tolerate someone else working on the house. I hope all works out with your plan of testing and the family getting together.

    Anne, I do believe Jilly would not let you remove one single thing she perceives as hers. She is Queen of the household.

    I saw a funny thing the other day. Maybe this will give some of the Sneakers a laugh. I did for certain.


    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

    Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited October 2020
    Oh golly, I'm hiding that from queen bean!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And I've just found out that Bobby Ball has died of this horrible virus JACKIE. A very funny man. Please take care dear girl. This virus is absolutely real and deadly.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited October 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting and grocery pick up today. Cold and windy so not sure about Joe. So far I love the Ninja, the chicken breast came out great and it was easy to clean. I have leftovers for tonight so tomorrow will be another test.
    I think my funniest memory of Daisy is when she sleeps on her back with her four paws up. Not very ladylike but still funny.

    I have to get in the shower and get ready, I will check in later, time permitting.

    Have a safe day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Anne, I have heard of Bobby Ball and I believe he was Lenny in “The Last of the Summer Wine.” Must see if any episodes are on YouTube where he appeared. I did love that show but have seen a limited number of episodes. Just the ones that were on PBS for a while.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Spot on LIN. I can't believe people are taking this virus lightly and especially after we lost Roy. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Got my Blue glasses today and I am getting a refund. I can't see a thing out of them which is probably my fault but I will wait until my next eye appointment and get a new prescription.
    Sorry, I can help you.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a shorter walk this morning I popped the dogs into my car and went to visit a 95 year old friend. For years he has collected shredded paper and also created some himself to give me for the hens’ bedding and had phoned to say he had a couple of large bags. Since he’s an obvious candidate for a vulnerable person when it comes to the virus I put a mask on to go into his house and had also decided as I drove over to keep the dogs in the car because they jump on his lap so I then have to lift them off which means getting too close. I made us cups of tea then sat some distance away while we had a chat and caught up on news. He’s remarkable for his age and insists on doing most things for himself as well as walk round the inside of his property several times every morning for his daily exercise. It seemed wrong not giving him a hug when I left but instead we touched elbows! I stopped off to buy some pet food on the way home then, because it was already well after 1 pm, cooked a very light and easy lunch and tonight I had a bowl of soup and crisp bread. It’s only been 2 days but I’ll be interested to see if my weight is down when I weigh in the morning.

    I was very sad to hear Bobby Ball has died. He was a unique comedian and over the past few years made guest appearances in quite a few comedy series and was so popular and funny got to stay on longer than planned. He will genuinely be missed by the British public.

    I do hope all is calm in the Patsy and John household what with the plumber working his magic. Queues might be long for those rapid tests but it does sound like a big step in the right direction. Our scientists are downplaying talk of a vaccine in the new year and suggest nearer to next April to ensure it will be truly safe.

    It’s my bedtime and since I’ll need to be up early as the chimney sweep is booked... exciting times! I can hear the gusty wind howling down the chimney so hope it doesn’t put the pooches off going out for their last garden visit.

    Stay safe everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Oh darn Sandy, so blue glasses are not the cure. Darn.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Well, they could be if I had the right prescription. If you don’t need a prescription then you could order off of Amazon.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited October 2020
    Snow flurries. Mike stuck on highway because of huge accident ahead of him. Ambulances, police cars, helicopter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Well, no trip to the eye doctor unless it is an emergency so a pass on blue glasses. Thanks again Sandy.

    Here’s a morning teapot with once again, no information.


    Oh and by the way, I found the episode of “The Last of the Summer Wine” with Lenny. It is Who’s That Talking With Lenny. It is on YouTube if anyone wants to watch. Sorry, didn’t copy the link. There’s another one I haven’t found where Lenny is trying to be an escape artist I believe.

    Huge Blue Jay Bomber in the backyard. Love them!

    Back later.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is almost done so will be heading to the post office this afternoon to return two items that I can't through Amazon. The glasses are one and the other is toys that I have changed my mind but the seller on Amazon is making me pay the postage which should be cheap since it is very lightweight. I am not that comfortable going in the post office but will wear my mask and be careful. Tonight I am making chicken wings in my Ninja so this will be a big test. Tomorrow is our Halloween party with the kiddos which will also be a movie night but at Lisa's parents house. The weather should be good for finding the decorative halloween eggs filled with candy and hidden outside. Her mom is making vegetable soup so we will be eating healthy. I will be wearing my costume so I am sure there will be pictures to follow.
    I have given up on the blue glasses until my next eye appointment. I really think I need a new prescription as my right eye seems a little blurry with my current one.

    Laundry is waiting to be folded. Have a safe and healthy day.
    One Day at a Time