Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lost two attempts at posting! Soooooooo will give it another try tomorrow.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our electric supply going off any minute and for most of the day to repair major problems in the parish so have a safe Monday and I’ll check in whenever!

    PS. Today’s view as we walked
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I took Bean for a walk at 6:45am. Peaceful and a slight drizzle. Still dark so couldn't see much but we did meet Mrs Skunk on her way home. We all kept far apart, so I guess she has heard of social distancing! Lol. Anyway we've just had our breakfast and Jilly Bean is having a bark at all the late getting up passing dogs. Spent a couple of hours with Mark and Mary Jo yesterday catching up on family news which was nice. Closing down for the day and resting the eyes, but will check in late afternoon to see what you've all been up to.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :) Not as cold today, but yesterday I put flannel sheets on my bed and added an extra blanket. I was toasty warm overnight and delighted that the furnace came on so the house was warmish when I got up at 4:45. There is a light drizzle but no actual rain this morning.

    :) The supply of batteries for the flashlight I take dog walking is getting low, so that will be the impetus to get us to go to Costco this week. The last time we went was almost two months ago.

    :)Jackie, I love the pictures of your morning walk.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited October 2020
    Happy Monday!! :) I slept late and woke up to snow falling. It stopped now and is melting but I better get my patio furniture covered today. Movie afternoon was good, watched a Netflix animated movie called Over the Moon, cute movie and the kids liked it with all the singing, Grandpa not so much. lol I love musicals so I enjoyed it and it was my pick.
    Paying bills today and waiting for my new Ninja Grill, nothing exciting.
    Our numbers are going up so as of Wednesday all indoor dining is closed which I hope Bryanna doesn't lose her job but they do have outdoor dining with heaters. I just can't understand why people won't listen and keep defying the rules. Ugh!!!

    Barbie, I don't think I could handle the flannel sheets, I did when I was young but now I prefer to sleep cooler. As stated before I sleep with a fan blowing toward my bed. Will let you know if I still do that when we start having single digit weather.

    Anne, I am sure glad mr. skunk is practicing social distancing. Sorry your eyes are bothering you, are you taking the Ared vitamins? It sounds like you could use the blue glasses for your devices, I can't recommend until I receive mine but my son loves his.

    Jackie, what a beautiful rainbow. Oh no, not sure what I would do if my electric was out all day. I hope it is nice enough to do some outside work or light enough for indoor work.

    Lin, Patsy, Bob and all who check in, have a nice day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A bright chilly day here again. Our big excitement is that we will be getting a new hot water heater installed this week. It will dive John nuts! He feels he should be doing this but I convinced him that hauling a big hot water heater up from the lower level of our house and hauling a new one down as well as all the plumbing, is totally crazy. We can certainly afford these home repairs, but it is that territorial issue with John as well as trying to adjust the notion that he might not be as strong as he was when he was in his 20s. I certainly feel for him. That dear old guy has built on to our house, built a mountain home in Colorado, remolded our home in Alaska and a major remodel to our Victorian brick house in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It is hard for him to let other workmen do what he used to easily do himself. Thank goodness he has been up to his elbows in car grease and oil, working on his old sports car. I used to say this old car was like “the other woman.” She Was always demanding something!

    The bright sunny days have high lighted all my dust bunnies and cobwebs. Where did they come from? I remember cleaning that area just recently...I think?
    Be well, dear sneakers and take extra good care of yourselves.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Good afternoon. I started sorting through some supplies looking for something to layer over the die cuts I cut and glued yesterday. Since tomorrow is trash day, I decided to stick with it. I now have too much to fit in the bin. 🙃

    Jackie, I hope you are not freezing with the power cut all day. I hope you have a way to heat water for tea at least. And I also hope everything is fixed and your power is restored.

    Anne, oh no, a skunk! Luckily you were not sprayed, that would have been quite a horrendous experience. I hope you are resting your eyes. And I trust Jilly is doing the same.

    Sandy, I am glad you enjoyed the movie. We are expecting more temperate weather later this week. We had snow overnight with car accidents with morning. The Western Interchange was closed due to an accident. It was during morning rush hour and they had to detour cars for several hours. A sad start to a Monday morning for lots of commuters. Putting things away always seems to take longer than putting them out in the spring. Hope it is going well. 🤞🏻

    Barbie, I have never had flannels sheets that I remember. If I did, they didn’t make much of an impression on me. I am glad you got things organized to stay toasty warm.

    Patsy, wahoo, a new water heater! Hold John down while they are working. 😊

    I have a Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus blooming a bit.


    A new tiny puzzle.


    A new larger puzzle


    An afternoon teapot 😊 Sadler


    Here’s what I have been cutting from the diagonal cutting plate. Still have not found anything I want to layer on it.


    Best wishes to everyone. Hi Bob, Buzz, Diane, and Jeri.

    Waving ❤️🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just having a break from reading a new novel, and I think I am going to enjoy it. It's called Still Life by Louise Penny and it's set in a wee hamlet in Quebec. An area I'm fairly familiar with, the Eastern Townships. Mark brought it over and he's been trying to pinpoint the area. Wants me to have a go as well. I think it's the area my husband of the day now lives in.

    Beans had a glorious day and is now fast asleep from all the excitement, starting with our skunk encounter. We had breakfast and me fortified with pills then decided to really clean the basement which is 'finished". I was just fixing a new pad into my "what's it" duster handle when Michael showed up. He'd been to get his hair cut at the barbers on the main drag but found it closed on Mondays because of expanding shutdown. JillyBean went berserk! She hadn't expected him at all and conned him into another long walk. Half hour chat with me and he drove home for 11 o'clock work start.

    I started on the upstairs and lo and behold Mark appeared with a tool bag to fix the window curtain pole holder. JillyBean went berserk! Even the long hose of the vacuum cleaner, snaking up from the basement didn't deter her. Joy! Well, he gouged out the hole where the screw had dislodged, filled it with plaster, left it to set and I guess he will be back tomorrow to screw everything back in. And that's how I've ended up with two Louise Penny mystery novels. Just when I need them whilst nursing my back and resting my eyes from "blue light".

    I just have a goose feather duvet and cover on my bed these chilly nights. Very light and very cosy and warm. I don't like being tucked in with blankets these days. In fact I can't remember when I last used the stored wool blankets brought over when we emigrated in 1973!😴

    Hope your electricity is now back on as bedtime approaches Jackie! Meant to ask did you ever watch the comedy show about Shakespeare and his cronies? Can't remember the title but I find it hilarious.

    Everyone seems to have had a busy Monday! Maybe a sleeping pill put in Johns breakfast coffee on the day the heater arrives Patsy? I found the spiders had a busy fall creating webs in my basement!🕷🕷🕷

    Read you all tomorrow! Have a lovely put your feet up evening!
    Anne. 🐶❤️🙃💜📚📚
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    This day is flying by… It has been one of cold temps, occasional rain / drizzle and mostly overcast skies. Completed 11,000 + steps before noon. Went to a polling place in suburbs, but it was jammed. The line was huge, outdoors and wrapped around the building. It was raining. Went into the city and we were able to vote within 45 minutes. It was like crossing of an item on my “to-do” list. Won’t bore you with all the other day’s events, but it’s 4pm and feels like 11am.


    This week last year, we were walking Green Lakes State Park – it was beautiful (pic).


    Jackie – What a gorgeous rainbow and landscape! See you whenever the power supply returns.

    Anne – Nothing like a nice morning walk. Even with a slight drizzle, the peace can be contemplative. You made me think back to our old house that was next to a farmer’s field. I suggested to Jean that instead of the car, we cut thru the field to the grocery store walking instead of using the car… while yacking we didn’t notice the “family” directly in front of us… our retreat from the area should have been on film. LOL Rest those eyes and have an enjoyable evening.

    Barbie – Looks like most of us are having similar weather. Might have to break out our flannel sheets…there was a time I didn’t like them and only relished the weighted down comforter… but my body temp has changed and I “run much colder.” At the same time, Jean has gone from always being cold to being hot. Guess we’ll compromise. Thanks for reminding me I need a new battery for our floating lantern flash light…

    Sandy – Glad you slept late and got some rest. No need to share your snow – it’s all yours LOL. As for animated movies – it all depends. Our grandson likes all the Lego movies, granddaughters are more Beauty & the Beast. I like Claymation and all the old Disney movies. As for musicals, pretty much the most popular like Sound of Music and Phantom… No way could I last 15 min with Mama Mia LOL.

    Patsy – Congrats on a new hot water tank… we had to replace ours in recent years and I was amazed at the improvement. I think there is an age when it is best to keep busy but leave that heavy lifting to others. Fortunately, the cardiologists have me on a max 50lb lift/pull etc (did I say fortunately? LOL) My mother’s dad was like that – he would be on the roof doing repairs in his late 80’s… my sister would force him down and once she left – he’d get the ladder out again. Too funny but perhaps how he outlived all his kids and 2 wives! Have a great evening!

    Lin – Love all the pics – from the cactus to puzzle and tea pot! Good luck with all your supplies and layering! You do keep busy.

    So long for now. Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2020
    Everything back up and running thank goodness. I was running hot water in the kitchen to do some washing up when everything went off so more suds than water! What with no gas either I couldn’t make a hot drink and unfortunately the earlier rainbow heralded heavy rain so to keep busy I began to sort through the bags of items moved upstairs before the upheaval in downstairs rooms. If I’m going to have to wait until the New Year for any indoor building work I’ve decided to place a few items round the rooms to make them more homely. That took up a couple of hours then I drove to town to the hardware store to buy a replacement for my chef’s knife I managed to damage last week using it more as a chisel (!!) and a pack of batteries for my hen’s automatic door that hadn’t opened this morning! I felt bad because our clocks going back meant they had an extra hour shut in the dark before I discovered them so they rushed out shouting at me. New batteries seem to be the answer but I’ll keep checking regularly. While I was in town I visited the small lockup the lady uses
    that was going to reupholster my dining chairs. How long has that job been hanging in the air? It feels like years! Of course lockdown has put her business back months and apparently she has now been told the workshop she uses is going to be shut while a development close by gets started so she is looking at other premises. The high street was so quiet when I drove through and many shops closing down so I don’t think she will have trouble finding what she needs but February next year was mentioned as a starting point for my chairs!

    I’m glad you enjoyed the Lambeth Walk Lin. Sadly those areas of London don’t exist anymore because regeneration is looked on as progress and those characters get disbanded and moved out. My home growing up was quite close to what was known as the east end of London where we would see the occasional Pearly king or queen but because it was close to the docks on the Thames river it took a bashing from wartime bombing.
    I love the animal puzzles you have been completing and the pet shop is delightful. My Christmas cactus has suddenly begun to bloom too. I discovered it Looking rather neglected in the family home I cleared last year and didn’t expect it to survive but it appears to be happy now after some TLC!

    Bob, a hot apple pie candle!! Now that’s bordering on “good enough to eat” if not decadence! The meal looked delicious too of course.
    Your photo of the stunning Autumn colours from last year is amazing and if it wasn’t for the couple walking through the leaves I would think it unreal. I never cease to be amazed at the shows Mother Nature puts on for us!

    Has your Ninja arrived Sandy? They were being advertised on the tv this evening and I thought of you. I was tempted to buy one last year but they are very expensive in the UK so I’ll be interested to hear what you think. I know Barbie’s Jake uses his a lot from what she’s told us.

    Barbie, every day I walk the dogs on our moors I see a view that looks completely different from the previous day, probably because our weather is so changeable, something to do with several air masses meeting above us apparently. My iPhone is tucked away in a pocket but we don’t get far before I feel the need to take a photo and I’m glad you enjoy them. Like you, I’m adding layers of clothing now and nearly always waterproofs.

    Sounds like you and Jilly had a fun day Anne. It’s often the unexpected visits that get George and Betty dashing about all excited so I can appreciate the Bean’s response to your boys dropping in.
    Yes, I loved the comedy series Upstart Crow about Shakespeare’s home life where he writes his plays and how inspirations come to him, or often not... hilarious! It was adapted for a theatre show but lockdown put an end to that unfortunately.

    Patsy, I do feel for John because although I’ve never carried out the sort of home building projects he’s done through the years, I’m struggling with the thought of someone else even wielding a paintbrush in my place! Keep him entertained in the garage and take him a few treats until it’s all over.

    Past my bedtime again so I’ll say goodnight.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Good morning and here is a teapot.

    Ceramics by Jim & Shirl Parmentier


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited October 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) If it Tuesday it is sitting day even though it is cold outside. I received my Ninja yesterday and although I haven't used it yet, I love it.

    I will probably try it tomorrow after I pick up my groceries.

    Lin, this teapot doesn't grab my attention like some of the others. Any snow by you??

    Jackie, no gas or electric, I might have lost my mind. I am glad you had something to do and I hope your place seems more homey now. Such a long wait before they can finish up and get you back to normal. Yes, my ninja was a lot of money but with making payments to Amazon with no interest I thought why not, I am worth it. lol

    Bob, lol, I loved Mama Mia, but again I love musicals. My grandsons also love the Lego movies and Super Hero kid movies. I think Robby favorite is The Nightmare before Christmas, he loves anything Jack.

    Anne, you brought back memories from my childhood with your goose down comforter. In Polish it is called pierzyna. My mom and dad had one but they were too expensive for us kids.
    They are very warm and can keep you comfy during the cold winter months. Why are you cleaning the basement if you are suffering with sciatica? I am going to have to put you in a time out young lady.

    Patsy, I think some of us women are like your John. I would rather try to do it myself but some things are just too difficult. At least he has his car to keep him busy which reminds me I better get my appointment made for new tires.

    I have a couple of calls to make so I better get to them. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Cold and wet start to the day, but drying up now. Hit 10,000 steps by12pm.

    Sadly – ruined one of my “bargain” long-sleeve Adidas tees – Normally I wear junk clothes when working in the kitchen because I clean-up between stages with disinfectant/ Clorox etc . (I am VERY cautious when it comes to prep and cooking). Well… I now have bleach spots on my new Navy tee. LOL
    Today it was a simple lunch of skinless chicken breast, oven baked butternut squash & spaghetti squash and riced herb/garlic cauliflower


    Just finished watching video from today - I have always taken certain reported numbers w/ a grain of salt when I discovered a few mos ago about “bonus $” based on diagnosis.

    Awaiting photo delivery today by Fed Ex… Working on a few other items now.

    Jackie – Glad you are back in business! Amazing how quickly we realize the small pleasures ( fewer suds & a hot drink) when they are taken away. We bought the “Hot Apple Candle” from our next door neighbor – she has a small business with a friend. Lots more flavors to try. She posted a pic of a big order she recently go for a baby baptism with personalized labels thanking guests for being a part of the celebration.

    Lin – Thanks for the morning tea pot… looks like one I would keep on a shelf. I do like the more colorful ones for use. Have a great day creating!

    Enjoy the day. Bob
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Ps -- forgot to post this -- thought it was funny -- even if you don't eat turkey.... LOL

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very cool but sunny day. I want to share this info about computer/tablet use. Our son is a computer animator and his work is always at his computers. He does worry about his eyes. The eye doc told him the latest info about extended use of computers is the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes in front of a computer should be interrupted by 20 seconds of staring off into the distance at a space 20 feet away. When we are at the computer we do not blink enough to keep our eyes moisturized. Eye drops and purposefully blinking from time to time is a good idea. The blue lens glasses are a mixed bag. Some reports see them as very beneficial, some don’t see them as very helpful. Our son has several pairs he uses them from time to time. He thinks they help with eye strain. Just thought I would share a bit Of info we have gathered. The eye vitamins are really what keeps me out of the dark. I take two a day and so does John and our son. Just saying.........

    Did you see that moon? Wow! We could almost touch it. It was so bright and we could see lunar aspects without a telescope. We did use binoculars to get an even better view. It was called a strawberry moon. (?). The blue moon is on Halloween.

    Lin: that teapot was strangely appealing. Not sure why. Normally that is not my “go-to” colors but it is very beautiful in a sophisticated way.

    Bob: autumn in your area is breathtaking. John is from Colorado and autumn there is usually golden with all the aspens. Our colors here in Oregon are not as showy. In fact in our area, the trees stay green and the leaves drop off the trees while still green.

    Jackie: living out in country and with no small amount of projects always going on, my challenge has always been to find a way to arrange a comfy organized home among John’s tools and projects. Not easy, but a worthy goal. Living while you build where you live! We truely are that proverbial work in progress.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited October 2020
    Thanks for the computer info Patsy. I am taking the Lutein and think the pills have helped a little bit.

    I think Bob you should invest in a pinny, or apron as they are now called. A nice manly navy and white striped butchers apron. Save those tees! Mixed feelings about the turkey joke! I mean it is funny in a macabre sort of way, but no PET turkey of mine would end up in the oven. Did you see the photo of the woman who saves chickens and all creatures great and small? Her three saved turkeys looked very happy enjoying their thanksgiving dinner on our day.

    Sandy the basement was begging to be vacuumed and dusted! Anyway I feel if I don't do these things occasionally somebody will put a white tablecloth over me and that would upset little Bean. Gotta keep moving.

    You might guess its raining again, all day raining. I managed to get us out for a trot to the mailbox and beyond but not a sign of any squirrels/skunks/humans etc. And I made a very tasty veggie and pasta sort of stew. My own concoction. Oh and I made my grocery order out for Thursday, a big one, toilet rolls and all, what with all the top brass wittering on about coming shutdowns again. Mike gets his new/old car next week just in case he is locked out of work once more and this time no company car.

    I'm still busy reading Louise Penny's Still Life. Set in rural Quebec its bringing back a few memories. Good ones.

    So I'm very sorry for a very boring post. For which I at least should be grateful!
    Anne, 📚📚
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2020
    Hello again. The day has dibbled away once again. I was doing some chores this morning and then decided to open my mail from yesterday. I had a package from one of my problem companies. Problem in that I have a specific problem—cannot stop ordering from them. I received the most delightful paper pack called the Christmas Nutcracker. I ordered it a while ago and had forgotten about it truth be told. Some things are pre-ordered or shipping is slow but it has arrived and I am delighted. Now what can I make with all that gorgeous paper where I won’t feel I wasted it? 🤣😂🤣

    A friend called and we had a long chatter which was lovely. She and her husband are doing well but they worry all the time about their daughter who is a teacher and recently was required to be in her classroom to meet with any parents who wished to discuss their children. My friend wondered why that could not been done online. I guess I wondered as well.

    Another friend is quite beside herself as one of her sons is ill and after speaking with his pediatrician, was advised to have him tested for Covid as the symptoms sounded like Covid. She has been trying to get him tested and cannot find an available testing spot quickly. I guess it can be quite costly if you don’t go through the state testing protocol. I don’t know. She is upset, 3 others in the house not feeling ill at this point.

    I am attending a Zoom author event tonight. But I never received the zoom link. Have been checking and looks like people who signed up less than a week in advance didn’t get the link. All straightened out now.

    Sandy, the Ninja looks intriguing. Let us know how you like it. Love that picture of Robby! He really loves Jack! We did not have more snow last night. Just what came down Sunday night/Monday morning. The sun came out for a while today which is helping to melt the snow, still cold though.

    Patsy, thanks for the information on eye strain and computer screens. I tend to get wrapped up in what I’m doing and miss that 20 minute rule often! I will try harder. Good reminder. I was attracted to that teapot because of the form of the pot, not necessarily the color but I do like it.

    Bob, good eats again. I agree with Anne, a man-apron would be a good thing. We have a guy who is in charge of food events in our church kitchen and he always wears something to protect his clothing and usually has a towel slung over his shoulder and his knife set spread out. He is always set! I am sorry about the loss of the new shirt. I am sure you did not need more work/chore shirts. And I had seen that turkey thing on Facebook. Somehow things do not hit me as really funny but then the next thing comes along and I cannot stop giggling. Who knows right?

    Jackie, I hope you have found some things to liven up and personalize your home while in this remodeling/fix up phase. Gosh, getting things accomplished can be quite a task and one that requires much patience. Luckily you seem to have an abundance of that. 😊

    Anne, happy day for everyone with the visits from family. What a happy Jilly. Sorry for the rain today although having a good book to read can definitely help. And a delicious homemade hot dish. Pretty good day.

    Here’s a little Holiday puzzle. Different brand, Eurographics, a good brand but this is not a well made puzzle.


    See you soon.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m not sure where today went but go it did and once again midnight and time to get to bed. Not a bad day weather wise, a few showers but I managed a dry if windy walk with the pooches and another drive into town, this time for a bag of George’s special kibble for his sensitive tummy and a new collar for Betty; an early birthday gift since she will be 6 on November 4th.
    I’m going to try to attempt at least one gardening job a day whatever the weather and this afternoon I was lucky because the sun appeared. With my new loppers I trimmed a rather large bay into a lollipop shape so a good start to my intentions. After that I began painting a terracotta pot that I will plant a couple of garlic cloves in for George’s groomer since she mentioned how much she loves it in everything she cooks. I’m using tester pot paints that I bought to try on the inside walls before they are plastered.
    The Ninja does look interesting Sandy although I’m not sure I would find room in my small kitchen. There again, if it does everything I could replace a couple of items that sit on the counters!

    The dogs have had their late night garden trip and brrr, cold outside but twinkling stars and a bright moon. We’re all off to bed. 😴

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cold wind, cold rain so generally miserable weather generally but at least I managed to walk across the moors with George and Betty before the rain arrived. I’ve decided to concentrate more on getting my heart and lungs working harder rather than number of steps so am climbing steeper pathways and although huff and puff to get to the top, feel invigorated ( if that’s the right word!) before heading back to the car park. There wasn’t much of a view today what with grey low clouds and I only saw one other dog walker that I know to wave to plus a few ponies in the distance.

    Usually I eat my main meal in the evening but again have decided to change my approach to weight loss and make my lunch a cooked meal. Easy to be cooking in my warm kitchen on a cold, wet day but not sure I’ll follow it when it’s sunny and I’m outdoors! Steamed veggies, home grown chopped onion in olive oil and my favourite oven baked outdoor reared pork loin chop and the smell is making me feel quite hungry so maybe this will work!

    As usual, I wish everyone a safe and healthy day. Time for me to eat 🙃😉

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Gym and shower done. Weather shouldn’t be too bad. Lunch cooked for later – only need to zap and eat. Jean is getting ready to take her older friend for Covid test, as she is having another procedure and it is required. Got a jump on lunch - Gianelli - Turkey Sausage - Mild Italian, Butternut Squash, Assorted Bell Peppers, Cauliflower florets, Broccoli florets, Parsley Flakes… Have my own “to-do” list of things I want to accomplish and will start right after this post.



    Patsy – Thanks for the autumn comment. It is very beautiful… must say, we LOVE spring, summer and fall – just wish winter wasn’t sometimes so long and snowy. The ideal would be to head south for a couple months in winter, but realistically don’t see it happening. Normally, we’d escape for a week to 10 days, but no plans for anything really at this stage because of everything. I have never been to Colorado, but would like to see it. I do have relatives that live there.

    Anne – Hmmm.. a butchers apron ala Jeff Smith (Frugal Gourmet on TV in the old days). I’d probably just ruin a nice apron. LOL. Sorry about today’s lunch – I have actually cut back my carnivore eating by 75 %. You’ll have to post a few pics of your “tasty veggie and pasta sort of stew” and other meals. Hope your rain lets up a bit.

    Lin – OK – between you and Anne – maybe I’ll ask Santa for an apron. Ho ho ho. I do have a couple of “special” tees and sweats from my XL days that I normally switch into… but then … I get lazy or forgetful. Always feel free to share a good laugh. I find humor in many things – I just don’t like “mean” humor at the expense of others. I hate Jimmy Kimmels Halloween videos that show parents tormenting their own kids to tears by telling them they ate their candy or gave it away etc. Mean humor directed at children is off limits in my mind and I don’t watch for that reason (rant over LOL). Great holiday puzzle!

    Jackie – Nice photo again! My 16/8 eating pattern is pretty much what you describe. I don’t eat until my main meal at lunch time (12-2pm) and dinner can pretty much end up as anything… I always save some healthy snacking items for TV and stop eating around 7:30-8pm. Your entire meal sounds DELICIOUS!

    Jean just left and now it’s time for be to get down to business.. Stay safe. Bob