Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s mild for a November day but we just got back from our shorter morning doggie walk as rain began to fall. I intended to walk up a steep lane for some extra hard breathing then noticed someone had left a rather evil looking sheep skull with horns in the corner hedge. I can only think George picked up on my horror because he refused to go any further so I turned and brought him and Betty home. Back indoors for coffee followed by housework. That’s my plan anyway because my home pedicure is booked for tomorrow and the lovely lady is a nurse at our local hospital so I feel the need to blitz the place as much as possible, especially since both electrician and smithy recently visited after working at other properties.
    We return to what’s being called full lockdown this coming Thursday although it doesn’t sound as strict as first time around. Selfishly I’m hoping the electrician will get to me but he’s not booked until Thursday so I’ll just have to wait and see.

    Lin, you posted the same time as me yesterday so I missed learning about your nasty fall. I’m thinking you will wake up feeling very sore this morning but I do hope no serious damage was done. I’m sending hugs without hurting those bruised ribs! 🥰. Of course I can’t comment on how it happened because I’ve got the t-shirt!

    Your meal looked delicious Sandy and restaurant quality. Do you eat side salads and veggies? My plate is always piled high and last night, having sat too long for my own good watching rugby matches, I decided to eat salad with my baked chicken rather than rice.

    Your seafood platter looks very Halloweenish with its colours to match the pumpkins Bob. You do have fun creating meals don’t you.

    Halloween isn’t big in England and passed without even a whimper but Thursday is Guy Fawkes night so although public bonfires will be banned I wonder if a few private Boris effigies will end up sitting on a hot seat! 🙃

    So now we have to ask Anne to be very careful as she plans shovelling snow off the drive. Please find someone to do it for you Anne because I read recently there is a weather pattern forming in the Pacific which is the opposite to El Niño. It’s called La Niña and could mean extreme cold with snow storms in North America... just saying!

    Nothing more than cold chicken, salad and some pasta for my main meal so that should be easy to prepare without taking up much time so will get to it now!

    Have a safe, healthy and peaceful Sunday everyone.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the snow warning JACKIE! We had a few flurries yesterday and today it's raining again!

    Enjoy November 5th! You can still celebrate with baked potatoes, roast chestnuts etc. At least the lockdown should prevent the masses burning effigies of Guy Fawkes ..... and others! I'll join you over here spiritually. (Even if the gunpowder plot was hatched in a pub in Hull, Yorkshire! Didn't stop us kids building enormous bonfires after the war with material and old sofas etc from bombed out buildings at the top of the street.)

    I sincerely hope Lin didn't wake up all bruised! Take it easy on the day of rest!

    Yesterday was as quiet as a mouse outside apart from a few distant car door slams. Not a peep out of Bean after last year's frenzy. I read a book through it all. Murder mystery to match the day.

    Everyone's meals look most appetizing and actually are somewhat like my efforts. I finished the quiche yesterday and today will probably have baked haddock. Cooking Mid day meals can be a challenge at first, but I decided to eat the big meal at that time of day after years of tiredly cooking after long working hours. It's habit now.

    Anyway, today promises to be quiet with all the rain. All Saints Day, I shall try and become a little more angelic, which won't be easy.

    Have a good day all you Sneaker Angels,
    Anne 😇
    Bean who doesn't need a halo, she's just a sweet girl naturally.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, just looked up and it's snowing big fat snowflakes. Eek!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear Anne, sorry, hope I didn’t bring the snow on. Stay indoors please! ⛄️🥶❄️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello, I am laying low today. Quite uncomfortable.

    So just a morning teapot and best wishes to everyone.

    “Round belly pot c 1910 from the factory of Arthur. J. Wilkinson.“


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited November 2020
    Happy Sunday! :) Waiting for mass to start but wanted to share a picture and video from our Halloween party. It was great fun and the kids loved it!!
    Robby was a phantom so you can't see his face. lol


    Lin, I am sorry you are uncomfortable and really hope nothing is broken or sprained. Please be careful and if necessary go to urgent care, PLEASE???

    Anne, a quiet day is a good day.

    Jackie, I used to have a salad and a vegetable as sides but some veggies upset me. I want to reintroduce salad again but waiting for now. I do eat baby carrots and creamed corn on mashed potatoes but I love wings and am content in just eating them. I will try a baked potato today in my Ninja to have with my leftover wings. Your plate looked very appetizing. Do you think that was a prank with the skull or what could have happened???

    Bob, your posts are always so enjoyable with your graphics and humor. I am so glad you joined our group.

    Almost time for mass so must go. It is cold and windy here so I hope some of you are having good weather. Stay safe, healthy and happy.

    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was a different Halloween for sure. We had a backyard costume showing with masks etc. Daughter and family had set up an outdoor station for passing out treats – obviously everything was individually wrapped. Here are pictures of their costumes – a group backyard photo and individual ones I made up with backgrounds to match their theme.



    Today, we attended an 11th birthday for a great-nephew… limited in size because Covid. Still – it was a nice time.

    Jackie – Again, similar weather here. It was a very nice morning, then more gray skies and eventually rain. Overnight or in the morning a few snow showers are forecast. Hope your home blitzing/pedicure turned out the way you wanted. Sorry about the repeat full lockdown. Liked your chicken meal. It is probably the #1 protein meal we eat…but do try to mix it up a bit. I definitely eat way more salads and veggies in the last 2 years then ever therefore meat consumption has been cut in half. Not planned – it just happened. And yes, creating meals / cooking is fun for me, just like photography – but I wouldn’t want to be a “cook” anywhere as a “job.” I enjoyed doing it as a volunteer at hospice and for anyone that asks – but the fun leaves when it becomes “have to” instead of “want to” LOL

    Anne – Looks like we are all getting ready for that snow we can’t avoid. Like you, I am a mid-day meal eater, That is my 16/8 intermittent schedule and it works great for me and is now a pure habit. Enjoy your quiet day!

    Lin – Hope all gets better soon. Take care of yourself!

    Sandy – Love the costume photos – I notice one of the group has a theme similar to our grandson. I still recall the cheap plastic masks of my youth (or facial make-up to be a hobo or something). Glad you like the posts and it is a fun group of different folks experiencing the same circumstances at different locations / perspectives. Jean attended “virtual” live church today. The wind was strong and I guess the priest was pretty funny abouy things…she said once things were under control – he started to preach again – only to have a plane fly overhead. LOL

    Have a nice evening everyone. Bob

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Sunday afternoon. It is sunny and very pleasant. We had a quiet Halloween. I fixed crustless
    pumpkin pie ramekins with a sort of cream topping. I used Splenda sweetened yoghurt as whipped cream. It tasted pretty good actually. No truck or treaters but we had fun watching scary movies. The shinning!

    We had a lovely visit with our son. He will be bringing his South American girl friend for the holidays. It will be fun to visit with him in person. We will still need to mask up and keep distance. I think it will be a strange but comforting holiday. Albertson’s is selling home virus tests now. They are very accurate. He plans to buy a couple before he comes to visit.

    The new toilet for John’s bathroom will be installed soon, we are in the midst of deciding about our home upgrades. This old house needs some tinder loving care and more pampering.

    Jackie: the horrible scene with the sheep’s head must have been some sort of really sick Halloween prank. So glad you returned quickly before the pranksters made themselves known. George is a very good little guard dog. He knew trouble was a probable. Katie would have pranced right over and gotten into into a bad situation and started barking and growling.

    Sandy: what a brilliant idea to have Halloween eggs for the kids to find. You all looked so cute and I know you had fun. I always dressed up on Halloween. I love the costumes! Candy! Parties!

    Lin: my dear friend, I do hope you have not injured yourself too badly. When I fell recently it took at least a week for my knee and hip to start working again. In the mean time, I hope you have easy meals to fix and maybe a novel to read to keep your mind occupied. I am sending you good thoughts and we all hope to hear from you soon.
    All Saints day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello, just a teapot today. Wishing everyone well.

    Little bit of “Willow Paten” Royal Doulton


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    sunshine and showers and when the kitchen windows steamed up first thing due to porridge being cooked I knew it would be a chilly day. I took the pooches to a lower section of the moors but it was still very windy. Never mind, its perfect weather for George my little Tibetan tiger and let’s be honest, Betty has her extra layers to keep her warm. Once again, too much to do so not able to cook a meal until this evening. The car has been loaded with junk to be taken to the tip and on the way home I’ll stop off at one of my favourite places, the builders yard, to order some heavy materials they’ll deliver.

    I’ve sat over a coffee reading this delightful article that I think everyone will enjoy... I can imagine Bob creating miniature meals for a furry friend!

    Happy Monday. Stay safe.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We have a sunny day with temps going to 52. I think because of the time change I will call Joe and ask him to meet an hour earlier as it will be dark at our normal time.
    I would like to run to the dollar tree for my November and December cards but I will see.
    Big day tomorrow, I really hope there are no riots or looting by either party.

    Jackie, cute article and I agree about Bob. We do what we have to do to get through this pandemic. I must admit I am upset with my daughter because she went to a church retreat and they took a picture with about 50 people and none were wearing masks. I asked her why and she said they were all comfortable without them. UGH!! She lives in Florida which is a hot spot so I just don't understand.

    Patsy, I am glad to read your son has responsibility and you will be with him for the holidays.
    If everyone would just listen we could get rid of this damn thing.

    Bob, love the pictures of your grandkids, the oldest one is a bit scary, lol. You are so clever with photos, I wish I had your talent.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Monday, fun day, sun day. One load of laundry done but more waiting. It is a beautiful fall day and the alder trees have a lovely golden glow. We had a strange night. There is a small pack of coyotes that have a den down on the bank of our little creek. They howl some nights and roam around. Katie becomes very upset and nervous. I am sure they are very interested in our neighbors chickens. Katie paces and goes from door to window, smelling and listening and growling. She finally consented to crawling into her bed at 2:30 a.m. we are all exhausted!

    I am feeling positive and hopeful for a new political era. I know this will be an angst-fulled couple of months but in the end, new beginnings are usually exciting. Oregon is like a pressure cooker right now. Protests, fear, anger, passion, hope and last but not least...COVID 19.

    Katie didn’t get to wear her Halloween costume this year. I think I will put it on her and use it in one of my yearly family photo updates. She will wear it for about 30 seconds before she started to eat it. I have to act fast and have the camera set and ready to go.

    More Tex-Mex food tonight. Taco bowl salad. Chicken-rice-peppers-beans-lettuce and tomatoes. Top with a fiery salsa. That will warm us up to start the week. To add atmosphere I will play some of my authentic Latin music. At heart I am an Irish flamenco dancer! (?)

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    First thing I noticed this morning was…things change… and Jean was “switching” out decorations. Looked out the window and immediately realized it was not a t-shirt day… Jean had plans to take her friend to doctor for a short appointment. Made a quick lunch with a mix of thawed leftovers and fresh cooked veggies.


    Lin – Thanks for sharing the tea pot – hope you start to feel better.

    Jackie – Steamed windows and hot porridge reminds me of childhood on those cold winter days. Lways the hot breakfast before heading off to school. That tiny wooden picnic table is hilarious…. I’d need a jewelers lens to prepare dinner.

    Sandy – It’s the end of the day – but hope it was a good one for you. Temps in the 50’s with sun sounds great – I should rejoin you by the end of the week. As for “Dollar Tree” – we love that store. A new one just opened up next door to my gym. Can’t beat those card prices for kids. Thanks re: grandkids. It was waaaay different than the norm. The oldest scary grandchild turns 13 the end of this month. He is taller than my daughter and at least as tall as Jean. Normally, we’d have a big birthday party combined with Thanksgiving, but not sure if or what will happen this year. It is what it is I guess.

    Patsy – It wasn’t very sunny here today…but I save any complaints for heavy snow fall. I am blessed laundry-wise with Jean who thrives on it – the very last thing she would ever want is my “help.” She has her own method, schedule etc. Actually, after all these years I am still shocked when I open my dresser drawers. WOW – coyotes and howling… I can see Jean shaking now. Must have been great on Halloween.

    As for politics, my family is split right down the middle… I don’t argue with anyone. I may share info but never try to change an opinion (most people just want their position validated). In my humble opinion, everyone has to do their own research and make their own decision…I only abhor the destruction of property etc. I do think Covid has had an impact on many.

    Love Tex-Mex food and don’t even get me going on Latin music… I listen all the time. You might recall The Mavericks are our favorite live band (prev posted Jean and I on the band bus with members sharing a beer etc.) This is their newest venture:

    So long for now. Have great night Bob

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Great goings on down south today. I shall avoid the TV like the plague and await most results tomorrow.

    Not much going on up here in Ontario by contrast. Snow flurries yesterday but we start to enter an "Indian Summer" late Wednesday.

    I finished both Louise Penny books. Mark and Mary Jo came for a nice long visit and Mark put more plaster on the wall. With the time change Jilly and Hobbes the giant cat are still confused. Both waking us up at 4:30 instead of the usual 5:30. I vow I won't be changing the clocks ever again! I will rely on the iPad for appointments etc. Next spring.

    You might guess after a hearty breakfast of chicken thigh and yam, Bean is now fast asleep in her bed. Grrrrrrrr whilst I slurp my cooling down porridge with eyes half shut.

    Hope today is a peaceful one especially in the States, and in a democracy the outcome is fair and accepted.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning, hoping for a peaceful election. Teapot again. My mom had these dishes. She had many sets of dishes but I liked these quite a bit.

    Johnson Brothers ‘Friendly Village’ Teapot and teacup.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A bit like three pines village, Quebec. LIN. I like it as well. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have made my order from Walmart to be picked up tomorrow afternoon.
    We are having Indian summer this week as well, temps in the 60's all week and possibly 70 on Saturday. I am sitting this afternoon so will not be watching any election news until I get home tonight. I don't think the final results will be in for a few weeks and unless there is a landslide we will just have to wait no matter what trump says. It is going to be messy but I pray that we have no violence and/or looters. Life was much more simple when I was young.

    Lin, how are you feeling? Are you bruised or any after effects? We worry about you.

    Anne, I hope you had a nice visit and soon you will have your rod put back in place. I have never really been bothered by time changes, as long as I get my usual amount of sleep I am good.

    Bob, you reminded me to change out my Halloween decorations for Thanksgiving. I even have a rug outside my door that I can change the insert to different holidays or seasons. Sorry you can't have the usual celebrations but hopefully next year things will be better.

    Patsy, wow, coyotes howling would probably scare me. You don't let Katie out when they are around do you?

    Time for breakfast, have a great day and stay positive, safe and healthy!!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s a cold day for us, only around 7c which I think is about 45f. An early grocery shopping trip in town meant driving through a hail storm but I’m stocked up with fresh produce and food supplies for the wild birds. No panic buying thank goodness as everyone is realising this is nothing like the first lockdown so most can go about business as usual. The electrician messaged last night to let me know he checked the rules and he is allowed to visit homes since most electrical work is considered a necessity. The pooches got a shorter walk once i got home because more hail storm’s hurtled by and that got quite uncomfortable at times. Yesterday’s pedicure was delayed until today because meetings were going on at the hospital my lady attends and although I was planning to drive to another store for a few items I’ve put it off until tomorrow. My neighbour just dropped in to ask if I’d like some spinach from the allotment because she’s going to walk there and has in fact taken George with her... Betty said no thank you!

    Sandy, enjoy sitting with the kiddies. Election nights are never worth watching in my view. Best to go to bed and wait for the results in the morning rather than hours of chuntering ( you might have to look that up! 😆) and speculation. So much misinformation out there about Covid I think as Bob commented, we can only research and make our own minds up so I hope you don’t fall out with your daughter.

    I love your pumpkin truck and falling leaves Bob; so cute. Our falling leaves are blocking the drains so I got my feet wet a few times walking the dogs but did think at one point that if I had a stick I could have cleared one or two.... just a fleeting thought! The chipmunk bench and meals reminded me how inventive and amusing so many people were during lockdown and continue to be.

    Lin, that tea set could have been designed by Bob Ross. I’ve become an expert since his shows have been airing on our BBC!! 😉 Are you feeling any better since your fall? I do hope so. ❤️

    Crikey Patsy, howling coyotes would send George and Betty crazy in fact George is bad enough when the pigeons land on the neighbours shed roof! I hope you get what you want from your elections and that anticipated trouble doesn’t materialise. Civilised society and democracy in the 21st. century must surely count for something.... fingers and toes crossed.

    Anne, it’s evening mealtime my gang are still confused about since our clocks went back. If they were kids they’d be shouting where’s my dinner!

    Getting dark already an only 5pm. I hope George is ok on the road with my neighbour. Perhaps she will message her partner to pick them up on the way home from work. 😯
    Time for a cup of tea. Take care everyone and stay safe and well.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) We have coyotes nearby but they are far enough away and our house is sufficiently insulated that it's rare to hear them when we are indoors. However, Bessie senses them immediately and is trouble by their nearness. When we first got her she wouldn't even stay out long enough in the yard on leash to do her business. Now she'll do business and then wants to rush back into the house.

    :) It wasn't raining too much this morning but it was too much for Sasha and after only about 30 minutes she insisted on coming home. My friend walked with me for a few minutes, then she went home, and I continued by myself.

    :) Jake is very nervous about the election. I am ignoring it as much as possible. There won't be real results for awhile.

    <3 Barbie