Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz ~ If you need something to help you get to sleep the latest Downton series is the answer! The writers have run out of steam and this last series was just plain silly and predictable so save your money. I gave up having fallen asleep during each of the first few episodes! Another Christmas special is planned but I imagine that might be the last.... if they have any sense!! Delighted to read your neck pain is beginning to ease. <3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Becky good to hear from you. Your husband doing fine? Be back later Jerry is ready to go to the store Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    We made it to the store and when we got home
    Some Man was in our yard picking up our pecans. We ran him off Jerry got most of them pick up now. Now it is up to me to shelled them. Think I will work on some tonight.

    Bruce came by and try to fixed my computer I lost my favorite and he did not know how to recovery them another to do list for Alice.. They are leaving in the morning. to go deep sea fishing. and it is cold. They talk to the guide today an he told them to come on down. .Bruce wife Sallie is flying in to Houston and they will pick her up at the Airport in Houston. And Bruce and Sally will stop back by Friday afternoon. My brother Mike and his wife are going too.

    Well it is cold in this north part of the house thing I will o join the family room.
    Warmer back there.


    Buzz I am 84 now
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Please pray for my granddaughter. She was hit in the head yesterday during a soccer game and has a concussion. She is the goalie and is being looked at for the 2016 Olympics.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    It is going to be getting very cold here tonight. I hope that I can stay warm. I am sleeping on a cot with a comforter over me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-bounce008.gif Yes, Jake is home. He got an early flight on Monday so he got to the place I had to pick him up before I got there. It is great having him home and we've been busy and enjoying being together.

    :o It was so cold today that I spent time today on the internet looking for another super warm coat that I can wear in the rain. I found a good one at a good price and it will be here next week.

    smiley-love014.gif Barbie


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Swissmiss wrote: »
    It is going to be getting very cold here tonight. I hope that I can stay warm. I am sleeping on a cot with a comforter over me.

    Becky - I hope you are all right. You have me worried now. Stay warm, stay safe and prayers that your granddaughter heals quickly.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2014
    Welcome back, Becky, and we hope you and your GD are BOTH alright!
    Safe trip PHOEBE. We always miss you!
    Great news, SANDY. Having survived surgery etc., recently, don't start pushing yourself, either! Seems to me you are at everyone's beck and call!
    JACKIE, how disappointing about DA! It had become my favorite program! Thanks for saving me the money!!!
    MARIE, you still have some catching up to do! I guess that's why you are my adopted "baby sister" ;) ...
    Good luck, SHIRLEY. You always win!
    LIN, I must have missed your post about new classes. Kindly refresh my fading memory?
    BARBIE, yeah...or is it yay! You are together again!

    Our Veteran's Day celebration was incredible; we had a color honor guard from a nearby Marine ROTC, and they presented the flag. We had a Wounded Warrior from a group that teaches other wounded Vets to fish, hunt, and do all types of special sports despite their handicaps. We had a magnificent PowerPoint presentation of the HonorFlight Mike was on, and his Guardian from that flight was here on invitation. He explained about Honor Flights, and how all Veterans from WW2 and Korea were being sought for this free honor trip to Washington DC. Do look for their websites at www. for an application for YOUR dear veterans. The most moving part was the PowerPoint presentation of pictures of every Vet living here, as they looked during their service days.
    That was followed by pictures of their progeny who are now either serving or MIA...or KIA!
    Followed by TAPS, which always brings tears to my eyes!
    Followed by a magnificent appetizer party in our lovely main lobby, and then Birthday Dinner, for which Dave, Mike's guardian. remained to join our table. Lovely Day, but exhausting. Everyone said it was the best celebration of Veteran's Day ever given here!
    Now, on the verge of collapse, I will waken Mike for that wonderful massage on my neck suggested by SHIRLEY ! Hope he doesn't mind! :p Goodnight all...
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    BUZZ - I am just taking a few craft classes--knitting and crochet. I can see it would be fun to hangout with those ladies at the yarn store. I am hoping to get my hands working better with these different types of movement. Just need to do a little each day and not get obsessed into hours and hours of it. That wouldn't help. And I'm not sure it will help at all but is worth a try.

    Busy doing errands already. Went to Trader Joe's, picked up a big free coffee at Starbuck's and put some $$ on my card, went to the floral department at a local grocery store and picked out a balloon to take to my dad tomorrow. Put my groceries away, will try to call my dad and then off to meet a friend. We're going to a store's annual open house but mostly she wants to talk---just heard her DH is losing his job as of this Friday. Then stopping to get a refund on an overcharge at Michael's (I hope).

    Off to see my dad tomorrow. Hope the roads aren't slick. I think they got more snow than was recorded around here.

    Hugs to all. Look forward to hearing from you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Becky sorry to hear about your granddaughter and how come you are sleeping on a cot ? Are you at the hospital. I am sending a prayer to you. Take care. Sweetheart

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had some reading to do tis morning to catch up from yesterday yes Buzz you are older than me. But you are still a bright young chicken. I woke up with a real bad back pain. It is loosing up some now Jerry is during my washing this morning. For I could not carry them into the wash room.

    My son & Brother their wives are still going deep sea fishing. On their way. now. They will be back Friday and head home. Hope it don't get to cold for them. We got lots of pecan s off of our tree . We don't get them every year But this has been a good year.

    I think They got my kindel all set up Got the book back on the list Between Alice and Bruce. I don't know why they had such a dumb Momma. Kathy is like me. she does not know beans about computers Bruce could not get my favorites back on so Alice will have that job. I can click on home and it will take me to the sneakers and the rest I have to search for them.. Better take me some Tylenol for my back.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :D Chilly outside but I got to sleep in a little later this morning. Bryanna took this morning off and spent the night at her girlfriends last night. I drove her there and picked her up by 10:00 to bring her home and then picked her up again at 2:15 to drive her to work. Will pick her up after work and then go get her friend from work so they can spend some time at my house together until I drive her friend home and then her. Whew!! I never drove so much in my life I don't think. Thank goodness today is the last day and she is able to drive again tomorrow. I think I might sleep in a little tomorrow just because.

    Marie, sorry your back is hurting you, I hope you feel better soon. <3

    Lin, you have something to do everyday, you are a busy beaver. <3

    Buzz, it is my nature to take care of everyone, but as long as I don't feel like I am being taken advantaged of, I am fine with it. I will get back to you on the sitting, 5 days seems like a long time and the days are long starting at 6 and ending at 4 or later. B)

    Becky, I am so sorry about your granddaughter, I hope she mends quickly with a full recovery. She must be an exceptional player to be looked at for the 2016 Olympics. And I too, wonder about sleeping on a cot, unless you are with her in the hospital. If so ask for more blankets maybe some heated ones. <3

    Barbie, yipee, Jake is home, you love birds are back together. <3

    It is almost time for dinner, where did this day go??

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well nothing like good news to fill your day. My daughter had her ultrasound today to see the baby's sex and she will be having a BOY !! She is so excited as all the rest of the family. <3<3<3

    LIN - Safe travels to see your Dad. Did you get the snow they were predicting? I heard the Midwest got a lot and now the northern part of Michigan is getting it. I wish we had some knitting classes here in my town I would love to learn. My MIL is knitting an afghan for her great granddaughter and she thinks that is the hardest one she has ever done. When I go to see her on my weekly visits I get to see how far she has gotten. She is really good at the age of 88. :D

    BUZZ - Your veterans celebration sounds wonderful. You both must be proud and Mike proud to have served. I am a little disappointed in Jackie' opinion of Downtown Abbey the next season. That is one of my favorites to watch. I guess I will have to see for myself.

    SANDY - Good thing the suspension is over Thursday, but sorry you still have to get up early. :s

    BECKY - So glad to see you here, we missed you. You sound very busy with school and work. Check in when you can we would love to hear from you.

    PHOEBE - I see you are back on the road again, safe travels and I enjoyed your long stay with us.

    MARIE - I see you are having computer problems again. I hope Alice can come to the rescue. :)

    Ontario, Canada
    35F and cold and windy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Shirley I fix it myself. Just kept punching buttons and got lucky hit the right one. It is cold here in Central Texas But the house is nice and warm.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, all's well except I have to pick up the mess here as my cleaning help will be here in the morning. She's a dear, born in Massachusetts, so I feel we understand each other. No better or worse than others I've had, but just knowing she's coming disciplines ME to do certain tasks I might otherwise let slide by. Housekeeping has certainly changed now that so many new devices have been invented, like Swiffers etcetera! Papers pile up, and I must admit I have become addicted to Sudoku, and get quite smug about completing the daily one in our newspaper, until the next time I really goof and can't figure out how to save it! It's fun when it goes well. What I'm finally learning is the preparation beforehand is the key to figuring it out, but I'm only on moderately hard ones in my book. In the newspaper, I do the very difficult ones fine, but have problems with the easy category (Monday thru Wednesday). Crazy!
    Must make a couple of birthday cards now for 2 gals who's names were missing from our list for November! Besides the cards, I love to design perky envelopes, too, but it's something I need time for! So I'll see you all tomorrow! I hope at least the snow stops for all my Northern friends! BRRRrrrrrrrrr!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :D We had a good visit this afternoon with the insurance agent who has helped us with our Medicare related insurance. We are so lucky to have him. I changed my plan and Jake changed his prescription plan. I think I'm pretty bright, but all that insurance stuff confuses me.

    (*) it was close to freezing a lot of the day and very windy, so I've added extra layers to what I promises to be even colder the rest of the week

    :o Sandy, you should get the "Grandma of the Month" award for all you've done for Bryanna and all you'll be doing for Robby

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    yes indeed it is old down here in the south too. Think it is oatmeal time

    Hugs Marie.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Cold here too
    but *not* in the nursing home. Puff, puff, puff!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Home again. Tired and wow is it cold out there. Light snow pretty much all the way home. Where you guys at?

    Talk to someone tomorrow I guess.

