Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member

    So sorry Phoebe, but Macho is out of pain and waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    I just now notice we cannot post a comment on the posting just have to reply and start a new post Or it might have always been like that. memories are leaving me.
    Sandy love the little bow tie.

    phoebe sorry about macho

    Barbie I enjoy talking to you too. But miss Jake Singing. You are a good singer. not me. I want even try to sing in Church.

    gayla Good to hear from you on Facebook. for my birthday.

    Hugs Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited November 2014


    Oh Phoebe, I am so sorry about Macho............

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    To all the dear Sneakers.........


  • Sandy what a great photo! They do a good job. Wont be long before someone adds a little box with a cute message. It looks like he's speaking to the camera.

    thanks, im fine. Im getting used to it. Love em while you've got them.

    Having one of my achy days, gonna take a rest.

    Have a great weekend

  • P.S. Marie, it was always that way on MFP. Facebook works the way you described
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oh thanks Phoebe. When do you think you will leave out.

    Here is a funny. Jerry and Sammie was going to Walmart to get me some flowers but he thought of something he had to get me some flowers and left Sammie And Sammy lock the doors and Jerry left the keys in the car. so had to come back in and get mine to get in. and this is not the first time Sammie Done that. He was at the car wash with Sammy and he lock him out had to walk home and get my keys. to get into his suv.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    To all the dear Sneakers.........



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I just now notice we cannot post a comment on the posting just have to reply and start a new post Or it might have always been like that. memories are leaving me.

    Hugs Marie

    You can't post a comment like on Facebook, but you can click "Quote" on the bottom of someone's post, then delete the parts you don't want to comment on, and then reply to the part that's left

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member

    Phoebe, I'm so sorry to hear about Macho...sending hugs to you
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I think all you have to do is click on MfP and not post anything it counts. will check that out in the morning really not sure about that tho.
    ...............................I did check it out this morning it was 2168 last night and before I post anything it jump up to 2169 without posting. no big deal just curious I am not losing any weights but my blood sugar and blood pressure are great.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Sunday! :D Just got back from 12:15 Mass and getting ready for a video call with my kids. I am a little down today, not sure why unless I am fighting getting sick. I had a scratchy throat last night but it seems better today. I am just going to stay home today and drink some hot tea. Tomorrow I start waking at 5:30 a.m. to drive Bryanna back and forth to work. I will do this until Friday when her suspension if lifted. Good practice for sitting for Robby but I will admit I don't like getting up early. B)

    Have a great day everyone and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandy, Im sorry you're feeling low. It happens to all of us. Im missing Macho, but it will pass. He would tap me on my head in the morning, lol, funny that i miss That!
    I went to put our stuff in the truck, but the truck wasn't there. Jim told me to call first, but stubborn me, I didn't. Nice drive anyway! ;) heading to the store, again,to get what i forgot yesterday

    A sunny day around 60.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Sneakers,

    It has been a difficult two weeks but now my friend Elli has been put to rest and we let white balloons go at the grave site. It was so emotional at the funeral and we were invited back to her sister's house for something to eat, just the family. They had a lovely buffet for the rest of the people at the funeral home after the service. My MIL and Kristina came to the funeral to support the family. Dave did the Eulogy and did a great job.

    I have been going to Yoga classes the last two days with my daughter Kristina, the yoga
    instructor, and it was just what I needed. Trying to rid my body of the sadness that has looming for weeks now. She also paid for 20 more classes for me as my Christmas gift.
    She is so sweet to do that. <3 Now I can go more than once a week. :D

    Well next week I will be back to focusing on weight loss and my goal will be Christmas to at least get off what I have gained these last two weeks on eating comfort food to soothe my emotions.

    SANDY - I guess I missed that Bryanna had almost lost her license. You will be busy taking her to work and babysitting. Take care of yourself in the process. I hope you are not coming down with cold. Such a cute picture of Robby. I am glad Buzz if okay she has a lot going on right now.

    PHOEBE - I am sorry about Macho, its so hard to loose an animal they are always like a family member. :(

    MARIE - I hope you had a great birthday!

    LIN - I love that quote you posted to all of us. It certainly hit every segment of life.

    BARBIE - You are keeping busy and that is good, you must miss Jake.

    Hello to all the other Sneakers. I hope your day is going like you want.

    Ontario, Canada
    44F cloudy and some rain
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello Sneakers - the day has once again gotten away from me. I went to Walmart and Trader Joe's this morning. Dropped things off and then off to church. Then to Michael's craft store and home to frame two pictures I plan to take to my dad's nursing home room (they are to hang them for me). Cut up lots of veggies for out the reflector stakes to go in along the driveway so I (and the guy who removes the snow) know exactly where the sidewalk and driveway boundaries are. He showed up this afternoon and put the stakes in where he wants them (better than me guessing). I sorted through a few things and have been enjoying the afternoon of the Waltons......I know I have the DVDs but I liked listening to Richard Thomas' comments and now the special movie. Finished reading a book. Practiced long tail casting on----have my first knitting class on Tuesday. Talked to my dad to the best of my ability. We are having 15 to 20 minute calls where he may say something, or be very distressed, or just breathes at me..........never know.

    Hugs to my friends.............wishing you well. And I wish we all have many blessings and happiness!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    2157045gp85zev8ri.gif 1433479le3q4a7az6.gif 2333672elrbd0zge7.gif

    busy day today....Jake comes home tomorrow
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited November 2014
    Lin, I hope this year you have better service from your 'snow man'. You are always busy, will your vegetables be raw or is this the weeks worth? Quiet or not, glad your dad is 'communicating ' with you.

    Shirley, I imagine yoga is a great way to get rid of some of your anxiety from the last few months. Its good that you have had some experience with yoga. The white balloons would have me crying.

    Barbie, I love your legend!

    Found out the truck got back about 15 minutes after I left , aint that just the way of things! Im expecting the phone to ring early.

    have a safe week,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2014
    DEAR "SIS" (MARIE <3 )!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi y'all, and this will have to be short as I have the Mother of all neck sprains or neck pains, or whatever it is that stops you from moving or turning your neck. Can't even bend it! Try swallowing 6 pills without bending your head back! :'( !!!
    I read the past 2 days posts, and commiserate with PHOEBE (sorry about poor kitty, but you gave it so much pleasure!), SHIRLEY ( now Elli has no pain!), and SANDY ( like all sweet grandmoms, enablement comes with the territory until we see the results!). And O my, little Robby is a real doll! LIN, dahlín', yours is not an easy road for awhile, but there must be rewards for daughters like you! Meanwhile, even if I don't appear, my thoughts are with you! BARBIE, your cute graphics exhaust me, even though I'm not doing their exercises alongside them! How delightful of you, PHOEBE and LIN to help MARIE celebrate her birthday in style! JERI, dear, I recall yours was a short post, but I'm always happy to read from you! Stay well, please. JACKIE, 2 posts in one day! How nice to have lovely weather at this time of year. PHYLLIS, such talent you display! Lovely.
    I must get back to icing my back skull/neck, unless someone has better suggestions. For 2 nights, I used Salonpass patches, but they hurt when they rip out the hairs on my rear neckline! I took an Aleve and I'll crawl into bed as soon as I log off.
    Has anyone seen posts from GAYLA? Hope all is going well with her!
    The weather today, Sunday, has been rainy, and everyone is complaining about arthritis aches and pains, but I will try not to say a word about suffering o:) ! Does anyone else miss the old list of emoticons with greater choices? I wanted my little yawning friend...
    And, yes, PHOEBE is correct about my quick fix posts on the remarks page, or "home" page or whatever that is, as only a sentence or 2 is necessary! And I can catch up on everyone else's progress without divulging my lack of same :'(
    <3 Buzz
    PS, can someone give me a quick reminder on the way to copy the glitter-graphics? I vaguely remembered most tonight, but see the [img][/img]