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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sitting on the boat having coffee and the weather is picture perfect. We will take a nice walk later and bike to
    dinner tonight at a micor brewery we have never been before. Hardly anyone here at our port, most people here waiting to haul out their boats for the winter.

    Marla - Swelling? Did I miss something.

    Leaving tomorrow for home.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    from where I sunburned - I am swollen like one of those 'plumper' hot dogs - it's awful

    enjoy your sail S!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Wow, you must have gotten a second degree burn. We did enjoy our sail over but it was rough coming back.
    Lots of waves and I fell off my seat leaning over and a wave came and I landed on the cockpit floor. :o
    I am okay but a little sore.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Computer keeps crashing!

    My week has been work, sleep (very little) and cross-stitch..but ITS DONE!!! FINALLY!!! The below project is finally done. :)


    Now to get a good night's sleep tonight!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Sorry I haven't checked in. Very busy week with something every evening and very tired. I have so much paperwork at my job right now and it is so stressful. I brought home a ton of files but didn't feel well today so I soaked in the tub and napped. I tend to get sick when I get run down. Way to add more stress by not doing the paper work. Tomorrow...

    Marla- that must have been a bad burn. Did you get it from sitting at a football game? You sound frustrated with the coaching. I totally get it! How is Zach liking high school football?

    Shirley- Are you bruised from your fall? Ouch! It sounds like you banged around a little bit. Glad you had a nice sail. When do you put your boat away?

    Ang- Beautiful cross stitch! Is it a gift for someone? I can't remember but know you've mentioned working on it. Are you and Joseph still dating? I hope your humidity is decreasing.

    Our weather was humid this past week but this week looks like it will be in the 60's and cooler. Yay!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Humidity is definitely gone. Fall has arrived. Friday it was 4 degrees above freezing when I left for work. (it warmed up to 18 later in the day) Brrrr. (As the saying goes the brr months have arrived September, October, November, December) It was my reveal gift to my secret sis. She loved it! Joseph and I are still dating. I've been busying so we haven't talked much since he was down for the long weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    The stress of paperwork hanging over my head is making me feel tired. I slept in while Russ got up with the pets. Lazy morning and then took the dogs to the dog park to run. They were lazy too. I organized some work papers and have been working on paperwork this evening. It will be another busy week and then I have two weeks off. I hope I get everything done that needs to meet a deadline.

    Our weather will be in the 60's this week. Woo Hoo! I love fall weather when it is not hot. The trees are changing so slowly here in Minneapolis that I wonder if we will see much color before they fall off the trees. I'm looking forward to our trip to Door County, WI. It will be beautiful there at that time.

    My cat hasn't eaten all day. He has slept and kept to himself. He didn't want my attention so I guess he is feeling ill too. Russ has mentioned it a few times. I said, "maybe you care about him more than you let on?".

    My knees are getting worse so I really need to make an appointment with a doctor to set a plan of action on how to deal with this pain. I will call my insurance company tomorrow to see if I can go to a rheumatologist without a referral from my primary.

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    beautiful work Ang

    Jenny - I'm sorry to hear you are so stressed - hope this 'season' passes quickly
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello friends,

    We spent two days at the boat, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was very cold, I kept puttting on layers. Sunday it was warm
    again and we took a long bike ride 9 miles and it was up and down and you had to keep changing gears. Our trail is pretty
    flat around here so not so much changing of gears. We didn't stay for dinner and I took home some bedding to wash again.
    We have a party at our club on Oct 17th and then we can haul the boat out of the water. It has to be all packed up for
    the winter on the inside as yet.

    Dave was supposed to go sailing today with his nephew and his buddy Rob. Rob was thinking about buying a boat so he
    wanted to get out there and checked it out. Unfortunately, Rob got sick last night and he had to cancel. It did rain today
    a light rain but it is still warm out. So now they we have to reschedule but sooner rather than later.

    I made yoga class this morning and doing laundry too. We did go to the auction house to see if they had a playpen and
    a high chair to keep here at our house but there was nothing. We have seen some on line that people are selling so
    I think we will go that route and make some calls.

    I hope you all saw the blood moon last night it was incredible. Not another one for 18 more years.

    Auntie Kristina got to babysit Isaac last night. All went well until the landlady came upstairs to bring her
    package so the guy wouldn't ring the bell in case he was sleeping. Isaac wailed at the landlady. When
    she left he was fine again. He's starting to cry when he sees strangers and he's tired. She said after that
    he was fine and slept for her.

    Ang - Lovely cross stitch picture. Glad to hear you are still dating even though you are so busy with work.

    Jenny - I hope you can get into to see the specialist about your knees. You will be happy to get your 2 weeks off again.
    Do you have any plans?

    Marla - Any improvement on the football field?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    love the pics Shirley

    Jenny - hope you are smoothing out - and getting some appointments to help with your knees

    Ang - go race girl!

    me so busy!

    It's homecoming week and last night Zach decides to ask a girl to go with him. Great - now (if she agrees) the flower drama - and no he didn't do a big proposal as is the thing right now - I think that's why he was putting it off - who knows - was kind of hoping he would just go with a group of friends - seems like that would be less drama - hope it works out like he wants! Soccer for Caleb away tonight - I'm driving - Bernie is staying home to run Zach - woot
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - I see Bernie is helping out, Yay! Let us know how homecoming went and the girl. ;)

    Raining all day here and humidity is up, not a happy camper. I like it cool and it will get there
    by tomorrow. I did Leslie Sasone dvd indoors today. I went to the health food store for
    some Aloe Vera juice and liquid Steevia to make a detox drink. I hope it helps me to start
    getting some weight off. I have been doing terrible lately. I have been on South Beach for 2
    weeks now and will continue.

    Choir practice tonight and a social after that. Great, more food!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I actually had enough brain power to make a to do list at work. I'm checking things off this week. I have a paperwork today tomorrow which is badly needed. Hope to make a dent in the list. I'm not taking it home tonight. I need a break.

    It is a lovely fall season and I'm glad you get to sail into October Shirley.

    We will go to Door County, WI from 10/12-10/15 for a get away. It should be beautiful there with fall colors.

    Next week I have a chiro appointment and haircut and color. I should make an acupuncture appointment and get back into it. We'll see. I don't want to fill up all my days with something I have to attend.

    Time to leave work and I'm not taking my laptop home. I just want to relax.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Everyone must be busy. I hope you are having a good week.
    Busy doing paperwork, what else?
    Counting the hours and minutes until the two week break from work.
    Hope you are all well!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    good luck on your appointments Jenny

    just trying to knuckle through the week

    Zach did end up with a date - I ordered a flower yesterday - football tonight - pleasepleaseplease let it go better than it has pleasepleaseplease
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - Saw some of your comments on FB about football. I hope they are doing better. :)

    Jenny - Sounds like a countdown on vacation. I am sure you will enjoy it!!

    Yesterday was lunch with my sister and her boyfriend Joe yesterday and Dave came along too.
    She bought a new/used Camaro and its the perfect size car for her and Joe helped her pick it out. He is a sensible guy and liking him every time I see him. I see a big difference in my sister lately and she looked really
    rested and happy. I hope this continues for her.

    Today was Yoga in the morning and Joyce put us in some different positions with props. Always a
    challenge and never boring. After that I got my coffee and a bagel and then went home to get
    to the boat and and pack this up for the haul out. We still have to bring the cushions home
    but Dave said he would do that. We are supposed to get rain tomorrow Sunday and Monday.
    What a change in the weather and high winds today. Had a time staying on the dock with the
    winds today.

    Tonight we will be taking my MIL for dinner.

    Have a good evening.

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Hey, everybody! Just did a quick scan of your comments. Love reading about everyone's busy and fun lives!! It's a normal and crazy busy world for me and mine. Just want to post something oldest turns 18 Sunday -- YIKES!! :# I'm taking him skydiving. He doesn't know it. The plan is to wake him up early Sunday morning, tell him to get dressed so that we can go get his birthday gift. In the car I'll have a CD I made for him to unwrap. I put all sorts of "flying" songs on it- I Believe I Can Fly, Live Like You Were Dying, Spirit in the Sky, Come Fly With Me, Wheel in the Sky, and a lot of others. We'll listen to it for for the the two hour drive and see how long it takes him to figure it out. I'm so stinking excited!! I will definitely post pictures on FB.

    I've managed to watch my weight and lose here and there for 10 months. Feels great to be consistent. Fingers crossed it sticks.

    Have a great weekend. Send a prayer for our safe flight, jump, and landing!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi ladies. I've been battling a cold all week so I haven't done to much. I'm feeling better tonight, just tired from my long day. The cold has gone to my voice so I'm starting to loose it. One little boy tonight told me I sounded weird. Thanks a lot! :p. Tomorrow Im going to see John Stanton (Running Room) for a free talk on running. I'm excites. Looking for tips on running in winter and preparing for my first half marathon
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi L! 18, big milestone age! Made me feel old when my boys turned 18, graduated and went off to college. Tears! Congrats on losing some weight. You are a brave woman to jump out of a plane with your son! Looking forward to the pictures.

    Ang- sorry you are feeling poorly. Seems like everyone gets fall colds. Good for you to want to run during your winter. Brrr!

    Shirley- taking the boat out? Love your photo of Isaac on your profile pic.

    Marla- How did football go? Getting colder now. Winter coats out yet for the games?

    All the kids are home so we are having a family dinner tonight at home. Girlfriends too! It will be nice to have everyone around the table. Two weeks off ahead of me, yay! I still have one education plan to write and mail off to a parent. I'll do it on Monday. May take everyone to farmer's market in the morning. Love the squash and eggplant that's available.

    Have a nice evening!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Its my rest day day so no exercise. I started out ironing and finished that then shower and grocery shopping.
    After that I went to Marks Work Warehouse and got a couple of tops for Fall. After changing my clothes around
    I realize I needed a couple of tops for Fall. After getting home I made sauerkraut, sausage and carrots in the crock
    pot for dinner that is cooking now. I stripped our sheets and washed them and still have to make the bed.
    So that was my day and the weather here is much warmer and nice today. We still haven't turned on the furnace yet.
    We are using the oven upstairs and heater downstairs to take the chill off.

    Have a great Sunday.